To say there are untold treasurers on the sprawling property of *redacted* is the understatement of the century. As you witnessed in the video from the other day the trucks and heavy equipment span the decades from late 40’s to our contemporary times including nameplates like Diamond-T, Brockway, Autocar, International and even a World II era Pacific Tank Car and Foundry “dragon wagon”. On the heavy equipment side of things there were Euclids, Cats, and and even a KW Dart. Mixed in among all these wonders were decades of parts and pieces used in the daily operation of a sand and gravel operation.
A rare SBA axle Diamond Reo Raider.
The KW Dart poses dramatically in front of a home built screening plant.
Seemingly with each turn another discovery was made. Almost immediately we wondered why didn’t make this pit the first and only stop of the day. Enough thanks can not be said to the owners that were gracious enough to let us have free reign of the property and even showed a few items tucked away in buildings for off the beaten path. It was a day that will live in our memories for decades to come
WOW. Just wow….
I figured out where you were.