After years of false starts and last minute poor planning that failed I finally made it to the annual Uncle Sam chapter show of the ATCA. While waiting to enter the parking lot behind a Oshkosh HEMTT I could only wonder why I had waited so long to attend this show.
This club is home to notable Brockway collectors Clarence Ritchie and Andy Hill and for obvious reasons is considered the primer to the National Brockway Show in Cortland, NY. I believe no less than 20 Brockways were on the show grounds. Thanks to the hard work of Clarence and his friends the complete lineup of 700 series trucks were present. It is believed to be the first collection of its kind ever assembled in one location and owned by the same individual. Models from left to right 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 776.
Just a few weeks prior to the show Andy was reunited with a truck originally owned new by his grandfather. Years of searching, following leads, and keeping tabs on the truck by Andy and his friends eventually came to fruition when the truck returned home. This 361 is powered by a 6-71 Detroit connected to a 20 speed gearbox. Check out the ATCA Uncle Sam chapter Facebook page for the complete details of the journey home.
If you’re in the area next year and looking for a truck show I highly recommend stopping by the Washington County Fairgrounds and spending the day with the great people and trucks of the ATCA Uncle Sam Chapter.
Are you ready for a mega gallery of show photos?