Today we have another classic truck of the past, the International Fleetstar. Would you believe I stumbled across this gem at a Freightliner dealership while it waited for service? I’m not too sure if that large oil stain on the ground existed before or after the truck arrived. If this International is Detroit powered we have our answer on the oil spill. The emblems were very faded but I believe this truck to be 2070A model. Further investigation reveals a Syracuse Airport sticker on the bumper and logo for Ciotti Enterprises, a local trucking company. I know this company has a contract with the airport to push and pull snow around so that is probably the duty of this old girl. All those salt free runways have done wonders for the bodywork on this truck, not a hint of rust. Do you remember that Diamond Reo from a few days ago? This truck happens to be a stable mate of this IHC.
For more reading on the Fleetstar click here to view original product literature.
Do you know of an old truck still earning its’ keep? Email Me!