Yesterday I went to the ATCA truck show in Mucungie, PA. This show happens to be the premiere classic truck show on the east coast. I have hundreds of photos and videos to process over the coming days. Until then, enjoy this great combo shot of an immaculate GMC General hauling a Chevy Titan 90. The Detroit jammed under the cab of the Titan was spotless with amazing chrome valve colors. No oil leaks here. Excited on lookers claim that it was a V12. I’ll take their word for it.
Over the years I have really developed a soft spot for the final years of the GM heavy truck line. These two trucks should give you an indication why.
I only wish I was able to hang around long to see the Titan unload. Oddly enough the General didn’t appear to be DD powered. There was also a perfect Chevy Bison on hand. More on that one later.
Thanks so much for the great comments and beautiful pictures. The General was built in the last month of GMC production and has one of the first Detroit Diesel Series 60 engines serial number 06R0002128. The Titan/90 is a V-12 and sold new by our original dealership, Lewis Chevrolet.
The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for the details!
I have learned you have one of the few generals with a 60series Detroit in it . I have recently bought a general from a farm in Nebraska and hauled it to my shop in Canada my plan is to put a 60 series ddec2 from an 88 white gmc with a 06r number 8886
Was wondering if you could send me some pics so I can make it look correct . Hope you can help me thank you
I just purchased a 1975 Titan 90. Could you tell me where the fuse panel is located?
Here is the link to a picture of the Titan/90 in it’s first year of operation. It was owned by Henry B. Person of Norfolk, VA. He had a fleet of four Titan/90s and he hauled steel from Sparrows Point, MD. Russell MacNeil took this picture in Springfield, MA. Henry personally drove this truck. One of his favorite stories was, a trucker pulled up beside him and said you got a 6-71 in that thing? Henry said YES on your side!
If you have trouble with the link go to Hanks Truck Pictures and the Russell MacNeil collection page 21 of his ’70s vintage pictures.
Awesome pic and story! So the V-12 was original to the truck?
Yes to the V-12 being original and the only reason we restored it. It is the only one we sold as they were intended to be used to pull turnpike doubles or Michigan trains. They were considered very extravagant and tough to make money with hauling 45,000 pound payload. The VIN is CDP930V192575. C means Chevrolet and D is for aluminum tilt 6×4. P says it all 12V-71 engine. H for 8V-71 and C for NTC Cummins. There are other engine designations but H and C were the big sellers. This truck costs $12K more than one with NTC350 which was a 20% bump. Now you know why very few built. The 8V-92T with similar power much lighter and a whole lot less money obsoleted the V12. This engine is normally aspirated thus the reason for being so large for the power output of 434HP. The largest transmission was a RTO 12513 which had a 1250 lb-ft torque limit so they were sold with 60MM injectors instead of 65MM which produced 475HP and 1300 lb-ft of torque. We restored the truck with a new Detroit Diesel reman engine clone of the original serial number 12VA30516. In 1986 the third owner of the truck re powered it with a new 8V-92T silver engine to save fuel and increase is payload. I was impressed with Detroit Diesel having the original build record of the engine. I did get them to put 65MM injectors in it since we are not too worried about the transmission failing in truck show mode.
Just read my post above and need to correct the price bump of a V12 Detroit over a NTC 350 Cummins in 1973 was $6,000. 20 % bump is correct. Besides P in the VIN the left side air cleaner and intake pipe tell you it is a 12V-71. Please also notice on he front of the cab though hard to read, Henry had Dirty Dozen lettered by a sign painter along with a V12 insignia.
Once again, thank you again for the information. It’s one thing to see the truck but the stories bring it to life.
Ashton, We bought a old 1977 gmc astro day cab with only 82,000 miles/2,400hrs. with a 8v71 Detroit .Do you know where we can get some interior cab parts? Thanks C. Vail
I don’t suppose you’d ever consider selling the 12v71 Titan
Pingback: Chevy Titan – Built to Stay Tough |
Beautiful Looking Truck.Nice Job Restoring .Learned to drive on a Titan/90 with a 8V71,13 sp., no jake. I keep looking for One that someday would like to Own,when I win the Hope to catch a personal look at Your truck next year at Mucungie.Missed it this year,had to work to make the Funds. Darn Nice Truck though!
Proud owner of a 1979 Titan. NTC 400. Soon to be replaced by a 1000hp Buzzin Dozen. Nuff Said. Bye Bye.
Let the truck do the talking!
this is a question for ashton lewis , I have purchased a ’75 kw w900L with a 12v71, I saw your beautiful titan in springfield in june, and blew me away when you had the cab up and my eyes were fixed on the dirty dozen, likeWOW, WHAT A SITE , what a beautiful restoreation. the question I have is the the v12 in my truck has aluminum valve covers where can you get chrome ones , thanks if you can help, paul adams lethbridge alberta
Paul, My valve covers are aluminum and I had them chrome plated here in Norfolk, VA by Royal Silver. They did all of my chrome work.
I have a 1972 titan with 12v71, and would like to talk to mr lewis. my no. is 931-261-7656 thanks.
i have a pair of 1973 gmc astro 95’s single axle sleeper cabs ser# are sequential ,8v71n/60mm inj. 9-speed trans,, 411 rear, newway air ride,factory A/C
Hello I have a astro 95 not sure of year , I think a 1975? with a cummins,sinle axle and sleeper. Have you found a good contact for body parts?