I have a Magic 8 Ball on my desk at work. I use it to make all my critical decision. Should I have chili for lunch? Should a take a nap in the conference room? The majority of the time the 8 Ball is worthless, responding with insights like “outlook unclear” or “ask again later.” There must be a better way! When it comes to trucking for the new year of 2013 the editors at TruckingInfo.com have attempted to take the guess work out of a new year. Using their industry connections they have boiled down the new trends and equipment that could possibly change the scene for the coming year. Some highlights include…
- Natural Gas Engines Gaining market share
- The rise of the 6×2 axle configuration?
- Automatic Transmissions continue to gain market share
- New models and engines options from nearly every major manufacturer
You can check out the full TruckingInfo article by clicking here. It’s well researched, well informed and well worth the read.