Another reality TV show based around the trucking industry is set to premier on the Discovery Channel this Monday at 10PM EST. According to the Discovery website..
From transporting cattle through the desolate, sun baked roads of the Australian Outback to carrying fragile loads through the icy, treacherous Indian Himalayas, eight of the world’s most experienced truck drivers go head to head in some of the harshest environments on earth.
Hmmmm, sounds familiar *cough* Ice Road Truckers *cough* but any TV show based around trucks I am willing to give a shot. However, the folks over at Commercial Motor have a greatly different impression after viewing the first episode.
“I never thought any programme could make Ice Road Truckers look authentic, but that’s what World’s Toughest Trucker – Episode One- has done.
Ouch. Click here to read the full review.
Based on the clip below will you give this show a chance?
How do u find ur divers 4 the shows here is my number if u want some more divers I don’t. Where u find them but here is my number 302 228 6281 if u really want a dam good diver since my son was killed that all he wanted 2 do iss 2 b on the rig with me is hard 2 talk about I’m sorry I know u all have thing 2 do but when my son was killed by a D U I asshole I don’t know what 2 do with my self but 2 drive u know but if u need a driver u have my number gary