There will be no long winded speeches today, just video after video of dumps trucks working away.
Euclid R-13 – You’ll notice the very large glass on the passenger side of this truck. That is a factory option to help provide the driver with a better view.
Caterpillar DW10 belly dump. – I like the looks of this 1940 Cat. Subsequent generations would appear more tractor like in their desgin while this one, with the long rounded hood, appears almost car like. Heavy equipment with style.
Old Euclid – I spent plenty of time watching this truck work but never followed up to see the model and year. I’m guessing mid to late 40’s? This was one of the hardest working trucks on the field. It seemed to be make a constant loop between the gravel pile and the road construction spot.
Also in the gallery below you’ll see a nice 1968 Ford F-800. Like the Euc above this truck and its driver never stopped working. And what about the nice little Diamond T dump truck? I can’t say that I’ve ever seen one like it before.