Soooooooo, at first glance I thought this was a 108SD but the door badging said otherwise. I was confused for a few weeks and then I remember that truck models offering both set-back and set-forward axles configurations often have different hoods lest they look fugly. In the the case of the 114SD it uses the hood from the 108SD, a truck that can only be ordered with a set-back. A Galbreth roll-off hoist completes this setup for an unknown destination.
And here we have a new Mack for Waste Management also with a Galbreath hoist system. Mack or Freightliner, the choice is yours.
Sneaking into the NYS Plow Expo from last month was this Peterbilt with Loadmaster body.
And while many of these new trucks are connected in some form to the refuse industry rest assured other sectors are still buy trucks as by the gallery below.
I hate to correct you but the 114SD doesn’t share the same hood as the 108SD.