When one towing show ends another one begins. A few weeks ago the NatGeo channel premiered a reality tv show named Hell on the Highway. The show chronicled the life of tow operators who make their living working the dangerous mountain roads of the Sierra Nevada. It appears the show has run its course but fear not towing junkies, another show is set to premiere. Highway Thru Hell: Heavy Rescue is set to take the stage this Wednesday at 10PM. The official synopsis reads as follows…
It’s the Bermuda Triangle of truck accidents the Coquihalla Highway in British Columbia. In good weather the expansive highway is an engineering marvel, but when the weather turns bad, it’s one of the most dangerous roads in North America. NGC follows one of the few rescue crews equipped with the experience and heavy-duty gear to tow a disabled big rig off this treacherous road.
You can visit the official page by clicking here.
Image Source: National Geographic Channel
Love your show and one day would like to get up there.i own and opp a small towing company in SYD Australia