Two days ago it was sunny and in the low 50’s. Today it is cloudy, a foot of new snow is on the ground and the temperature is topping out at seven degrees Fahrenheit. The joys of March! Not one to waste good weather Syracuse DPW crews were busy patching Salina Street in preparation of the St. Patrick’s Day parade to be held on Saturday. Using a truck mounted DuraPatcher system workers were able to quickly clean and patch any hole on the street.
Watching the process was interesting. One worker drives the truck while another controls the nozzle at the back. This nozzle first blasts any debris away with a shot of air. A film of oil is then applied followed by the patching material which is a secret recipe.
Video for the non believers.
One of the local news stations caught up with the truck the other month and did a fluff piece about potholes and the dangers they pose to your car. In the video it is mentioned this patch process is near permanent and requires no rolling once applied. I wonder how it will hold up under the 48 hours of plowing brought on by winter storm Vulcan? You can watch the 9WSYR video by clicking here.