I really like the look of the International 2674. I know compared to modern rigs like the new Western Stars and Freightliners running around this truck is ancient technology but I just can’t get enough of them. If I was driving one for a daily living I may feel different but I’m not so my mind is made up. Yesterday I came across truck 136 of the Onondaga County DOT as it patrolled its assigned route.
Lovely. Most of the OCDOT trucks I spy come from the North Area Maintenance Facility which is home to a diverse group (click here) of trucks. At least four International 2674’s are based out of this garage with truck 136, truck 124, truck 191 and truck 57. Sources in the know with more experience than myself have pegged a few these trucks around the 2001 vintage. If accurate (they are) I have to think these trucks are quickly moving up the replacement list. The old saying stands true; Catch them while you can!
Also in the gallery is Truck 187, a International WorkStar. We’ve seen this one before, click here.
You know I always love the Onondaga County shots. For reference, 191 is definitely a 2001 as you mentioned. The single axle No. 57 is a 1999, Nos. 124 & 136 are both 2002’s and No. 187 Workstar is a 2012.
Thanks for sharing!