This old Western Star and your favorite truck website have alot in common. They both are not being used to their full potential.
But hope spring eternal. Lord knows I have plenty of cool rigs to share with you all but I just can’t seem to find the time. BUT… I’m going to keep on trying if you’ll keep on visiting. Truck show season is just around the corner!
You bet I’ll keep visiting, I check your site every day.
Thank you for all you do Eric!
Thanks friend.
Don’t I remember that you folks received a young’un a while back?
They do that. But just wait until you can drag them to truck shows! More fun!!
By the time he was 3-1/2 my grandson could name almost every truck at Macungie.
That is true! He will be six months on Saturday. Free time doesn’t exist anymore. You’re grandson sounds like a sharp kid!
Of course we will be visiting. I having been build model trucks for nearly forty years now and drove for about half that so I am always looking for material for my hobby. Of course it is nice to reminisce along the way !
I try to get to your site a few times a week if not daily. Keep up the good work and wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving !!
Keep on truckin, -Doug T