I know, the title of the post sounds like something you would find in the “personals” section of Craigslist but keep an open mind for a moment. I think it is safe to assume that many of us enjoy truck related television programing and I think we can all agree we need more quality shows relating to the industry. With reality TV still being the hottest thing on the screen cable networks continue to scour the working world for the next hit. Will it be a series following moose poop collectors in the frozen north? Or maybe the zany exploits of a tuxedo wearing garbage man? Right now the sights are set on trucking couples. Check out this casting note I received the other day. Click to enlarge.
Interested? Send an email to TruckerCouplesCasting@gmail.com Don’t delay! Entries must be submitted by January 15th!
No matter what comes of this it will be better than another spin off Storage Wars!
I happen to enjoy shipping wars!
Also, as far as tuxedo wearing trash men…it’s close…