As you probably know by now the east coast of the United States just had experienced a wonderful two day winter storm by the name of Stella. There have been more than enough jokes on the internet about this one so I’ll leave them out of this post. I’ve been itching for a true blizzard for sometime now and this one came close, dumping two or three around CNY and the surrounding area. That is plenty of snow but it fell over a two day period and for the most part the world kept turning. A true blizzard has to hit in eight hours or less in my honest opinion.
Below, a village of Manlius International 2574. Out of habit I now eyeball the door sills and rocker panels of these trucks to gauge how much longer they will be around. The less rust the better. This one was pristine on both sides of the cab so if the frame holds up I suspect this truck will be around for a few more years.
Down the road, an Onondaga County DOT International Workstar.
And across town a NYSDOT Mack Granite take a well deserved break.
In the gallery below, more Village of Manlius DPW trucks (red), a Town of Manlius Western Star (green) and more NYSDOT and OCDOT shots.