September Plow Update

I still need a little more time to finish up the ATCA Harford videos from this past weekend so in the meantime we’ll have to make due with the DDD classic..SNOW PLOWS! I know some of you are chomping at the bit to get back to work pushing snow but I haven’t reached that point yet. It has been a mild summer so far and I haven’t become burned out from constant humidity or dry air conditioned air like I usually am by the first week of September. That being said I know it’s only a matter of time before these trucks hit the road again. Let’s start off by looking at the future of the plow trucks for the New York State Thruway, the Western Star 4700.


I’ve been tracking these trucks for awhile. The 4700s first arrived up at the local Western Star dealer last fall. They appeared two a time until the total number eventually reached around two dozen trucks or so…and then they disappeared. Occasionally two or three trickled back to the dealer over the months with just the plow mounts until three weeks ago the finished product arrived near the thruway maintenance shop in Syracuse, NY. I don’t know where these trucks go to be upfitted as I can’t find any markings on the head gear or dump beds to indicated the manufacturer. Under the hood you will find DD13 engines connected to automatic transmissions. The future is now.

Check back later in the week for part two of the September Plow Update for a bad ass looking AWD Mack, a couple Oshkosh’s and the regular grab bag of random rigs.

*UPDATE* Multiple sources here and at the facebook DOT Plow group have confirmed these trucks to be sporting Viking-Cives plow equipment.

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4 Responses to September Plow Update

  1. Jeff says:

    Interesting mounting location for the remote Go Light.

  2. Jason says:

    That is definitely a viking-cives head gear

  3. Aaron says:

    The head gear is viking-cives and the bodys are all elp interchangeable bodys i havent been behind the wheel of one these but iv have been in one of our macks, sterling and both the international 2574 and 7600 workstars all good trucks i work for the truway and have seen a lot of diffrent maintnence sections trucks

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