I nearly lost control of my car when I saw this old Cargostar parked at the NYS Thruway garage in Syracuse. Some may find this crazy but being partial to Internationals I consider this quite the catch. At first glance the Cargostar appears to be a Thruway truck but actually bears the seal of the New York State Canal Corporation.For your daily civic lesson the Canal Corporation is responsible for the maintenance and administration of the Erie Canal system in NYS. It is quite amazing that this truck has not been upgraded for a new model in the past 30 years. Maybe the Canal Corp is thrifty or just the runt of the litter when it comes to government agencies in NY.
The Cargostar can trace it’s roots back to 1963 when a cabover version of the Loadstar begain production. In 1973 the Cargostar became a unique model and contiuned production until 1986.
Do you know of an old truck that is still working and earning it’s keep? Email eric@dailydieseldose.com
I have a 1973 Cargostar 1610a that I have been using since 1993 for my work. I want to keep it running. Looking for parts.
I have a 1972 International Cargostar 1610A with a 12-foot steel dump bed. It has a little over 57,000 miles on it. Truck is sound and runs but needs a good mechanic to go over. I have used it on my farm but no longer need it.
I think the town of DeWitt still uses one of these, or the village of E. Syracuse… I remember seeing it drive down West Manlius Street not that long ago….
It must be the town of Dewitt. I believe they had more than one at some point. Just two years ago a former TofD Cargostar was at the ATHS Long Branch show.