At the opposite end of the York Fair Grounds from the registration line a truck wash and official picture spot could be found. Over the course of the show this proved to be one of the more popular spots for amateur photographers and gawkers such as myself. I spent some time there on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning but once the crowds set in I moved on to find a different angle on events. Here we have a White Freightliner, Kenworth K-100, Diamond-T, and International Emeryville all in one shot. We’ll ignore the poor little Chevy.
The thunderstorm that rolled through late Wednesday helped place a dramatic tone in the sky and and on the ground with wet pavement. It works for the movies so why not for me?
At least a half dozen Kenworth “bullnose” COEs truck were on hand. Here are three of them.
And even more! Later on we’ll take a look at some of the first trucks I saw at the show. They are huge. That’s all I can say for right now.