Over the past few years on this we’ve seen a few trucks pulled from the former collection of Bill Craib. I never shared much of what was on the property out of respect for Bill’s family and their desire to protect what was left from scraper and vandals. I never knew Bill or saw these trucks in their prime but there more than a few lookers. I don’t think there was a single vehicle on the property that I wouldn’t have bought three times over if I had the money. After Bill’s passing his daughter attempted to sell as much as she could to good homes while providing a living for his wife. More than a few trucks and other pieces of heavy equipment were saved. Eventually the time came to clear the property entirely and the remaining trucks were junked. I know some will watch these videos and wonder why these fine machines were left to rot. Why were they not saved? Personally I think they were saved in one form or another. I don’t know the condition of the trucks when Bill bought them but I’m willing to bet they were not museum quality pieces. Most were well worked when he got them and continued to work for Bill for many years. They fact that most were not junked over 30 years ago is a amazing. Plenty of people including myself were able to visit and take pictures and videos over the years. Even more people were able to save trucks, dozers, and cranes either entirely or through hard to find parts. Nothing lasts forever especially heavy metal in the northeast.