Can you believe the Cat 994 wheel loader is 25 years old? Where has the time gone! Nah, I’m just kidding. I never really thought too much about the age of the 994. I suppose I thought it always existed since the dawn of man. Cat helps to set the record straight and educate fools such as myself with a retrospective of the 994 that highlights some of the more impressive features of this mighty machine.
So why the look back? Well, sometimes you have to look back to see how far you’ve come and where you’re going. In this case, the road is leading to the 994K. The latest and greatest incarnation of the world renowned mega loader that will be available in 2016.
Considering that year 2015 just kicked off I’m sure more than a few of you are squirming in your seats waiting to see the 994K in action. Maybe you were one of the lucky few who were invented to attend the unveiling of the new generation but if you weren’t don’t worry as the entire event was video taped. The revolution will be televised. All 17 minutes of it.