I dabble with refuse truck photos once and while around here but I’m far from an expert when it comes to the history of the industry and the equipment. That is where Zachary at Refuse Truck Photography comes in. I’m sure you’ll want to see more great photos like the one below in which a White 3000 with front and roll off body are put through the paces. If you’re a fan a refuse trucks or just trucks in general be sure to stop by and check out the offerings. There are hundreds of photos with many containing detailed specs of trucks and their collection equipment. This particular photo comes from the Bowles gallery of the Builder Archives, a great section of the website that chronicles some of the biggest names in the waste game from Southern California and beyond.
Check it out today. You’ll be glad that you did. refusetruckphotography.com
I frequent this site… http://www.classicrefusetrucks.com/index.html