Back in the frozen month of February we learned of a new book series chronicling the prestigious history of the Northwest Engineering Company. As you should know, Volume I is already in print and ready for purchase. It will also be available at this year’s Antique Historical Construction Equipment Association national meet in Canandiagua, NY. By now you are probably hooked on the book and craving more Northwest goodness that only authors Matt E. Folsom and Mario J. Torres can deliver. Good news is in the wind as I have learned Volume II and III are well underway.
Volume II is currently targeted for a Christmas 2014 or early spring 2015 release date. This edition covers the classic years with much information regarding Murphy Diesels.
Volume III is looking at a release date around the 2015 HCEA show or possibly Christmas of that same year. As updated information becomes available I will share. In the mean time remember, reading is brain food!