Here is a piece of equipment that I thought has been relegated to the pages of a HCEA publication, it’s a Caterpillar D7 with a jersey spreader. It’s not too hard to figure out how this setup works but the exact name was unknown to me until I ran a Google search. Surprisingly enough not a single dirty image popped up in the results.
Anway, this particular setup came from the Town of Canandaigua straight from the 1950’s. I’m not sure when they last used this machine but everything was in working order and decent shape. Speaking to the age of this dozer the diesel engine was started by a pony motor. The pony motor fired right up but despite the valiant efforts of a gentleman who I only assume knew what he was doing the diesel refused to full turn over.
The jersey spreader is still around in some form today thanks to the people at DoMor Equipment. Below, a few more shot along with some of the other dozers up for sale at the auction.
In living color.