From time to time I come across construction sites full of heavy equipment and other neat things that I chronicle on this web page. Not being part of the construction industry I usually take an educated guess to what is happening. I usually never get a chance to confirm my theories or prove my ignorance but recently two stories from months ago came to a conclusion. Click the links below to visit the updated posts.
Death of a Street -I followed this job for a large part of early summer. You may remember at one point Erie Blvd completely disappeared and was replaced by a massive trench. While we all enjoyed the work above ground what could not be seen was the restoration of 107 year old stone tunnels literately holding the surrounding area up.
On the Job – Terex HC165 – I’m slightly upset that I missed the update on this one as the final work took place just a few weeks ago on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Work on the 89 year old standpipe reached an end with the installation of an 11 ton roof. was on the scene for the final lift and has a great video of the action.