City of Watertown DPW

As I mentioned yesterday the City of Watertown DPW runs some pretty unique snowplows. During the warmer months (they do exist) these trucks sit in storage patiently waiting for winter. The ideal behind these singular purpose machinesĀ is to combat heavy snow as quickly as possible and as long as possible before returning to the garage for a refuel. Cutting out the material box means these trucks can stay out longer. The large counter weight and single tires in the rear provide ultimate traction. Ryan was in town a few weeks ago and paid the DPW a visit to photograph these monsters. Enjoy!

City of Watertown DPW


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4 Responses to City of Watertown DPW

  1. Jeff says:

    Awesome Fleet.

  2. Mark Bickelhaupt says:

    Utica, many years ago, had dedicated single purpose Walters with concrete blocks & single rear tires. The Walters were not as fancy as the Watertown rigs. No rear fenders, no paint on the concrete blocks. Just raw truck. And you didn’ t want to get to close, because they threw huge rooster tail of slush.

  3. Chris Hayman says:

    Mark, these concrete counterweights were originally on Watertowns Walters, they had a whole fleet of them for many years. Started replacing them with the Macks in the late 80’s.

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