Finally a plow truck in my favorite color! The Town of Cuyler looks ready to roll with their brand new Western Star 4700SF. A Viking-Cives plow and dump body are the vendor of choice for this setup. Power is provided by a DD13(Demand Detroit.) One of my favorite parts of this truck happens to be the highway department seal. Check out that rendition of old plowing iron. Maybe Oshkosh or FWD inspired?
One other interesting piece of equipment on this rig happens to be the auto-chain system installed on the first rear axle. I can’t say I have ever seen these on anything but fire trucks. I wonder how the work for plowing?
The idea behind automatic chains is simple. The chain is engaged from the cab and spins around a small wheel device. It provides just enough chain for the section of tire that is contact with the ground. In theory this seems like a great idea but in the real world it may just end up being a bunch of spinning metal. If anyone out there has practical experience with such a setup feel free to leave a comment below.
For some video of auto-chains click here but beware of loud music. For a more detailed history check out this informative link. Did you know the patient for automatic chains reaches back to the early 1900’s? I guess they must work to have lasted so long. Either that or they have really great sales people!
The auto chains work great BUT when the tire isn’t turning the chains aren’t working. No problem on going but in a panic stop they can get you in trouble! We use them on our fire trucks and ambulances and some school busses.
The chains are great for black ice and a few inches of snow. Usually see them on single axles.This is the first I seen on a tandem.
Thanks for the replies. There is another new Western Star on the lot and it also has auto-chains, must be a growing trend.
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