Overshadowed by the connective corridor work from this past week was this work crew from the Lan-Co Companies. I’m not sure what they were doing other than working on a rather deep hole between two buildings. Over the course of a three days I was able to capture a few different trucks from their very large fleet.
Lan-Co seems to run a little bit of everything including Macks, Kenworths, Peterbilts and Freightliners. During this job a Mack RD dump truck seemed to be stationed in front of the hole most times while the driver helped to direct traffic out of the adjacent parking garage.
Included in the gallery below is a special photo from 2010 of Lan-Co Western Star. The date stamp reads 2010 but I suspect it is much older, maybe from 2008 or before. Also below is a video of a pair of Lan-Co Frieghtliners that were busy at work last year. I was watching the demolition work at Bristol Myers when I noticed these trucks making a loop by the job site. I captured a few on video but was never sure what to do with the footage…until now. Nothing special but someone out there will like it.