A little over a year and half ago I came across a Brockway 758 tanker sitting in the yard of Clifton Recycling. I kept telling myself that someday I would return during business hours to take a closer look at the truck but I never did. You never know how long these old trucks will last in their current location so it’s best to photograph and investigate while you can. Not following my own words of advice I kept tabs on this truck from a distance observing that it still was parked at Clifton just a few months ago. You can imagine my surprise the other day when I was greeted by a familiar face on route 49 just outside of Central Square, NY.
In one way or another this old rig traveled 30 miles north of its most recent location. I would like to think it made the trip under its own power but that probably wasn’t the case. The NYS registration tag reads 2003 and the old style liberty plates speak to a time older than that. By the way, those plates are in great shape.
As with old trucks the window had been left down to help rot the cab, I mean, keep things cool and fresh. You can see a dog house poking into the cab which, from what I’ve been told by Brockway experts, most likely holds a Cummins 555, just like that Diamond Reo from last week.
The current fate of this truck is unknown but I think it’s a good sign that it was moved from location to another that doesn’t happen to be a scrap yard. If you know anything about this truck let me know with a comment below.