Trains are large. Trains are powerful. Trains are unrivaled on land in terms of raw cargo pulling power. But even the most powerful train will grind to a halt if not for an army of trucks and other equipment used to keep the tracks clear and in shape. Maintenance of way trucks we salute you.
At first glance I figured this truck was just a lube rig but then I noticed the sprayers up front and outback. Not seeing any hazardous material placards I’m guess this truck applies some sort of chemical along the tracks. We can only guess at what type.
This Peterbilt looks like it could pull a train car or two if push came to shove.
We’ll wrap things up with this Crew cab Freightliner which is definitely a fuel and lube truck.
RWC,Inc sprays herbicides along rail corridors. They have operations in Ohio, Tenn and right here in Westfield Massachusetts. I had thought they were know as Railroad Weed Control many years ago.
Makes sense! Thanks for the details.