While two foot of snow in most areas is considered record breaking, the snow fighting crews out west can only chuckle and shake their heads in amusement.
With over 50 feet of snow falling in the Sierra Nevada this winter records have tumbled while men and machines have been tested to their limits. A few times this season Ryan tried to venture higher into the mountains to catch the action first hand but was turned around by mudslides, avalanches and fellow drivers completely unprepared for the snow. Eventually he was able to stop by the snowfighters HQ for CalTrans in Kingvale, California for a few shots of the arsenal.
The 500 HP Western Star you see above is spec’d out to haul a tow plow but that piece of equipment is somewhat impractical during snowfalls typically found in the mountains. Below, a Rolba snow thrower after recent refurbishment.
And no self respecting repair depot is complete without a pre-emissions tow truck. The wipers on this 4900 seem to be a different spot (top of cab) compared to many other models.
CalTrans has a good looking fleet but you have to wonder why trucks that work in whiteouts are painted all white? Maybe it doesn’t make a difference. I’m sure studies have been performed. Thanks for sharing Ryan!