Naked plow truck season is fully upon us now but it looks like there is at least one prude in the crowd, this Western Star 4900 for the Town of Frankfort.
This one has been sitting at Tracey’s Road Equipment for a few weeks. So many weeks in fact that I was able to grab different shots of it over multiple visits. Another interesting truck of note is this Mack CH of the Fred Burrow’s fleet. It’s not often in NYS you a private contractor with a setup like this as the numerous layers of government have exclusive plowing power. A truck like this would be a more common site in Massachusetts were contractors play a major role in snow removal.
In the gallery below are some new trucks if you don’t happen to be a visitor to my flickr account. In order of appearance we have a City of Syracuse International 7600, an International 4800 for the Village of East Syracuse, and an International 2674 for the Town of Camillus.