It would be truly amazing to find an electric motor that powerful. It would be more likely a small diesel engine to have power like that. Regardless a fascinating truck I’d love to have sitting in my garage or even in the house
Hard to say. I drive by the garage five days a week, twice a day and have yet to see it move. Maybe it will it show up at auction some day? Save your money! 😉
Did you notice when the guy from first nations was walking back at the end and talking about his equipment wasn’t junk, there was a tractor in the background with one of the front wheels falling off?
That Horbas is an ass.Bought Koval Transport in the 90’s which ended up closing.The guy doesn’t know shit.I see the office manager is a native named Geraldine Horbas.Boy,did he marry her to get the business?
Well I guess we know where you were for the week! Interesting read. I was there earlier this year and I was impressed with their bus fleet too – how many they had running around between all the parks and the relatively short waits for each bus.
A little correction. I believe you are wrong on saying Barrett Paving Materials changed to Hanson Aggregates. Barrett is still Barrett today. Actually the Solvay Process Quarry is what was bought by what is now Hanson Aggregates. Also Barrett Paving Materials took over owner ship of the blacktop section of Hanson at the Jamesville plant. It is a little confusing as they both seem to occupy the same location. I believe Barrett Paving Materials used to quarry their own stone for making blacktop but part of the deal with the take over of Hanson’s blacktop plants was that Hanson would be supplying the stone, some one else may know more details on that.
Get the hell out! I was tempted to go get a bag of pot when I saw this one.They should somehow hook it up with SpongeBob. But really everybody knows you can’t kill a D9.LMAO!
So sad to see all the real snow fighters of upstate NY get sold off just to be replaced with a shiny new truck that will only be able to do half the work of its predecessors.
haha I’m still saving up for an oshkosh on auctions direct! Hey, I will be in your territory this week, I’m working up north of Syracuse all week. Any suggestions for plows in Oswego/fulton area?
I drove by the City of Oswego barn once and it was huge, tons of old iron moving about. Looked like it was an old factory. Of course, this was years ago but I’m sure there is good stuff still around. It’s not like Oswego can afford to replace anything.
I have what I believe to be Trojan 6000. Has big Cummins. Runs good. Needs lift cylinders on loader resealed as they leak. Tires are good. Main seal on motor leaks. But seems to get better more we use it. (It set for awhile before we got it). Asking 12000.00. thanks 308 520 0091
That is a nice c/5o. I own one as well and wish mine was that nice. Do you know if that one is a diesel? I thought I may have seen a pulg hanging over the front bumper…
The pink LEU613 is for a local oswego county refuge hauler. The pink color is a special promotion from Mack Trucks for breast cancer awareness (a bigger version of the pink ribbon). It will get a gray packer body, then lettered up. If you want more photos just ask, I am the service manager for Beam Mack Syracuse.
A good bet is always the folks over the forums. Tons of knowledge and contacts. Good luck with the restore. Would love to see some photos of it.
Hi Eric,
I saw one of the Jb Hunt Coronados today at Pilot on 7th North. He was hauling a Cargill grain trailer, much larger than any tanker I have ever seen.
10 sticks?? What if….. one operator could really have one “joy” stick for the front plow up/down motion and a second similiar “joy” stick controller to steer the TowPLow out/in and up/down, clearing 24′ wide and then in less than 2 seconds or less, pull back on both sticks and everything is up and in!! It is about time to try and make it easier for operators to perform without 10 sticks for hydraulics in the cab. Welcome to what is happening on the farm to highway snowplowing. We do not use 4 row planters anymore.. MoFarmBoy.
Thanks for your interest in the new CAT CT660! We have trucks at nearly every location throughout the Northeast now, so if you’re interested in learning more, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help you out.
Based on the air cleaner shown in the photo, that Diamond-Reo Giant probably was a later model and would likely have an NTC-300 BC-I or larger/later engine, not an NTC-290. The NTC-290 had a smaller horizontal mounted air cleaner.
How do u find ur divers 4 the shows here is my number if u want some more divers I don’t. Where u find them but here is my number 302 228 6281 if u really want a dam good diver since my son was killed that all he wanted 2 do iss 2 b on the rig with me is hard 2 talk about I’m sorry I know u all have thing 2 do but when my son was killed by a D U I asshole I don’t know what 2 do with my self but 2 drive u know but if u need a driver u have my number gary
Cool old iron! I known that Swedish Hill Winery over in Romulus, NY, has a B-Model Mack on site. Seemed to be in good condition, too, last time I was there.
It just so happens…that I know a “whole-lot” about these machines!!!! For you see….I literally “grew-up” with them!!!!! My Dad…worked for Trojan, for 15 years, 1963 to 75, and was a “field” service manager. He was later promoted to…Product Development Manager. Believe me…”NO ONE” at the Batavia,N.Y. plant….knew these machines….and how to keep ’em running….better than he did!!!!! We actually lived in Batavia, from 1963 to 68. I was driving these machines around the yard at the plant,when I was 12 years old!!!!! There was the 1500,1700,1900,2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,7500,and the 8000. There was also the T-80, an 8000 converted to a “tow-tractor” to pull the AIR-FORCE, C-5 GALAXY cargo-plane, but it lost out to…OSHKOSH. Also…the experimental…6000-“TURBINE”…yes a gas-turbine powered front-end loader….that in my DAD’S own words…..”Couldn’t push a sick-whore off a piss-pot”. Seeing these machines again…bring back many fond memories for me. Hard to believe…that the same plant in Batavia….now produces “wicker furniture!!!!” I guess…”nothing lasts forever”. One thing I can tell ya….in their day….these machines gave Caterpillar….”A RUN FOR THEIR MONEY!!!!!” Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Bill, I to use to work for Trojan from June 1974 till August 1990. I bet your dad’s name is Don. I worked in the R and D lab. My boss was Bob Moore and he used to work for your dad. Thanks, Bill Ettinger
bill, i’ve been searching for info on a trojan tractor shovel the i recently acquired. i believe its a lt400. i haven’t been able to find any manuals. ssbtractor sold me one listed as an lt400 but they sent me a 400 manual. the loader has a reo engine swapped in to it. i have driven it but i have no idea what ranges its supposed to have. all the labels are missing except the tag on the torqmatic transmission
HI Bill,was just reading some posts about older trojan loaders.Had a few questions have a trojan 134 with gas engine was checking trans and tourque but not sure where to check levels and type of oil in them any info would be greatly appreciated thank you.Or if you could point me in right direction it was my dads old loader and i am getting it fired back up he passed a few years ago and time for me to get it going again.thank you
I have a 134-A Trojan loader that I’m going to refurbish.
it has a info plate on the side that is very readable that has the information that your looking for I believe.
I could take a picture of it for you.
Looking for a secondary hydraulic filter for the 1700 Trojan loader. Have made arrangements to have one built but the plastic spacer that goes in the hydraulic filter has gotten broken Also if you know where to get a part number or the spacer or the filter would be great any help is appreciated
Hi Eric, with regard to the…TROJAN model 6000-“TURBINE”…..I can tell ya that the….”FIRE-BREATHING-DRAGON”, as it was nick-named….never made it out the experimental lab at Batavia. Truth be told….it was a….”engineering nightmare” from the start. The engine, a revolutionary design by the Ford Motor Company….was a gas-turbine configuration. Designed primarily for stationary generator use….it couldn’t stand -up to the constant pounding and jarring, associated with a front-end loader, and was “prone ” to failure!!!! My DAD told me…. that the each engine,was brought in by Ford, in special “covered trucks” at night!!!! Once installed in the 6000, they couldn’t run it inside on the test-stand, because it one time…..”set the lab roof on fire”, from the exhaust!!!!! Hell, every time they took it to the near-by gravel pit to test it under load conditions….it had to be “towed-back” to the lab, due to “ENGINE-FAILURE!!!!!” When a technician from FORD….asked my DAD about the performance of the “TURBINE” under load conditions….he responded with his….”FAMOUS-PHRASE”….”That Goddamn thing couldn’t push a sick-whore off a piss-pot!!!!!” Forgive me, but that’s a direct-quote. The sales manager at the time, George Bassinett, was ready to put this machine out on the market,at a price of I believe, $180,000 dollars. The problem Eric, was that the engine alone….cost, are you ready? $475,000 dollars!!!!!! Now, ask yourself……who in their right mind….is gonna pay $500,000 dollars, for a turbine powered loader, when they can buy a CAT, 966, or 988….for a hell of a lot less???? To sum it up….the “ill-fated” TROJAN 6000 “TURBINE”, was a “failure”, from the start!!!!! Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Bill, if I send you pictures of a Trojan Yale, can you identify it for me and help me get a manual and repairs done? Its the one that looks like eye brows over the lights, small unit with 2 yard bucket, no doors, sliding window to climb in and out
Bill good to see that you are still up on trojan. I worked for town of batavia highway and we had nothing but good luck with all of our loaders. Does george and swede in pavilion ny still work on these? Oh by the way we went to school together.
By the way Eric…..It was “my-pleasure” to share my memories of Trojan loaders with ya!!!!! They were well-built machines….ready to take-on CAT, and just about anything you could throw at ’em!!!!!! My fondest memory….is the day we “PARADED” all 14 machines, down Main Street in Batavia, out to the Holiday Inn….for a big sales and promotional show. Talk about a “once in a lifetime” sight….you would have loved it!!!!! 14 machines, from the LM75….to the 6000….in single-file, driven by all the “secretaries” wearing mini-skirts, black panty hose, and….white “thigh-high boots!!!!” Needless to say….”IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!” Batavia….hasn’t been the same since!!!! If ya get the chance to get up-close to that machine…or find another Trojan, there’s a good-chance that my DAD’S fingerprints, are “all over it!!!!” And…..if ya look really-close….you might even find some of mine too!!!!! “All The Best”……..Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Hi Bill
I have just buy an Trojan 4000 -77 with 8V71
Can you help me find oil specs for gearbox and Converter and how to check and fill it ?
Best regards
It is a 359. The panel under the door is the give away. that one os about 12 inches high where the 358 the panel is only about 3-4 inches..With the 359 Brockway raised the cab and made the radiator larger to accomidate larger engines.
By what little of the front hub I can see it is a Coleman conversion which was usually done in a Howe-Coleman shop, or possibly the factory, when the truck was new.
I am the owner of that truck then and now. When I bought it from a salvage yard in
Whitefish Montana it had a lot of pipe fittings in it. The pto had been used a lot so
I am guessing that it was a water hauler probably for wetting down roads or maybe
as a tanker for fire service. I use it still on a auger trailer to get feed for my ranch.
I know it was a Mack promo video, and they were concentrating on the Titan up front, but not all the push trucks were Macks (like the video implied). I know I saw at least one Kenworth T800, and maybe a Freightliner.
I lost all respect for some of these “Andean” truckers, specialy Hugh, Tim and Tino. They were racing through some of the roads with no concern for peoples, animals or other vechicles that may have been traveling in the same route. Also, seem that they have no respect for the private property of the locals, they think that they can get away with murder because they come from a more “developed” country. Let me tell you something Mr. Bear, Tim & Tino , you may come from a more developed country but you guys have very, undeveloped morals & respect for other human beings. I hope that the TV channel/truckers took full reponsibility for the damages they caused to the houses, roads, cars, property being hauled. If you guys did the same here, your asses would have been sued to a crisp. Lisa and GW see to be the more polite and respectuf of the bunch in all maners.
I’m not sure what I liked better – the officer running along side calling out the location for an obnoxious distance or when he actually gets in the scraper, the best idea he has is to randomly pull on wires under the dash.
I used to work at the Duplex truck division of Warner & Swasey in the 70’s. We sure built some great trucks. I still have a couple of the “Duplex” name plates. If anyone needs one let me know.
I would be interested in one of your Duplex emblems . My dad , Howard Walker retired from Duplex/Warner Swazey but unfortunately he never brought any momentos home other than some black and white photos of some of the trucks when they were delivered to the county road commisioners.
I would love to have one and mount it with the other pictures.
Thanks for posting your message..
I am working on a book about the Warner & Swasey Construction Equipment Division which included the Duplex Division in Lansing. Your father Howard Walker did a fine job managing the company before and after W&S purchased it in 1955. Great carriers for Gradall.
I worked with Tom Yosick Duplex service manager at the Gradall Division for 30+ years. Tom worked for Duplex before joining Gradall.
Good evening…Having had a dad and brother that both worked at Duplex I would be very interested in one of your emblems if they are still available.Dad never brought anything home other than some pictures.Please let me know at your convenience. Best regards, Dick Walker
No, it’s not just you, those front tires do look a little small; but it could also just be the angle of the photo. I really like the LTL9000. Crouse Construction here in Chittenango has a couple of LTL9000 dumps.
They’re C500s. I found a few more examples out there on the WWW that have the single piece windshield. I checked the Kenwoth Website for the C500 brochure, but it’s from 2001 so it doesn’t show this cab.
Hi Eric – I’m Sue with R+L Carriers. It’s great to see our trucks made it into your blog! We take pride in our people and in the way our equipment is maintained, with our focus always being on ensuring our customer’s freight is delivered in a safe, timely fashion. Thanks for the post! – Sue
Thanks for the shout out. Were enjoying the tour, the trucks and the reference to the hair band. I love the last sentence, well done. Stay tuned for more cool features on these awesome trucks.
The young lady going around passing out the cards,and”chatting”was a very nice person.I don’t remember her name,as my memory was dampened by the rain(lol),but thanks for the business card and chatting about “trucks” with me/us.Good luck with your website,and hopefully your father stays on as a member!!I learned at the meeting Friday afternoon that the politics of the ATHS is like any other situation out there,no matter what you do,but,WE do this show,and are a part of these chapters because we”LOVE” old trucks,and LOVE to show what we have!!Each of our trucks are “UNIQUE”in their own way,and the more we see,the more we like the group we are in,as we ALL have the same passion,OLD TRUCKS!!Keep on truckin’,and hopefully your dad stays “on board”as a member,if for nothing more than,”I’d” like to see HIS International,as that’s what I have,a cabover,and an 8600 series,which is not antique,but EVERY International is a COOL one!!
Don Slate
Don, thanks for the visit. My wife Jennifer will be happy to hear that her hard work paid off with at least one visitor to the site! I would love to see your trucks some time, if you have any pictures feel free to send them my way,
That DOT 761 on Pinterest to the right, you or Ryan wouldnt happen to know the serial on that truck would you? Just want to see which one of the 7 it is.
The 4700 series is so disappointing in the looks department. They should have stuck with the 4800 or 4900 style hood. That thing is just plain ugly. Looks like it’s trying to be a Freightliner SD.
Correct! Town of Salina. They have a great fleet of Internationals, old and new. Nothing is ever left outside, ever. They even lock the gate to the empty lot.
I’m glad to see my 1987 International 9670 Eagle made the “cut” for the pictures you took!!Cabovers”don’t seem to”cut the mustard” in anyones”albums,but I’m glad you took a picture of it and put it here.Everything is “usually” about Macks,but I’m glad to see there was some interest in mine.THANK YOU for the picture,I appreciate the fact you took the time to photograph it!!She’s one of the nicest ones I’ve owned,and hopefully I can continue to add to her and make her even better!!
Your website is very artistic. I enjoyed the writing. Flowers are a true blessing. Everyone to enjoy. I have bookmarked your site for my family and friends.
The Patriot Fleet trucks represent those that have served and sacrificed for our freedoms. We are honored to add these five Patriot Fleet trucks to the fleet and proudly represent America’s heroes.
We will continue to find ways to recognize those that have served and hope to keep adding to this fleet in the next few months and years to come.
Thank you!
Andy Brabec
Director of Communications
Crete Carrier Corporation
really super pgm … and also ver thrillng pgm ……. only talented person only access t prize… i tink derik and stuart … both are t very talented driver”s..
I m being erious.Where do you learn how to get licensed to drive these monsters. I live in a mining area and would like to know how to educate myself with these s a better means of living. Pluss how cool would it be to say I get to drive one every day.
We just had the honor of driver Greg Roberts bringing the ride of pride to our POW wow in Cookeville,TN On October 7th 2012 . My grandfather Tommy veal which was a veteran and the founder of indigenous intertribal Corp. Would have really love this. We salute you Greg for your dedication to our country and our company Schneider national.
Eric, I have a 2004 GMC7500, 33000gvw dump truck. After putting a half millon miles on single axle GMC’s in the last 30 years, from a 72 C50 ,a 78 C65, a 85 TopKick, 88 Brigidier to the 7500 I must say it is by far the best one of the bunch. My only complant is the C7 acert cat engine. The $5400 heuy pump repairs at 60
k miles and lack of throttle response stink! Just one more truck for you to drive
when you come up to check out the B collection.
Nice pics, Eric. As a lighting fan, I found your photos while looking up Musco Truck on Google. Walt Disney World hires-in two of these Musco Light truck-units each year to light the huge pre-race staging area at the Disney World Marathon (which I’ve run several times). I think the trailering unit towed by these Freightliners contains a huge diesel generator unit. Each truck/unit holds about 90,000 watts worth of HMI arc lighting, so they need alot of power.
When I saw the night tightrope walk at Niagara on the news, I figured Musco was lighting it. These pics confirm that. Thanks / nice photos. Mike in NC
This an interesting little can of worms.The tractor changes during the movie anyone notice this.After the fire and its all burnt out it is a rare Freightliner
It is probably a 1967 T-400. The rounded radiator was replaced by 1968, but the angular cab was not introduced until after 1966, at least based on 1966 and 1968 T-600s I have seen.
Yes, many trucking companies here where I live have gone to a solid colored cab; usually white. The days of seeing multi-colored truck cabs is almost a thing of the past, usually only seen on some fancy owner/operator units; even most of those are only single colored too.
I thought you might be interested to know that this truck was originally a single axle when new. The conversion to a tandem occurred in early 1994. The tandem rears, frame and dump box were pulled from a 1972 GMC JE9710 gas job that was formally Madison County Highway Department’s unit number 42 out of their Wampsville division. The GMC was taken out of service in the Spring of 1993.
By the way, the International in the background is also a former Madison County truck (old number 6 out of the Wampsville division). It is a 1973 Fleetstar 2110A with a VS-549 mated to 5 + 4 transmissions. This truck was sold to Lenox in the fall of 1998. The Town of Lenox re-powered this truck with a CAT 3208 later I believe. By the way, the hood on this truck was actually from a 1974 Fleestar 2010A Construction model the County parted out in 1991 (old number 70).
Wow! Another great find Eric. This truck used to belong to Empire Asphalt which used to reside in Solvay up the road from Crucible Steel. Their yard was clearly visible from 690 and is now used by some other contractor. I don’t live in the area anymore so not sure who the new resident is.
I always regret not getting pictures of the Empire fleet. They had a White Compact distributor too along with (2) Brockway 158’s, a Brockway 759, a Ford NT950 and some Mack RD’s if I remember correctly.
This is an early model of these GMC short hoods. Clues are the white steering wheel, cowl-mounted turn signals & model emblem, and the engine badge on the hood. Definitely a 1966 or ’67. I would guess this has a 478 V-6 gas if it is an 8500 of this vintage. Doesn’t look like a Toro-Flow emblem to me.
The town I grew up in had two FWD’s, one was a RB44, not sure what the other one was. A buddy bought both at an auction, used the RB to plow parking lot’s, blade straight and both wings Dow she’d sail through the nasty drifts of the building on one lot he did, granite curbing and all;-). I’m saving my penny’s to buy an FWD or Oshkosh and restore to it’s original glory, these are real trucks, perhaps real ugly, but I love ’em none the less
I have a 1972 International Cargostar 1610A with a 12-foot steel dump bed. It has a little over 57,000 miles on it. Truck is sound and runs but needs a good mechanic to go over. I have used it on my farm but no longer need it.
I’m a bit surprised that no one has mentioned this yet. The movie Moonfire was the brainchild of Mike Parkhurst of Overdrive Magazine. Yeah, it was as cheesy as it gets, but like you say, the shots of those old classic rigs is worth it. My wife suffered through it by making lots of snide remarks about the terrible plot, lack of acting ability and that one guys jumpsuit!
Mr. Parkhurst went on to be the main procurer of trucks for the Smoky and the Bandit movie series and has written a screenplay that he’s trying to get made into a movie today. Unfortunately, like Moonfire, it’s long on technical stuff that truckers would get but Joe Public wouldn’t care about or understand.
The name of it is “Semi-Justice”. It’s available to read through Amazon.
Yes, T-Man, I am “the” Mike Parkhurst, founder and long-time editor/publisher and sole owner of Overdrive magazine. Also published a slick-papered publication called RoadMasters in the 1990s and in 2004 produced a 100-page magazine
called, again, RoadMasters inasmuch as I stupidly transferred my Overdrive to
Randall Publishing of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Speaking of films, I was also in
complete charge of a million-dollar advertising/marketing campaign for the
hit trucking movie “White Line Fever” and was heavily involved in the Stallone
arm-wrestling/trucker movie “Over The Top.” I was also involved in two
TV specials, “Truckin’ in Nashville” (A country/western musical special) and
“Falling For the Stars” a documentary about stunts in Hollywood. I also supplied trucks and some technical advice for 8 trucking movies for the big screen and TV as well as the NBC series “Movin’ On.” I am flattered, frankly,
that someone knows about my Semi Justice film project which, unlike a comment that non-truckers probably wouldn’t be interested, carries a lot of
interest for the general public inasmuch as I bring out how much oil there is in the world. The truckers, naturally, are heroes of the movie as they are in my
E-book, “Semi Justice — Digging OPEC’s Grave.” Just go on the Amazon search bar and you can see the great cover of the book and read, for free, about 15 pages of the book. I was in my late 20s when I created “Moonfire,”
and it was self-financed from the profits of “Overdrive.” While compared to
most of today’s action movies it was bland, with not a lot of action and only two
deaths, my purpose was to make truckers the heroes of the story, which in a
sense is what I have always done when I first thought of starting a magazine for truckers when I became an owner-operator at the age of 19. In any case,
if anyone wants to read my book, he/she doesn’t need to have Kindle but can
read it on ANY computer. It costs, wow, the astronomical sum of $5.99 per copy. If any trucker wants to read a paper and bound copy which I will personally autograph, it costs a lot more, $42 including Priority Mail shipping.
Therefore, if someone wants to fork over that kind of dough, they must
leave a message and phone number and I will call back to verify. That number is (424) 603-6122. And I would appreciate whoever came up with the
Daily Diesel Dose web site to call me as well as anyone who took the time to
read this. Since half of my bloodstream is diesel fuel and the other half is ink,
I feel I will be around to kick some butt for quite a while. And, by the way, although the ENTIRE TRUCKING INDUSTRY is a hero in my screenplay and
book, not a single rich truck fleet owner that I’ve contacted is interested in putting up a penny to get it made even though I have a distribution contract signed by one of the biggest and most famous film distributors. Why? They have no imagination . . . and that process is almost worth a book, believe me!
Take care, and, again, to save you searching for my phone number here it is
again: (424) 603-6122. Happy Trails! Mike Parkhurst
You, sir are a true legend and have fans aged 10-90+, myself included. I have always loved Brockway trucks and the kind press given to them by your magazine was something that I really appreciate as many were quick to dismiss them as some of the “ugliest trucks ever built”. But back to the movie, Moonfire was a really interesting project, and as a trucker / owner-op I have always appreciated all the detail shots of the trucks in the film. Thesteel dash Western RS-700 with the high mount cab, that even then was a pretty special O-O spec truck. It really is a good example that not all R model Mack’s were built as day cabs, dump trucks and garbage trucks. The accurate signage / livery of the trucks was great too, PSC numbers hand painted on the cabs, multiple license plates hanging on a swinging sheet under the bumper….all relics of the days before deregulation and IFTA. I personally do all I can to buck the trend of trucking becoming something the lazy use as a “job to fall back on” in an era of cookie/cutter aero model trucks with automatic transmissions and electronic controls for every system on the truck from the engine to the brakes. These days disgusting fat body pigs wearing flip-flops and elastic waistband shorts are the norm when it comes to truckers, and it makes me sick. My grandfather would kick me hard in the butt if I dressed like that in public, let alone while I’m working. Leather boots, pants, a tucked in shirt and a leather belt used to be the norm. You shaved and showered at least every other day when you were on the road, and took pride in your own and your truck’s appearance. I just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration to those of us who continue to do things the old way in spite of modern trends.
The crane is NOT a 555, it IS a Manitowoc 16000, on Maple Ridge it is set up with 295′ of main boom plus the “wind tip”, series 3 counter weights. Total operating weight of the crane 882,000 pounds. In heavy lift configuration it can hoist 440 tons (roughly it’s own weight). In this configuration it can hoist approx 195,000 lbs to the tip.
To move the crane over the highway, it takes 5 guys, a 75 or 90 ton RT crane, 2 days and 19 tractor trailers to have it road ready.
What is the name of the demolitioncontractor. And is the PC600LC HRD owned by this company or is it a rental. I know LVI had one but it did not look as bad as this.
They are safety markings, and are reflective. Its the same material that the road signs are made of. This is one of 2 that we got last year. They both have performed well for us.
Would you be willing to send me an email address?I’ll send you a picture(If I can) of my 1987 International Eagle that was up in W.Springfield, the ATHS National Show in June 2012.
I am glad you enjoyed the video I have posted! It was sent in to me by Ken Harrison, a former Koehring Waterous designer. He put this video together back in ’77. He also put together lots of brochures in his time there.
If you are into this stuff check out the “KOEHRING WATEROUS FORESTRY EQUIPMENT”page on facebook.
nothing put truck racing out of bussiness but nascar i raced trucks back then and people loved it at atlanta,rockingham,phoenix,pocono,bristol,dover,ontario,texas world speedway every track we went people loved it but it wasnt nascar so they made the tracks stop running us. the tracks wanted it the people wanted it but the giant nascar wasent making any thing off of it so it had to go. sad but true so we raced on dirt small tracks but it wasnt the same so it died. if you want to thank someone thank nascar old great american truck racer#44 virgil taylor
Yea, but the Western Star is the better truck. We have Freightliners, Internationals and Western Stars, and the Stars are a far more solid, well-built truck than the other two.
dongfeng was a joint venture between cummins and the chinese government, it’s the best truck in china. However, cummins is now only a partner to dongfeng, just providing engines. I really would like a durastar with cummins ISB or ISC engine.
Hi Eric. Great shots of number 57 which is a 1999 International 2674 4×2. There are a total of eight of these in their fleet. These replaced 1988 International Paystar single axles auctioned in 1999. I have pictures of every one of those Paystars.
I am really perplexed why Onondaga County would run that Freightliner in orange when all their trucks have been painted yellow for as long as I can remember. Could the Freightliner be some other municipalities cancellation? Factory demo? It has a twin, truck number 138.
Interestingly, these are both 2012 models and they also have 2012 Internationals and a Kenworth! Must be trying them all out to see what to spec to use going forward.
Right now Tracey Road Equipment has a near identical SD114 sitting on their lot. It has been there for almost a year so I am going to throw my money behind the factory demo guess. The Onondaga County fleet sure has diversified over the years. Plenty of Volvos and Sterlings running around. Mack seems to be the only nameplate they don’t use.
They ran a few Mack’s of early 1980’s vintage, like 1982 I believe. I know they had three 1982 Mack RM 4×4’s and also a few Mack RD686S tandem dumps. Otherwise, you’re right. There are none now and very few in the past either.
Feb 16 , 2013 Saturday .
They showed this show on the History channel and I found it not right
as a truck driver cause they dont tell you all the truth on this show .
I am a long hauler truck driver and what this show is showing is not all current okay
and I feel as a driver that they showed not air something they dont know anything about as well okay on driving truck all right .
If your going to air a show on driving truck well you better do it right then with a some real drivers as well okay . There’s law’s out there and there’s real truck drivers who dont care for this kind of act on a show of truck drivers as well .
This show is giving real truck drivers a bad name okay and its not right
as your air a show like this , dont air something thats going to give truck drivers a bad name who really drivers truck . Us out here who drive long or shot hual we work hard and this kind of stuff thats on tv. is not right or true okay !
I watch your new show and I didnt care for it and your putting something thats giving us truck drivers a bad name from your show as well okay . We work hard out here and we all know how it works out here driving truck okay .
Dont put a show on here or tv with saying something thats not all true okay
its not to us drivers on the road okay .
I hope your fix your show before your air it okay .
Thanks from Cowgirl / truck driver.
The Mack Superliner has long been rumored to be a Brockway design that was taken when Mack closed Broackway in 1976. A Huskie instead of a Bulldog, sounds good to me.
Cowgirl, did you really pay attention to the show??? I haven’t seen them put any of the drivers down that’s doing his/her job. Their after the thieves and the drivers who drop their units on the side of the road for any particular reason. But I guess stay turned and lets see what happens…
I love how the one fella says he cant push the ford truck out of the way because he will cave in the radiator. The “ford truck” has a huge brush guard on it!
Hey Virgil, if you read this, get in touch with me. We are starting a new big rig series and it would be good to know some GATR guys to help flesh out the history.
hi mike glad to here that someone is thinking of starting up another truck racing series that would be awesome if I can help just let me know. if anybody needs a driver I have a helmet
These were videos that used to be sold through the Antique Truck Historical Society. There were six volumes in all. They were great and visited some very interesting trucks and collectors. Best of all, you got to ride along. I still go back and watch them regularly.
The auto chains work great BUT when the tire isn’t turning the chains aren’t working. No problem on going but in a panic stop they can get you in trouble! We use them on our fire trucks and ambulances and some school busses.
I just watched the show for the first time and it’s complete b.s. every crew they followed obviously was a set up story, especially the cattle on the tracks.. I think history channel has lowered itself down to the level of TRUTV with this show….
I am a 32 year vet driving the highways of this beautiful country in a 18 wheel big truck. I have seen and heard everything from the deepest “bs” to doctors, lawyers and politicians who for some reason or another become steering wheel holders.driving big trucks. This tv show is the biggest pile of “bs” that I have ever seen. The trucking industry has a hard enough time with respect and reputation to have some group of jack-legged piss-ants trying to act like bounty hunters looling for stolen or abandoned big rigs. It doesn’t work like that and never has. To see some que ball so called retired pro wrestler as a big rig bounty hunter says alot about the validity of this show. Pretty sad that some people can’t find anything better to do than disrepect the very heartbeat of this country’s economy.
Nice blog. I think that Mack Titan is the powerful truck that can be used in a heavy hauling industry. I want to try to drive that kind of truck because I think that will be the easy steering wheel of those trucks that I used.
I just found this site today… going backwards I’m not sure if you have photos of them. There is that fella that has a small fleet of these in East Syracuse call Autocar Construction.
I do have some photos of their fleet but I have yet to post them. Really nice looking trucks. They seem to run they later model Autocars now instead of the older DC models.
Would like to be a big rig bounty hunter if there is such a thing. I am an over the road driver and would like to find out how a person can get into this profession. How do I go about checking into this?
I’m not that sure but I would guess making contact with local trucking companies could help. As you can see from the show much of the time just having a dependable driver on call for those “oh crap” moments is worth its weight in gold.
This unit arrived in Fulton at the end of January. January 24th to be exact. I remember passing this on the Thruway that day on the back of a lowboy. You dont miss giant dayglow green machines like that.
I can tell you for sure, they were scrapped. I know the son of the fella that owned these. He was having problems with folks (meth scrappers) stealing his stuff and the town coming down on him for having that stuff there.
But wait there’s more. If you drive down to Callahan’s Marina on Rt 31 on the south shore of Oneida Lake near Rt 13, you will find some old trucks that he didn’t scrap, and some nice vintage equipment.
I was looking at Alex Lyons & Sons Auction site, and saw a photo of the GMC tow truck pictured here… must be this guy is all done and is selling everything off…
You are correct. He has quite the collection of old trucks and cars. Almost everything is going to the auction or the scrap man this May. I have heard he is keeping his Brockway wrecker.
I think the town of DeWitt still uses one of these, or the village of E. Syracuse… I remember seeing it drive down West Manlius Street not that long ago….
It must be the town of Dewitt. I believe they had more than one at some point. Just two years ago a former TofD Cargostar was at the ATHS Long Branch show.
My dad, Ervin Carpenter, used to race on the G.A.T.R series. I’ve seen numerous races from Atlanta to Pocano to Toledo Ohio. Virgil, I’m sure you know my dad and fought in the same battles as he did. The racing was awesome…sure hate those days are gone.
sure did know your dad he and I go way back before truck racing he and I go back to the days of Carolina and metrolinaand then we drove trucks for some of the same companys magnum and Carolina western I also worked for him twice sorry to hear about his passing I will miss him but I got some good memorys he and I used to have some good battles both on and off the track good to here from you sorry it took so long to respond but I don’t use this computer very much if you talk to Brenda tell her I said hi hope she is doing ok well I better go for now take care talkto you later
Thanks for the kind words Eric. Glad you and others are enjoying them. All these years sitting in the closet in boxes, it is good to be able to share them. And I have a lot more! All those years of being a “detail nerd” finally paid off I guess.
Nice catch. The 114’s are starting to grow on me a bit, although I’m not much on those breather units on the side of the hood. Looks like a cheap stick on accessory. See if you can catch some more of their Western Stars. They seem to be the favorite of the Onondaga fleet, and the sharpest looking trucks out there for a plow.
Great series Eric. You know how I love Onondaga County’s fleet! By the way, there is a Mack in the fleet there although I have never seen it. It is No. 134, a 2009 Granite GU713 tandem dump with double wings and a 2-way reversible front plow. Since I live in NJ now, I’ll leave it up to you CNY residents to track this elusive truck down!
For the detail guys out there, here is the rundown on the trucks in your slide show:
No. 191 = 2001 International 2674 6×4
No. 139 = 2012 Freightliner 114SD (No. 138 is the twin to this truck.)
No. 184 = 2006 Sterling 8501
No. 130 = 2008 Volvo VHD64F
No. 162 = 2009 Volvo VHD64F
No. 147 = 2012 Kenworth T-800
The last photo is another Sterling but I can’t see the truck number.
you should see the new trucks we get to make into log trucks, and crane trucks. every one of them are that long. ive seen tons of them since i was old enough to know what a truck was. just got one 3 days ago we built brand new in 2000, took the body off, and the loader is next.
wow..quite the collection…there is a similar bunch of this type of early heavy equipment in Utica N.Y. just off the side of route 5S …property falls between taft ave and East Broad st near the Utica/Frankfort N.Y. border
not sure who exactly owns it as there are a few repair shops in that immediate area and also a crane company that also deals with some other heavy equipment jobs
The GMC designation for this truck was the DF-Series. The one shown is probably a DF7000. A DLR is a diesel (D), set-back-front-axle COE (L) with an air-ride suspension (R). The DLR7000 had a 6-71 engine in it while the DFR7000 (diesel (D), set-forward-front-axle COE (F) with an air-ride suspension (R)) had a 6V71 in it. Eventually the “R” was dropped and the single axle became the DF7000 and the tandem axle was the DFW7000. These both had spring suspnesions. If the truck had an 8V71, then the designations were DF7100 & DFW7100.
I don’t thing this was a Yellow Freight truck because of the black fenders. Maybe an Interstate Motor Freight Sysyems, but who really knows.
Actually, after looking closely at the info on this pic I noticed the 54995 in the
lower right corner. That is the VIN on my truck. I then called the previous owner who told me my truck had a sleeper cab when it was new! So the truck
in this pic is my truck!!!! Now I need to find a sleeper cab to restore it to its original configuration.
I was down on Fayette St. last week, and watched a Syracuse Haulers truck with a roll-off backing into the old NYNEX building. With the roll-off halfway off the truck, the driver had at least four attempts going back and forth, back and forth. I watched as I waited for the light so that I could turn down Montgomery… He must not have been able to see into the building, it was sunny for a change…
Virgil, it would be great to hear from you again……there’s a GATR page on Facebook, your old narrow nosed Pete is in the pics somewhere as well as the #21 which I recall you driving from time to time…..drop on in, a few of the old crowd is there too.
It’s a West Coast thing…
The first transfer dumps were built by Knight Trailers of Vancouver BC back in the 60’s. They are still extremely popular here, and the Californians just took off with a good idea… 😉
And the backing up trick? You leave the truck in reverse, brakes off, and push a button that goes to the starter, thus backing up the truck. You want to be doing this on level ground!
Yeah, the description says “At the rear is a switch or a button that is used to engage the starter on the engine without starting truck. Since the truck is in reverse, the driveline backs the truck up.”
Thanks for posting Eric! The Autocar is a 1973, DC9964 with a PT270 with a jake. The transmission is a TO955ALL riding on SUDD rears on Hendrickson rubber block suspention. 11:00/24’s all the way around with only 83,000 on it. When new it was owned by the Town of Adams MA. treatment plant and I bought it from a local slate company saving it from the blue wrench!
For the record these pics were submitted by myself Dave .T but i put a bogus name when i set up my email acct several years ago and couldnt figure how to change it until the other day
.i have a lot more from around the utica/rome area that i recently found for the first time…i will have to get them together and shoot them to your email
I’m not sure on finding the parts but Trojan was a victim of the global economy. I believe the company was purchased by a O&K (German Firm) who eventually closed the company.
Nothing that I know of, but sometime in November, ’12, I saw in Manlius rumbling down Rt. 92 a truck with the name “Wilkinson Salvage” on the door of a Mack R model with a roll-off dumpster on it. I really didn’t think anything of it, thinking that it was from a yard in Perryville. While on a “Sunday drive” we drove through Lathams Corners, southeast of Norwich by about 10 miles, I spotted a junk yard. I went to check it out and the name on the sign was “Wilkinson Salvage.” So that was quite the haul, heading to Syracuse to drop off a load of scrap…
I got roughly 200 shots from the auction yesterday. We got up there at 9 am, we walked the yard. We left for lunch for a hour, came back and tried to last until they got to the back of the yard where we were waiting on some model A doodlebugs. We gave up and left. I know there were a lot of pissed off guys because Dobbins kept pulling things out of the auction. What he kept was really beyond belief, he also had been selling to folks weeks before the auction, one guy I talked to said that he was in during the past week with a 30 yard roll off picking up structural steel. I was surprised to see a couple of Oneida built buses (built in Canastota). Anywho, I’ll give you a link to the Google album once I finish setting it up….
Yes! Yes! Yes! I was hoping someone would make it to this auction and even better, take pictures. Great work Eric!
This is even better than I expected. The advertisement for the auction only listed one Walter actually for sale. I never thought there may have been more. More lost Onondaga County trucks found! Fantastic and right up my alley as you know.
The ad also listed an International A-160 4×4 snow blower. Did you happen to shoot that one?
Thanks Eric. I appreciate it. It will be good to add the Walter’s to my Onondaga County set over there. I wonder what year the No. 104 was? Was that the only Onondaga County truck there?
Back in 1992, they auctioned what may have been the last two Walter’s in the fleet. Both were 1959 ACRS models, double wings and had the 4-wheel steering option. Unfortunately, none of the pictures I took that day came out.
Wow. These are a rare sight today in any condition. There is one that makes the ATHS show circuit that has been stretched and has some sort of flatbed on it now I think. It was for sale in the back pages of Wheels of Time a few years back.
I remember seeing these on the roads of NY fondly back in the 1970’s & ’80’s. While most were dump trucks, many were used as lowboy tractors as well. The Town of Sullivan (where I worked for a time before going to Madison County) had one of these they bought new off of State bid specs. They converted theirs to a tandem around 1981 and it has now sadly been junked as of 2005 or 2006.
I can help with the specs on these for you. I believe these were all built with Cummins NTC-230 diesels, Jake brakes and Fuller 9 speed transmissions. They were all 1976 models, hence the Bicentennial “776” model designation of what was essentially a re-badged 761 model.
Interesting about the SUNY Morrisville connection. The last time I saw one of these on the road was in the late ’80’s/early ’90’s in Morrisville and now I know why! Nice narration by the way. Really good.
The Town of Henderson Walter is a beast. Cummins V-903 and an Allison automatic!
For future reference, the Walter serial number gives you the model year with the first 2 digits so always make note of it when you see one. Sometimes trucks would be registered a year later, for example I have seen Walter’s with “58” as the first two digits of the serial number registered as 1959 models. But, as a rule it works.
By the way, that block of wood in the Watertown truck is the clutch! The pedals in these were so close together it seems unnatural and easy to mistake. The larger pedal to the right is the brake and the little, table spoon shaped pedal to the right of that is the throttle.
Having sampled a version of that engine (in a 2007 ML320 CDI – 210 hp & 400 lb ft torque), I can’t wait till these trucks debut. I’m thinking that I may have to give my late father’s 2000 F150 XLT a sibling (a RAM 1500 4×4 Ecodiesel) some time late this year or early next year. That engine is dependable, fuel efficient (27+ mpg on the highway, 17 – 19 around town with a/c blowing in traffic), and incredibly powerful. 80 mph is too easy to reach in the ML (5100 lbs wet). My ex regularly shows other cars her tail-lights without much trouble. Keep in mind that hers in pre urea injection. Last year without it was 2008, if I’m not mistaken.
Thank you a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually know what you’re speaking approximately! Bookmarked. Kindly additionally visit my website =). We can have a hyperlink alternate agreement between us
Hi Eric. Nice shots! Would you believe I have pictures of this very Brockway that I took way back in 1994? Even then, it was out of service but was a little more intact than seen here. Good to know not all of the trucks I took pictures of have went to scrap. I shot it at the old Owl Equipment in Cicero. I’ll post them on my Flickr page soon and feel free to share them here too.
The engine is a Continental R6602. The 602 is the cubic inch displacement. Any time you see “Chrome Moly” on the engine, you’re looking at a Continental gas job. The Brockway is a 1962 by the way, and even when I took pictures of it 20 years ago the 50th anniversary Huskie mascot was missing.
The orange paint on the back indicate this truck must have been a municipal at one point in its life. By the way, love the A-160 IH blower.
Love your web site!! Just found it !! awesome I’m finding out I’m not the only truck nut out there–found you-tube and now your site I’m slowly becoming a high-tech redneck and there is a lot of info out there—a lot of us think alike I’m 58 and I like the old school trucks prefere CUMMINGS buut I like em all I guess it goes back to childhood when I drove trucks for my dad starting at age 14 then legally at 18 so its in my blood I broke out on 60 international 220 cummins 10 sp road ranger drove a bunch of all of em—petes 5×4 -6×6-13sp diamond reo etc I think the 9 sp is like drivin a pick up w 6 sp — gimmie some GEARS this walkin beef wont get to market with that!!!!! enjoyed it we’ll be checkin in from time to time Keep up the good work
great job keep up good work I’ll try not to talk so much –I used to like to sit around our small town and listen to the old timers talk about how it used to be –now I’m one of the old timers tellin how it used to be
Nice looking old Autocar here. Thanks for sharing.
This is a very interesting looking shift knob for a Fuller 18 speed. I wonder if it is really a 5 speed main and 4 speed auxiliary with the Dana air-shift tower on the auxiliary rather than the 2 sticks one thinks of with 5+4 transmissions. It sure looks like it to me.
The Brockway I drove at the Town of Sullivan had the 5+4 air-shift auxiliary, but I don’t recall if there were restrictions on using the lo-lo (or 1 position) on the auxiliary. Perhaps that might give 18 speeds instead of 20? This was the case with the Mack Quad box which is really an 18 speed transmission.
Another cool series. Well done. I wonder if the blue & yellow White was an ex-Sunoco tractor? Sometimes these old timers get repainted so many times it is impossible to tell.
Did you happen to shoot any of the old school buses there?
I cant imagine the sound this thing is making, and there is a fella sitting there, eating his gelato filled crepe like nothing is going on 10 feet away…
The term “ATV” was originally coined to refer to non-straddle ridden six-wheeled amphibious ATVs such as the Jiger produced by the Jiger Corporation, the Amphicat produced by Mobility Unlimited Inc, and the Terra Tiger produced by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company in the mid 1960s and early 1970s. ^:*.
Estoy interesado en comprar Dumpers Caterpilar de 2008 en adelante, dumper 325 o mayor,, preferiblemente en Colombia pero podria importarla si elcontacto es directo en EE UU.
with today’s technology and lightweight materials trucks can become much lighter and use less tires. this would keep reading surfaces in tact with much less damage. American truck companies need to research and make prototypes. Let’s get big truck racing back on tv
Hi Eric,
found your H60 Payloader pictures in the net.
Is it possible, to let me have your permission, to publish those 2 pics on my website ?
with best regards from Neuss on Rhine / Germany
Wow. I am trying to place exactly where this place is in East Syracuse. It almost looks like that claw operator is actually moving stuff around during the fire!
This place is right near the corner of James St and Thompson Rd. The current story is a bunch of car seats, plastic and other non metal items removed from scrap cars caught on fire.
It is an interesting move at a time when natural gas (CNG or LNG) is becoming the new topic of curiosity in the industry. With the Marcellus Shale find, natural gas has become plentiful and cheap. However, the big road block is fueling locations, a situation which is changing as facilities pop up more & more. Second to that is the high cost of the Cummins-Westport engines and the fuel tanks.
I imagine this will be the challenge with the DME fuel as well – where can I fuel up if I don’t invest in my own system? It will be very interesting to see how the system prices up.
Ive worked with alternate fuels most of my career..fleet conversions to Naural gas, even porposals for LNG truck fueling well as 10kw Fuel Cell project for the Army.
Natural gas as a vehicle fuel (CNG) has been around since the early 90’s. It may have some applications for limited miles fleet vehicles that return to a filling hose, has natural ga pipes there, and can refuel overnight. I do not belive it has any legs. It requires not ony a filling station but few people would be comfortable with a steel tank, wrapped in fiberglass tape, with a regulator siting a couple of inces from the kids in the back seat. It’s going nowhere ad I don;t know why people are still dicussing it. a cryogenic -260 degree fluid? way to volatile and the supply is limited to Natural Gas Utilities that are mostly up north and liquifythe gas to use for winter peak shaving capacity.
DME will be the fuel of choice. Look at Oberon or Alternative Fuel Technology, or the International DME Associations webbsite for mor info. Now that a common rail pump has been ugraded to resolve the wear isses caused by the low lubricity (DME is like JP-8) its ready to go.
As far as infratructure…Oberon has a skid mounted DME facility that can be put about anywhere.. it is stred like propane – low pressure – so it has an infratructure that many are familiar with and comfortable with. It produces zero soot, it is largely nn-toxic (its in your aerosol cans) no no train wrecks polluting like oil.
It’s at the point of critical mass this year. There is an article I read recently “DME the best fuel you never heard of” Interesting read.
Thanks for stopping by. Higher fuel prices and global tensions have certainly pushed the development of new energy sources. Like they say, necessity is the mother of all invention.
Give 5 or 6 years and go take a shot of that Western, it will look pretty much the same. I don’t think there is a better looking and well maintained fleet of trucks in the area.
Thanks so much for the great comments and beautiful pictures. The General was built in the last month of GMC production and has one of the first Detroit Diesel Series 60 engines serial number 06R0002128. The Titan/90 is a V-12 and sold new by our original dealership, Lewis Chevrolet.
I have learned you have one of the few generals with a 60series Detroit in it . I have recently bought a general from a farm in Nebraska and hauled it to my shop in Canada my plan is to put a 60 series ddec2 from an 88 white gmc with a 06r number 8886
Was wondering if you could send me some pics so I can make it look correct . Hope you can help me thank you
Here is the link to a picture of the Titan/90 in it’s first year of operation. It was owned by Henry B. Person of Norfolk, VA. He had a fleet of four Titan/90s and he hauled steel from Sparrows Point, MD. Russell MacNeil took this picture in Springfield, MA. Henry personally drove this truck. One of his favorite stories was, a trucker pulled up beside him and said you got a 6-71 in that thing? Henry said YES on your side!
If you have trouble with the link go to Hanks Truck Pictures and the Russell MacNeil collection page 21 of his ’70s vintage pictures.
Yes to the V-12 being original and the only reason we restored it. It is the only one we sold as they were intended to be used to pull turnpike doubles or Michigan trains. They were considered very extravagant and tough to make money with hauling 45,000 pound payload. The VIN is CDP930V192575. C means Chevrolet and D is for aluminum tilt 6×4. P says it all 12V-71 engine. H for 8V-71 and C for NTC Cummins. There are other engine designations but H and C were the big sellers. This truck costs $12K more than one with NTC350 which was a 20% bump. Now you know why very few built. The 8V-92T with similar power much lighter and a whole lot less money obsoleted the V12. This engine is normally aspirated thus the reason for being so large for the power output of 434HP. The largest transmission was a RTO 12513 which had a 1250 lb-ft torque limit so they were sold with 60MM injectors instead of 65MM which produced 475HP and 1300 lb-ft of torque. We restored the truck with a new Detroit Diesel reman engine clone of the original serial number 12VA30516. In 1986 the third owner of the truck re powered it with a new 8V-92T silver engine to save fuel and increase is payload. I was impressed with Detroit Diesel having the original build record of the engine. I did get them to put 65MM injectors in it since we are not too worried about the transmission failing in truck show mode.
Just read my post above and need to correct the price bump of a V12 Detroit over a NTC 350 Cummins in 1973 was $6,000. 20 % bump is correct. Besides P in the VIN the left side air cleaner and intake pipe tell you it is a 12V-71. Please also notice on he front of the cab though hard to read, Henry had Dirty Dozen lettered by a sign painter along with a V12 insignia.
Ashton, We bought a old 1977 gmc astro day cab with only 82,000 miles/2,400hrs. with a 8v71 Detroit .Do you know where we can get some interior cab parts? Thanks C. Vail
Cool shots Eric. About 20 years earlier, I also took some pictures at Action Topsoil! Back then it was two ex-municipal trucks- a Brockway and an Oshkosh. I’ll post them over at Flickr one of these days and you can share them here if you like.
I wonder if that Diamond Reo is an ex-T.H. Kinsella unit? Check out my recent post of the Town of Georgetown White-GMC with the Kinsella truck in the background and you’ll see what I mean.
I knew that truck when it was new it belonged to Sam and Jim Lacastro in Syracuse they had there shop on state street and they had 2 Autocars several Macks and 1 Ford Louisville I did a lot of hauling along with them.
I drive this thing everyday, I’ve been told it’s got the big cam 400 in her, with a thirteen speed, she’s a good old girl just rides rougher than shit, and I love the Jake on it, she turns some heads
Are you in the Southern Tier of NY? I’ve noticed trucks from Beam Mack in your pictures. Have you ever seen Lopke’s fleet in Apalachin? I haven’t been by there in a while because I no longer live in that area but I remember that they had quite a few old Autocar DCs just a few years ago. I don’t know if they still have them or not but I used to love seeing them on the road.
They have a lot of trucks at that facility between Elmira and Binghamton. It’s visible from I-86 but it’s actually on S-R 434. You can’t miss them. All of their trucks are bright green.I hope you can get some pictures there sometime. Thanks for all the other great pictures.
Worked at both Yellow and Interstate in the ’70s. Not the correct color for either company, and don’t recall any Crackerboxes. In hazy memory, both ran mainly Ford tractors, also recall some Kenworth, GMC Astro, IH and White Freightliner.
I don’t know how common this combination was,
but back in the early-and-mid-1990’s, I owned and drove an 1987 FLC120 Freightliner that had come from from the factory with 24.5 aluminum Alcoa “Budds” on the steer axle and 24.5 cast-iron Dayton spokes on the drives. Being a Canadian truck, it also had a 60-inch “Canadian spread” on the tandems as well.
I see that you are around Syracuse,N.Y. area and I am wondering if you might have any pictures of the Fays Drugs, Wheels Auto Stores, or Paper Cutter Office Supply Store fleets. I work for the company for 13 years and never got a picture of a truck. How uncool is that. I left the fine state of N.Y. in 94 and never looked back, moving to Phx., Az.
Are Clark Concrete and Santaro Constuction still in business?
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hi Douglass, Sadly I don’t have any photos of Fays or their other business ventures. I search google all the time but not much comes up. Maybe some day that will change. Clark Concrete is still around today but in name only. They are now part of the Cransville Block Empire. Santaro is pretty much dead after closing the construction side of the business to focus on trash hauling which was later sold to Mr. Bults. You can find some photos of Clark Concrete on this site.
Dear Eric,surfing on the internet I found this article about ETF,let me assure you we are talking here about a realtime Truck ready for the future,which will be ready in a few months,after 10 years of very hard work by eddy de Jongh and his friends,I have seen it ,and I am impressed by all the technically clever idea’s in this truck.
Pretty good video, considering I was in one of those Brockways going up the hill. If you go to the Ballston Spa Show, there is also a pretty good hill leading up to the fairgrounds, which you could shoot video from.
Well unless you were a part of the action in the yard it was kind of hard to know this was going on. These tower sections would roll in either in the early morning & be waiting outside the gate, or late in the afternoon.
Great shots Eric. If the spring shop you refer to is Allied Spring, you are right on about it being a great resource for truck pictures. I used to frequent there myself years ago. Do they still have that old Fleetstar 2000D yard tractor?
Thanks for posting those Onondaga Co. trucks. That Western Star 6×6 is a beast! It must be a new one, either a 2013 or 2014. At the end of last year, they only had one of those, truck No. 192. That old International No. 89 is one of the 2001 models still in service. Ryan has a couple of shots of this truck up on his Flickr page.
I remember that old Manlius Autocar too. They took delivery of it around the time we got our new ones at the Town of Sullivan, 1991-1992. It seems Amboy picks up quite a few second hand units. They just auctioned an old, ex-Oswego County Paystar tandem a few months back. When I worked at Sullivan, we picked up some used equipment from Manlius as well and Cazenovia got some stuff from us, etc. Not sure how much that still goes on but with municipalities turning equipment sooner now, it seems it would be a good resource for the smaller towns & villages with limited budgets.
Correction. The ex-Amboy/ex-Manlius Autocar is a 1989 model and was auctioned just this past June, 2013. It has a Cummins NTC-290 with a Fuller 8LL transmission.
Great to see Suit-Kote is still running the old Brockway’s. As a kid, when they were called Cortland Asphalt, I remember those 361 tractors pulling the Etnyre distributor tankers everywhere.
Years later when I worked for Madison County, they would do our spreading for us during oil & stone operations. By then, the tractors were White Road Boss & Ford LT-9000’s, and sometimes these newer WIA White-GMC’s.
A really great catch Eric. I love it when cool trucks survive the ages and very ironic to find it in virtually the same spot as my old picture. You also shot an old Brockway up at the Dobbins auction that I took a picture of years before in Cicero, NY. I was amazed to see it still in one piece, well more or less anyway.
My “one that got away” was the Town of Sullivan’s 1976 Brockway 776, truck number 12. I loved that truck when I worked there and never got to drive it or ride wing plow in it. I only washed it and parked it after plow runs. Even worse, I never took a picture of it! They blew the engine sometime in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s. It sat for years in their gravel bed but I never got back in there again to take pictures. The superintendent told me in July, 2011 that all the old hulks back there were cleared out a few years before my visit. Number 12 was sold to a “collector/junk man” in the Syracuse area he told me. Where is it?
By the way, although number 12 was a single axle new (like the NYS DOT trucks since it was a state bid spec), the town converted it to a tandem in the early ’80’s which might be a clue. Orange cab/fenders/grill surround, black fenders & a yellow plastic bug shield for clues.
Thank you for the article on my Walter Snow Fighter, it is nice that people appreciate the hard work that goes in to restoring and moving such a large piece of equipment.
As the president of the Hudson Mohawk Chapter I would like to thank Eric and all the others out there that have taken the time to take great photos and post them to the web and thank Grant and all the others out there who have taken the time to bring all these great pieces to the show. Next year is our 25th anniversary and we hope to do it even bigger and better.
Great pics Eric and nice job restoring & sharing your Walter with the world of truck nuts Grant. Having driven, wing plowed in and admired Walter’s for many years, I often reflected on the sad reality of how difficult they are to transport to truck shows especially in full plow dress. The fact that you and a few brave others are doing it is wonderful.
I have never been there in a person so I don’t know how accessible they really are but from Google Maps take exit 6 from 81 South. Continue to head south on RT 11, keep an eye out for Fuller Rd then follow to Grant. You should be in the area by that point.
Bur-Trans trucks are some of the cleanest & best maintained private fleet in CNY. Long history of running all Mack fleets. Every truck gets the pin stripping & add on details to suit each drivers own likes.
would like to find some one who has pics of gatr in the 80 s we had trk #80 larry wickersham dont have any picks any one who has some i will buy thanks jim
Had nothing better to do, but do a lil’ searching. All this bringing back some great memories. And of coarse had to watch the videos posted above. And guess what…. I found your dad, and his truck. Not sure how to post links in these forums. But if you go onto YouTube, and look for poster VooDooRocketry, and look for video….GATR 1986 Big Rig Racing year in review. For a few short seconds, starting at 6.25, there she is, in all her glory…. nearly 8ft of hood and all. So far that is all I have found. But its cool to see it again. Hope that helps a little. Will let you know of any I may find.
That’s what I get for losing touch with important people in my life… Jim, I’m sorry (4 years too late). I just found out about his passing. I regret not knowing. Through my father I was lucky enough to know him and your mom. Forgive me for not knowing, before asking stupid questions. He and my father went back a long time, when they were first building Interstate 80. And was lucky enough to have him around for me, after my parents passed back in 97. Will keep digging for anything I can find. Really wish those pics I had would turn up….
Shon, glad you enjoyed the post. You can find many more photos and videos at the GATR Facebook page. If you don’t have a facebook account it’s worth signing up for one. You may find info on the people you once knew and the trucks you loved.
What a waste. Not too many White 3000 tandems left and it still had its original body too. Lucky you got the shots you did when you did.
Penn Can was the name! I think I had guessed Empire as the name originally, but now that I read Penn Can Road Materials I am convinced that’s it. You could see this truck in the line-up from 690 going towards the fairgrounds for many years. They had a White Compact distributor too. Man I wish I had shot their fleet. The ’60’s Ford NT-950 was my favorite.
Now that should be the next Hess toy truck if they continue them. Too bad this generation of Hess trucks seem nothing like trucks. The helicopters, race cars, and off road vehicles just don’t do it for me. Kudos on finding this rarity!!
I have a photo of this truck in Wilton NH when owned by Sheldons winching a 1939 ford onto a gooseneck trailer of mine being pulled by my 1936 ford 1-1/2 ton . how do i attach the photo ????
Right below the comment field is a button that is labeled choose file. Click it and then select your photo. It’s a new feature to the site that wasn’t available until you asked. Thanks!
I was down on that stretch of Hiawatha years ago and stopped to watch them do some switching. One of the breakmen yelled out “go find something better to do”
They have switched the small chem. co. back behind the loco for years… They haven’t crossed 7th North in some time though.
One place “you” always cross and “never” see any activity is the crossing out front of Tracey’s Equipment. 84 Lumber still gets regular rail deliveries.
I saw them switching it last year on a Saturday morning. They had traffic backed up all the way back to 690. The switch is just north of the street. The crew stopped traffic 4 times for various lengths of times. Each time the loco never actually going completely through the crossing…
Hahaha, railmen. The Kirkville Road crossing used to also see a fair amount of activity but that may have changed with the passing of NPG. Maybe if the intermodal factory opens there will be a greater need for that stretch of rail.
Ruston has obviously been a very loyal International user over the years. Funny that you mention not getting pictures of their fleet as I never did either. When I was active in the area they still had a few of those Fleetstars but mostly ran S-series 2574 tandems.
I remember when they moved into the old Oneida Motor Freight terminal at the corner of Thompson Rd. & Kirkville Rd./Exeter St. Looks like from that excellent collection on their website that they used reside up by the Jamesville quarry. Interesting.
Anyone have any photos of Oneida Motor Freight’s fleet? They ran some monster tractors in the 1970’s- day cab Ford & GMC cabovers with 3408 CAT’s, 12V-71 Detroit’s and KT Cummins power. Unreal.
These guys did the night paving at Wegmans in DeWitt over the summer. This truck was there. I thought about getting a shot for you… Wegmans had a site map up while paving, it was roughly 30 phases…
I believe this would be a Lorain MotoCrane, something like a MC550 circa 1965 or so… that is my best guest but I’m curious to see what the experts on this site have to say.
I have one of these trucks with a sicard blower and a 700 hp. Engine on the back, it’s a beast, any one interested in it e mail me @ or call 519 389 7212 or 519 396 8116
Beautiful Looking Truck.Nice Job Restoring .Learned to drive on a Titan/90 with a 8V71,13 sp., no jake. I keep looking for One that someday would like to Own,when I win the Hope to catch a personal look at Your truck next year at Mucungie.Missed it this year,had to work to make the Funds. Darn Nice Truck though!
Great shots Eric. I especially like the one from my Alma Mater! I tried to identify who was driving, but a lot of the guys I worked with have retired now so…
Just fabulous. There is no better sounding vintage truck diesel than the 8V-71 Detroit. Always my favorite. I remember Syracuse Riggers had a similar crane to this one with the same power plant in the carrier chassis.
Really nice video work. I wonder if the poor guy trying manage the idle had ear plugs!
Nice shots Eric. I’ve seen No. 124 before which is a 2002 model.
We’ve had some snow this year in South Jersey as well! Here is a brand new 2013 Pete we just delivered to Camden County, NJ a couple of weeks ago. V-box spreader in the box. The 2-way reversible plow isn’t mounted yet in this picture.
Nice videos Eric. That old American LaFrance Pioneer brought back memories. When I was kid living in Skaneateles, the Mottville FD had two of those as their front line units, along with a 1960 Chevy & 1939 Ford COE. I believe the Pioneer’s were Waukesha powered and they were marketed to poorer departments as a low cost option to the bigger and fancier American LaFrance siblings.
Did you happen to get any of the school buses there on film? I would be very interested in them believe it or not.
Great pictures Eric. I don’t remember this one at all and I have a lot of pictures of Clay’s equipment, granted much of it from auctions of years past. They recently auctioned their 1978 Autocar Construcktor dump this past summer.
That looks like a nice set up, I’ve seen a bunch of towns here in Maine that run wings on F-550’s, which are a nice truck, had a few at a place a worked but there really just overgrown 1 ton’s. They had a Terrastar 4X4 C&C at the Fryeburg Fair this fall I gave a real good once over, everything on that truck was massive, the front drive axle makes an F-550’s look like a tooth pick:-), hell, at least the one I looked at had double frame from under the cab some where to the front spring hanger’s on the rear axle. If I had the money & need(well probably just the money and I’ll find a need;-) I’d buy one in a heartbeat over any other 19,500GVW truck
Fantastic! I remember visiting Pacific’s factory many years ago and meeting the CEO. He had a picture of one of the South African RR “land locomotives” on his wall and the caption read, “They are so big that it’s said that the earth revolves beneath them!”
There is an interesting story about truck racing on the oval tracks. Ask Burt Reynolds if he can remember. There really was a “Bandit” before the movies “Smokey and the Bandit” came out. It came from and idea they got from everyday over the roads trucks racing on the big speedway. If you ever heard of “Southern Shaker and “Bandit” you would remember the days of truck racing. These guy’s had road trucks with KT650’s cranking out over a 1000hp. Oh yes, they weren’t worried about fuel mileage back then. These guy’s would up and down the road at over 120MPH, they were the Outlaws of those days. I know of one driver that was clocked at over 130 on I-10 in Arizona.
You guys remember the Kenworth “Special K”? owned by Kenneth Farmer, near Section Alabama. I remember in the late 70’s that it was the fastest street legal big rig in the world back then. I am just curious. I tried researching that truck on line, but came up with nothing.
I have the truck now … I bought it from a very good friend. Still has that big K in it and right now it is painted some random brown color but will be restored back to its glory!
You know Eric, sometimes I wonder if we aren’t related. I too used seek out the Big Truck Trader issue of the Auto Trader. I too used to mark trucks I liked. I have two issues saved somewhere along with a bunch of old TNT magazines including one of the first issues from 1967. I even used to cut out ads from the smaller issues of the Auto or Truck Trader and kept them all in an old photo album. I was thinking about scanning these but wasn’t sure there would be much interest. But now you’ve got me thinking as usual!
Hahaha. You should browse through those old traders. Who knows what gems they contain. I plan on sharing a few more pages from this edition in the coming weeks.
Some of these trucks look familiar so I wonder if one of my copies isn’t this same issue or at least around the same time. Not surprising that you could only find one Brockway as most of these ads seemed to have been from the Southeast- Georgia, Alabama and Florida in particular.
You know I always love the Onondaga County shots. For reference, 191 is definitely a 2001 as you mentioned. The single axle No. 57 is a 1999, Nos. 124 & 136 are both 2002’s and No. 187 Workstar is a 2012.
Nice recap Eric. Yes, that ’39 Pete is real and resides in the Denton, TX factory along with the very truck built at that plant in 1980, a 359 day cab.
I would agree Western Stars are becoming more popular for plow trucks. While I am not a fan of the look of the 4700 (mainly due to Western Star’s departure from the classic round fenders, to those ugly, squarish, cardboard cut outs they stuck over the front wheels), I do love the rugged good looks and quality workmanship that goes into them. You have posted some beautiful 4800 and 4900 plows over the past few years, that would clearly be the pride of any government fleet. Hopefully, we will see more of them and less of the 4700’s in the future.
I wot for the NYSDOT and having an identical one like this. It didn’t have the arrow on the side, instead it had an indicator light in the cab and I believe on the front controls. Nice truck with an eaton 10 speed
LCnJ coach staten island new york its avi. For charters 718 285 5008 ..she has been everywhere for cal to nyc and south to florida .Even served as a power sheltter during Sandy. She is a good bus .Had her for 13yrs.
I agree we need to bring back the sport as a new Diesel Technician I have been looking into semi truck racing teams and cant find them. however if I was a car guy or light truck series guy no problem. So let’s bring this sport back so guy’s like me who love the Big Rig’s could have a chance to work with the teams.
Of course we must save them. The crusher is no longer an option. Way too many have gone by the way side, only evidenced by our photo collections.
That IHC is definitely an R-model. The clue is the outline of the “man on a tractor” IH logo which didn’t appear until 1953, which was also the first year of the R series (both light and heavy). All heavy R-models had the three vertical bar top section of the grills. Most of the L-models used the seven, thinner vertical bars in this grill section with the exception of the 1952 models which used the three bar design but had the earlier grill emblem.
We had a Reo like that over at the Town of Sullivan, a single axle 1967 602E. P&S Concrete in Chittenango had 3 of them (might have been Diamond Reo’s, but the same sheet metal design) they used as transit mixers. One of my big “misses” in not getting them on film before they disappeared.
Big Bud 747 sure is an impressive piecs of machinery. As for that “racing tractor”, I guess the old adage applies: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”.
I have followed ice road truckers since it started .Please can you tell me how Eric is. Having just watched another of the shows we are not sure if he is going to be ok. I live in London with my husband.
I am a firetruck lover and these square boxes all look them same. I think you need some classic firetrucks if you are going to make this a fireday occurance.
Nothing better than the sound of an in-line 6-71! Have you covered the electromotive divisions 567 yet? Or the 645? for those who don’t know already, there’s actually a very interesting paper written by Eugene kettering, about the history and development of the EMd 567 series general motors locomotive engine.
Damn straight best reliable ive had pleasure of owing 2 boats with 8v71 ieasy peasy to work on!! Looking to buy an old yacht with 2 8v71s ive been waiting for this opportunity i would gave no other
I find it funny that they call themselves New England Motor Freight, when they are based out of NJ and don’t usually run freight in New England. I remember their old yard in Norwalk CT before some shipping conglomerate bought them out
You may also find it interesting that one of the owner’s of NEMF is also the wife of one Sir Paul McCartney! And yes, the main terminal and head quarters is in Elizabeth, NJ right by the port entrance, a VERY busy place for trucks.
my question,I have a 6v71 lh rotation eng I am a mechanic too and want to change it to rh I know how to do this but am wondering if the cam shafts are the same
The cams are different between the lh aha rh versions. If you ever tried to stop one of these engines by stalling it you know they will run in reverse, but the power isn’t right, you have to change the camshaft.
When you run them in reverse smoke comes out the air cleaner.. I saw my buddy stall his dump truck then it rolled forward in reverse He pulled in the clutch and it was still running but the dump box would not go up .. If I can recall I put my hand over the exhaust pipe and and it was sucking air in through the exhaust pipe ..
I was told by a mechanic that the same camshaft was used for either rotation; it had to be removed and turned end for end. Not the same for the starter, you will need one with the correct rotation.
I had a Detroit in a loader and had to swap engines because the engine went bad. I ordered a military engine from boats and harbors with an opposite rotation. All I had to do was in bolt everything from the block and rebolt it on the other side of the block and reinstall the engine. In other words just turn the block around. The engine is symetical, so it all bolts back up when the block is turned around.
The block of a Detroit is exactly alike on both sides and ends. To reverse rotation, just unbolt everything, turn the block end for end, and bolt everything back onto the block. I did it, and I know that it works! No changing cams or anything else internally! End of story!
My dad Jim Doyle had a 2 race trucks in the 80’s. #39 and #69. I would attend every race with him, my brother Jimmy and my mom. It was some of my best memories with my family.
not sure if you remember me,,,,,,i drove the 39 for your dad. you re right,
they were some really good memories. your dad was the greatest, always
enjoyed hanging with him. hope you and Jimmy are doing great.
Charlie, How many people can say that they went THROUGH the turn one retaining wall at Poccono?
after someone (Bill Metzger ?) blew a left front and went sideways directly in front the #39, causing a T-bone, they both went THROUGH the wall. My parents still have the polaroids.
If this is the Charlie that drove for the Carolina raceing team I would like to say hello .I use to build the truck with buck horne and I miss those days I hope you are doing well . My name is Brett minges
Are these Loadstar’s located on Fyler Rd. by chance? I used to live on Fyler Rd. about a mile from them if they are.
Andy is spot on about the lime green one. I remember it had a water tank on it when it was employed by Sylvan Beach FD. It was a loud little sucker! That V-8 gas engine really roared.
That “crackerbox” single drive axle looks like a Preston tractor to me. I have one built in 1967 which had a sleeper when I bought it. We have removed the sleeper and made a day cab out of it like those operated by IRC&D Motor Freight, Inc. of Richmond, IN. Both my Dad and I drove day cab tandem drive axle GMC “crackerbox” tractors for them back in the 1970’s. Mont Switzer
Really nice job Eric. Oh to have a better camera 20-25 years ago when I was hitting these auctions. When I look at your photos, I am embarrassed by my grainy, often off-center photos taken with the old 110.
Don’t be so hard on yourself! The cameras of today are very forgiving when it comes to shadows and bad light. I’m glad you took the shots you did. They are the only record of many a cool truck.
One of these days I am going to get a picture of an Autocar tanker truck from the Glastonbury Fire Dept. that I’ve heard is a beast, or at least looks like one from the pictures that I’ve seen.
It’s great to hear someone else is intersted in getting this started again. I’m young enough to get involved but been around these trucks my entire life and would love to build a truck for this event.
This truck belongs to Joseph M Sanzari Construction in Hackensack. I remember they also had a fair number of steel butterfly hood GMC 8500’s from the late ’70’s and early ’80’s around. They used them as single axle dumps and may still run a few.
I’ve got some more Jersey iron coming up on Flickr soon and possibly something for Autocar Monday’s too!
Great stuff Eric. Saunders was and is a Syracuse area staple for truck watchers, just like Clark Concrete used to be. I am glad you got a shot of that Cortland Redi-Mix GMC too. It was always on my list but I never stopped to snap a picture. I do have some pictures of two of their old Brockway mixers though. I will dig them out one of these days.
That ex-Town of Union Brockway is very interesting with the tank body and front plow frame. And of course, the 6-71 & two stick 5+4 transmissions don’t hurt either.
Hey guys my grandfather is restoring a 1985 gmc general 5 star and I was wondering were you guys know any place to get some parts for his truck if you get this please reply to me and get back ASAP thanks
The Town of Clay was always a hot bed of old trucks and has a pretty large fleet too. I have some pictures of their long gone stuff stashed away that I’ll scan one of these days- an old Diamond Reo tandem and an Oshkosh come to mind.
I am amazed this Autocar survives too. Wonder if it is another ’78? Really nice find for “Autocar Monday’s”.
As Charlie said, awesome job with your website. Thanks for stopping by our little show and keep up the great work. Really enjoy the interesting pictures you post!
I wonder if you knew that the U.S. Navy has been using 6-71 to power their small boats and landing craft since before WWII? I spent four years in the Navy as an Engineman (diesel mechanic). I’ve overhauled a number of 6-71s or 238 Detroits in trucker parlance. 238 is the horse power of a two valve non-turbo 6-71. I used to drive a White single axle tractor with a 6-71 and a 10sp RR. It was a blast to drive. The video of you driving the Brockway wrecker really brought back some fond memories of that for me. I am currently driving a bobbed 1984 AM General deuce and a half named “Brutus”. He has a White Continental Multi-Fuel diesel with a whistler turbo. Even though I love him, I am thinking about trying to sell him for a single axle cabover or conventional tractor with a 6-71 and a 10 or 13sp R.R. or a Mack B-61. Love your wrecker by the way.
Years ago I used to drive an R-190 all wheel drive fire truck. It had a huge 6cyl gasoline engine and a 5 speed crash box. Even though it was all wheel drive it had manual steering! It was the toughest truck to steer that I’ve ever driven. They are classics though.
Those are some really nice looking Brockways. I like that 361. Did I spot a Transtar & an Emeryville in the background on the video when is was backing up?
Snowplow mount on front without bumper, yellow surrounding front fender side marker light, yellow on back of severely rusted rear view mirror, maybe rear tires with studs.
Yep, that was an ex municipal vehicle. Give it a used front bumper, a used left door, some bondo, a quick bed sand blast and a respray and it would have probably another 15 years life in it if the engine is still half right.
Such an old beauty. Hopefully she gets sold to someone who will keep her working on the road and and away from the scrapyard for many more decades to come
D=This is a damn impressive page. I’ve really enjoyed looking around. Just one question though. where are the ATCA events? I lived in NE PA for about 35 years and never heard of it before.
If I remember correctly, International had the same problems when they introduced the V800 engine back in the 1970s. By all accounts that I’ve heard, the V800 was a real boat anchor!
I actually own the daycab brother of this same truck. I heard it was a foam unit from lockheed. Im currently restoring the truck to it’s original look. Today the truck only has 6358 miles on it! I would love to find some pics of the daycab.
The three Onondaga County 2674 4×2’s pictured above are numbered as follows: (2) 1996’s = A100 & A101; 1999 = 38
I took a picture of A100 when it was a year old! And I also captured this ’99 number 38’s predecessor which was a 1988 Paystar single axle back when it was auctioned. Time sure does fly by!
These macks are set-up for NYC DEP (Dept. of Environmental Protection), they currently run a bunch of these. most of the other catch basin trucks are Sterling’s right now. the DEP has the best warning light set-ups.
Just loved the video snippets. Looks like a great site! How do I join? Also, I have a wonderful 9+ minute YouTube of me driving my straight exhaust 6-71 10 speed Crown Coach bus with high volume and sweet sounds. You’re welcome to use it if you like. Let’s get me signed up for more! Thanks! Al Jennings
Hi Al, joining is as simple as coming back at 930AM EST to see what it is new. Comment on anything you like just like you did today. Nice and simple! Sweet bus BTW.
This truck could be as late as a 1986 or ’87, with the “International” in block letters at the top of the grill. The S-2275 model was built through the 1988 model year (maybe some as 1989’s) and I have personally driven three different 1987 & ’88 model F-2275’s (former Edhart Leasing tractors). I know the reference in the Crimson book you cite and it is most definitely an error (a fabulous book by the way). Perhaps he was referring to the S-2100 model? Not sure.
I went back to the book and a caption on pg 531 states 84 it was the final year of the 2200. Now, if we consider the 2200 to be a model and not a series than I think it makes more sense as the 2275 is mentioned as a production model for the next 3 or 4 years. Reading through the early years of the S-Series is truly a headache inducing activity as International produced so many models in that series. Some lasted only a year or two. Next time I’ll avoid the confusion and take a picture of the emblem. lol.
I noticed this truck when I was up over Labor Day. I thought the one you posted from the auction was this one but was surprised to see it still at the Cortland yard. Thanks for taking these and sharing! I have to dig out my pictures of Cortland Redi-mix’s old Brockways soon.
You are right about the S-series having a lot of models, but then again International was always good at that. You can get dizzy trying to keep track of all the model offerings between 1950-1980, many of which could be had with the same power trains and GVW ratings. How about the Loadstars in the 1970’s with the big VS-478 or 549 engines? Why not just order the Fleetstar? Or the now very rare S-2524 or 2624 with the 537 V-8 gas engine!
Beautiful truck, beautiful condition; what’s the engine? It sounds like a 8v71 Detroit
It is. This truck was perfect.
It would be truly amazing to find an electric motor that powerful. It would be more likely a small diesel engine to have power like that. Regardless a fascinating truck I’d love to have sitting in my garage or even in the house
Let’s buy one hot stuff. We can hit the road and never return.
Amazing article! Can’t wait until this weekend. We are going to rock the show.
I want this.
Are they still using that Autocar towtruck?? It’s such a beast and I hope Syr DPW never gets rid of it!
Hard to say. I drive by the garage five days a week, twice a day and have yet to see it move. Maybe it will it show up at auction some day? Save your money! 😉
Get more pics of it if you can!! Once that beast is gone, you’ll never see it again!! No doubt that Acar would make a great lawn ornament.
What time does this start and finish up?
9AM – 4PM. Most trucks are onsite by 11.
buchmacher unibet Good post, thanks. Do you have a Youtube account?
Sure do.
You can’t make a silk purse out of sow’s ear.
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
This was awesome, Eric. Amazing semi. Glad you shared it!
Glad you liked it!
I was looking through some of your articles on this site and I believe this website is very informative ! Continue posting .
Neat subject matter! Have you seen this website:
I had no idea such a page existed, thanks!
Pingback: White 3000 – The Journey Continues |
Did you notice when the guy from first nations was walking back at the end and talking about his equipment wasn’t junk, there was a tractor in the background with one of the front wheels falling off?
Yup, lot’s of scrap metal in that yard.
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Pingback: This is…the 100th Post! |
Now that is some good writing.
What an awesome sight!
This may be inappropriate but I don’t care. I LOVE YOU! You are smart and funny!
That Horbas is an ass.Bought Koval Transport in the 90’s which ended up closing.The guy doesn’t know shit.I see the office manager is a native named Geraldine Horbas.Boy,did he marry her to get the business?
Well I guess we know where you were for the week! Interesting read. I was there earlier this year and I was impressed with their bus fleet too – how many they had running around between all the parks and the relatively short waits for each bus.
Haha, yup. Diesel activity is pretty well hidden on the Disney property. I guess most of the truck activity happens at night.
Rely very rare old dump trucks not even able to think that in such a good condition and work properly as seen in the video.
My idea- keep these coming
I like it. Do they come in the traditional 950 payloader yellow?
Wow! I buy great gifts.
Pingback: Navistar and Caterpillar – Close Friends Getting Closer |
First time here. Nice blog and great post. Well done.
A little correction. I believe you are wrong on saying Barrett Paving Materials changed to Hanson Aggregates. Barrett is still Barrett today. Actually the Solvay Process Quarry is what was bought by what is now Hanson Aggregates. Also Barrett Paving Materials took over owner ship of the blacktop section of Hanson at the Jamesville plant. It is a little confusing as they both seem to occupy the same location. I believe Barrett Paving Materials used to quarry their own stone for making blacktop but part of the deal with the take over of Hanson’s blacktop plants was that Hanson would be supplying the stone, some one else may know more details on that.
Thanks for the info, I believe you are correct. Now that I think about it I believe both companies have a sign up by the main entrance.
You can’t only show us half of the other truck!
What is it? An old Mercedes or Unimog? Looks interesting
Can you believe that I left without taking a photo? It was another old GMC, military style. Something like this one.
Get the hell out! I was tempted to go get a bag of pot when I saw this one.They should somehow hook it up with SpongeBob. But really everybody knows you can’t kill a D9.LMAO!
I’m sure pot was had something to do with the creation of the movie. That said, time for a remake!
So sad to see all the real snow fighters of upstate NY get sold off just to be replaced with a shiny new truck that will only be able to do half the work of its predecessors.
Very but at least we can grab some photos while they are still around.
It is green.
But what shade green?
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Pingback: Lost and Found – Autocar Dump Truck |
Now I can deal with a little chrome if the truck is as beefy as that Western Star!!
I’ll have to see if I can it after being outfitted.
Looks pretty clean considering its age!
Agree. It has been sitting behind the dealer for a few years now. Make an offer and it could be yours. 😉
haha I’m still saving up for an oshkosh on auctions direct! Hey, I will be in your territory this week, I’m working up north of Syracuse all week. Any suggestions for plows in Oswego/fulton area?
I drove by the City of Oswego barn once and it was huge, tons of old iron moving about. Looked like it was an old factory. Of course, this was years ago but I’m sure there is good stuff still around. It’s not like Oswego can afford to replace anything.
What year is it and model ?
who owns the machine? i’ m real interested it, I could you the whole front end or whole machine.
I have what I believe to be Trojan 6000. Has big Cummins. Runs good. Needs lift cylinders on loader resealed as they leak. Tires are good. Main seal on motor leaks. But seems to get better more we use it. (It set for awhile before we got it). Asking 12000.00. thanks 308 520 0091
That is a nice c/5o. I own one as well and wish mine was that nice. Do you know if that one is a diesel? I thought I may have seen a pulg hanging over the front bumper…
Good question! We have a 50/50 chance of being right!
Pingback: On the Job – Dump Truck Variety Pack |
Pingback: Still Working – International Fleetstar |
Pingback: Still Working – International Fleetstar |
It’s always good to find a woman who can enjoy (tolerate) their significant others truck obsession! (my girlfriend is a saint!)
You might also find this company interesting as well!
The pink LEU613 is for a local oswego county refuge hauler. The pink color is a special promotion from Mack Trucks for breast cancer awareness (a bigger version of the pink ribbon). It will get a gray packer body, then lettered up. If you want more photos just ask, I am the service manager for Beam Mack Syracuse.
Thanks Rick, any pictures of this truck or others would always be appreciated!
I have a 75 Big Horn and I am getting ready to re-store it for the second time. Looking for some parts, any suggestions?
A good bet is always the folks over the forums. Tons of knowledge and contacts. Good luck with the restore. Would love to see some photos of it.
Hi Eric,
I saw one of the Jb Hunt Coronados today at Pilot on 7th North. He was hauling a Cargill grain trailer, much larger than any tanker I have ever seen.
Small world, I saw one bob tailing on 690 West this evening. Didn’t take long for them to hit the road.
Pingback: Diesel Sales Up, Hybrid Sales Down. |
Pingback: Australian Road Trains…seriously, it’s a train. |
I have never seen anything like that before – that’s pretty neat!
10 sticks?? What if….. one operator could really have one “joy” stick for the front plow up/down motion and a second similiar “joy” stick controller to steer the TowPLow out/in and up/down, clearing 24′ wide and then in less than 2 seconds or less, pull back on both sticks and everything is up and in!! It is about time to try and make it easier for operators to perform without 10 sticks for hydraulics in the cab. Welcome to what is happening on the farm to highway snowplowing. We do not use 4 row planters anymore.. MoFarmBoy.
Sounds good to me.
Pingback: Natural Gas – Fuel of the Future? |
Pingback: Natural Gas – Fuel of the Future? |
mooie machine
Pingback: CAT CT660 – First Sighting |
Cool, I have yet to see one in person myself. Which Milton was it at? I’m guessing it wasn’t Batavia?
Syracuse Branch. Cool looking truck, can never have enough variety in the truck world IMO.
Pingback: The New CATs |
Thanks for your interest in the new CAT CT660! We have trucks at nearly every location throughout the Northeast now, so if you’re interested in learning more, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help you out.
Thanks! How about the keys for the weekend? 😉
Pingback: What’s this? Onondaga County DOT Kenworth? |
Pingback: Still Working – Diamond Reo Giant Redux |
Pingback: Twas the Season |
Based on the air cleaner shown in the photo, that Diamond-Reo Giant probably was a later model and would likely have an NTC-300 BC-I or larger/later engine, not an NTC-290. The NTC-290 had a smaller horizontal mounted air cleaner.
Good to know.
How do u find ur divers 4 the shows here is my number if u want some more divers I don’t. Where u find them but here is my number 302 228 6281 if u really want a dam good diver since my son was killed that all he wanted 2 do iss 2 b on the rig with me is hard 2 talk about I’m sorry I know u all have thing 2 do but when my son was killed by a D U I asshole I don’t know what 2 do with my self but 2 drive u know but if u need a driver u have my number gary
Pingback: The Look of CNG |
Pingback: The Look of CNG |
Cool video.
Looking forwards to your MATS 2012 coverage.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Excellent website. Lots of helpful info here. I’m sending it to a few buddies ans also sharing in delicious. And of course, thanks to your sweat!
I have been coming for the past 4 years gets better every year thanks for having me. my mailing address is 363 maxon rd. Schenectady n.y. 12308.
Cool old iron! I known that Swedish Hill Winery over in Romulus, NY, has a B-Model Mack on site. Seemed to be in good condition, too, last time I was there.
Darn, drove right by that place.
Pingback: Luggers or Skip Loaders? |
It just so happens…that I know a “whole-lot” about these machines!!!! For you see….I literally “grew-up” with them!!!!! My Dad…worked for Trojan, for 15 years, 1963 to 75, and was a “field” service manager. He was later promoted to…Product Development Manager. Believe me…”NO ONE” at the Batavia,N.Y. plant….knew these machines….and how to keep ’em running….better than he did!!!!! We actually lived in Batavia, from 1963 to 68. I was driving these machines around the yard at the plant,when I was 12 years old!!!!! There was the 1500,1700,1900,2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,7500,and the 8000. There was also the T-80, an 8000 converted to a “tow-tractor” to pull the AIR-FORCE, C-5 GALAXY cargo-plane, but it lost out to…OSHKOSH. Also…the experimental…6000-“TURBINE”…yes a gas-turbine powered front-end loader….that in my DAD’S own words…..”Couldn’t push a sick-whore off a piss-pot”. Seeing these machines again…bring back many fond memories for me. Hard to believe…that the same plant in Batavia….now produces “wicker furniture!!!!” I guess…”nothing lasts forever”. One thing I can tell ya….in their day….these machines gave Caterpillar….”A RUN FOR THEIR MONEY!!!!!” Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Thanks for the info Bill! I wonder what ever happened to those gas turbine units.
Bill, I to use to work for Trojan from June 1974 till August 1990. I bet your dad’s name is Don. I worked in the R and D lab. My boss was Bob Moore and he used to work for your dad. Thanks, Bill Ettinger
bill, i’ve been searching for info on a trojan tractor shovel the i recently acquired. i believe its a lt400. i haven’t been able to find any manuals. ssbtractor sold me one listed as an lt400 but they sent me a 400 manual. the loader has a reo engine swapped in to it. i have driven it but i have no idea what ranges its supposed to have. all the labels are missing except the tag on the torqmatic transmission
HI Bill,was just reading some posts about older trojan loaders.Had a few questions have a trojan 134 with gas engine was checking trans and tourque but not sure where to check levels and type of oil in them any info would be greatly appreciated thank you.Or if you could point me in right direction it was my dads old loader and i am getting it fired back up he passed a few years ago and time for me to get it going again.thank you
I have a 134-A Trojan loader that I’m going to refurbish.
it has a info plate on the side that is very readable that has the information that your looking for I believe.
I could take a picture of it for you.
Bruce, that would be great, thanks
Looking for a secondary hydraulic filter for the 1700 Trojan loader. Have made arrangements to have one built but the plastic spacer that goes in the hydraulic filter has gotten broken Also if you know where to get a part number or the spacer or the filter would be great any help is appreciated
Help i have an old trojan 1955 hercules diesel
I have a tran question for u if u can text me we can talk 315 879 7783
Hi Eric, with regard to the…TROJAN model 6000-“TURBINE”…..I can tell ya that the….”FIRE-BREATHING-DRAGON”, as it was nick-named….never made it out the experimental lab at Batavia. Truth be told….it was a….”engineering nightmare” from the start. The engine, a revolutionary design by the Ford Motor Company….was a gas-turbine configuration. Designed primarily for stationary generator use….it couldn’t stand -up to the constant pounding and jarring, associated with a front-end loader, and was “prone ” to failure!!!! My DAD told me…. that the each engine,was brought in by Ford, in special “covered trucks” at night!!!! Once installed in the 6000, they couldn’t run it inside on the test-stand, because it one time…..”set the lab roof on fire”, from the exhaust!!!!! Hell, every time they took it to the near-by gravel pit to test it under load conditions….it had to be “towed-back” to the lab, due to “ENGINE-FAILURE!!!!!” When a technician from FORD….asked my DAD about the performance of the “TURBINE” under load conditions….he responded with his….”FAMOUS-PHRASE”….”That Goddamn thing couldn’t push a sick-whore off a piss-pot!!!!!” Forgive me, but that’s a direct-quote. The sales manager at the time, George Bassinett, was ready to put this machine out on the market,at a price of I believe, $180,000 dollars. The problem Eric, was that the engine alone….cost, are you ready? $475,000 dollars!!!!!! Now, ask yourself……who in their right mind….is gonna pay $500,000 dollars, for a turbine powered loader, when they can buy a CAT, 966, or 988….for a hell of a lot less???? To sum it up….the “ill-fated” TROJAN 6000 “TURBINE”, was a “failure”, from the start!!!!! Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Bill, if I send you pictures of a Trojan Yale, can you identify it for me and help me get a manual and repairs done? Its the one that looks like eye brows over the lights, small unit with 2 yard bucket, no doors, sliding window to climb in and out
Yes I can. Please email me the info.
Bill good to see that you are still up on trojan. I worked for town of batavia highway and we had nothing but good luck with all of our loaders. Does george and swede in pavilion ny still work on these? Oh by the way we went to school together.
By the way Eric…..It was “my-pleasure” to share my memories of Trojan loaders with ya!!!!! They were well-built machines….ready to take-on CAT, and just about anything you could throw at ’em!!!!!! My fondest memory….is the day we “PARADED” all 14 machines, down Main Street in Batavia, out to the Holiday Inn….for a big sales and promotional show. Talk about a “once in a lifetime” sight….you would have loved it!!!!! 14 machines, from the LM75….to the 6000….in single-file, driven by all the “secretaries” wearing mini-skirts, black panty hose, and….white “thigh-high boots!!!!” Needless to say….”IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!” Batavia….hasn’t been the same since!!!! If ya get the chance to get up-close to that machine…or find another Trojan, there’s a good-chance that my DAD’S fingerprints, are “all over it!!!!” And…..if ya look really-close….you might even find some of mine too!!!!! “All The Best”……..Bill Hamilton, Tucson, Az.
Hey bill…if I forwarded a picture to u could you by any chance tell me a estimate on the year and model. Thanks Jfog
Bill Hamilton,
Can you help me find a pump for a 1989 Trojan 1500Z
The loader has a Weser WA-340-3 with the large manifold mounted to it. Aftermarket retrofit is ok too
Paul sancobg@gmail,com
Hi Bill
I have just buy an Trojan 4000 -77 with 8V71
Can you help me find oil specs for gearbox and Converter and how to check and fill it ?
Best regards
Pingback: Industry Heavy Weights Challenge EPA |
Now that’s a find!!! I do believe it’s a 358. The stub nose is a giveaway. I’d love to know what municipality owned it.
I would have thought so too but the hood said 359.
It is a 359. The panel under the door is the give away. that one os about 12 inches high where the 358 the panel is only about 3-4 inches..With the 359 Brockway raised the cab and made the radiator larger to accomidate larger engines.
By what little of the front hub I can see it is a Coleman conversion which was usually done in a Howe-Coleman shop, or possibly the factory, when the truck was new.
Pingback: They still exist! |
I am the owner of that truck then and now. When I bought it from a salvage yard in
Whitefish Montana it had a lot of pipe fittings in it. The pto had been used a lot so
I am guessing that it was a water hauler probably for wetting down roads or maybe
as a tanker for fire service. I use it still on a auger trailer to get feed for my ranch.
Very cool! I guess that solves the mystery. Thanks for visiting, keep in touch.
Amazing!!! This is the golden find for Triple D!!! Those Syracuse Autocars were just awesome.
I forgot to mention it also use to say bureau of Reclamation below the department of energy
Wow, this truck was the government special!
Nice collection. I’m thinking that those GMC Astros are late 1970s as by 1980, the Astro shared the same big grill with the GMC General.
Pingback: Still Working – International Paystar 5000 |
I know it was a Mack promo video, and they were concentrating on the Titan up front, but not all the push trucks were Macks (like the video implied). I know I saw at least one Kenworth T800, and maybe a Freightliner.
True, a few months ago I posted a video of this same operation and only saw the kenworths.
Good to see Tracey Road Equipment making it out there in the cyberworld. Nice post!
Thanks Raj, Tracey Road always has something interesting each time I stop by.
Sort of looks like a 1950s Ford C600. Or maybe a GMC Canonball. It’s interesting.
I totally can agree with that with the way the hood looks.
I lost all respect for some of these “Andean” truckers, specialy Hugh, Tim and Tino. They were racing through some of the roads with no concern for peoples, animals or other vechicles that may have been traveling in the same route. Also, seem that they have no respect for the private property of the locals, they think that they can get away with murder because they come from a more “developed” country. Let me tell you something Mr. Bear, Tim & Tino , you may come from a more developed country but you guys have very, undeveloped morals & respect for other human beings. I hope that the TV channel/truckers took full reponsibility for the damages they caused to the houses, roads, cars, property being hauled. If you guys did the same here, your asses would have been sued to a crisp. Lisa and GW see to be the more polite and respectuf of the bunch in all maners.
I believe that’s an early 1980s Peterbilt 359.
Thanks, hard to bet against the 359.
Pingback: White? GMC? Volvo? Autocar? |
I’m not sure what I liked better – the officer running along side calling out the location for an obnoxious distance or when he actually gets in the scraper, the best idea he has is to randomly pull on wires under the dash.
I think I just found my new favorite truck.
Pingback: Lost and Found – GMC General |
Pingback: Lost and Found – GMC General |
T800 is a sharp looking truck!
Uggghhh I only have my permit, wonder if I could co-enter with someone who has a class A?? lol.
I feel your pain.
Pingback: Lost and Found – Chevy C70 |
59 chevy impala
Believe it or not, Edsel.
Pingback: Let the voting begin! |
Pingback: On the Job – Red Dump Trucks |
Pingback: Don’t Forget to Vote! |
Pingback: Don’t Forget to Vote! |
Pingback: On the Job – CAT PM201 |
Pingback: On the Job – Everyone wants to be downtown |
Wow, Nice Find!
If you want to see some awesome scale MOW equipment, check out this guy’s work:
I used to work at the Duplex truck division of Warner & Swasey in the 70’s. We sure built some great trucks. I still have a couple of the “Duplex” name plates. If anyone needs one let me know.
Thanks Mark. Maybe I’ll go find a Duplex so I can take you up on your offer.
I would be interested in one of your Duplex emblems . My dad , Howard Walker retired from Duplex/Warner Swazey but unfortunately he never brought any momentos home other than some black and white photos of some of the trucks when they were delivered to the county road commisioners.
I would love to have one and mount it with the other pictures.
Thanks for posting your message..
Sincerely,Dick Walker
Hello Dick
I am working on a book about the Warner & Swasey Construction Equipment Division which included the Duplex Division in Lansing. Your father Howard Walker did a fine job managing the company before and after W&S purchased it in 1955. Great carriers for Gradall.
I worked with Tom Yosick Duplex service manager at the Gradall Division for 30+ years. Tom worked for Duplex before joining Gradall.
Was your book published? My son just bought an old Duplex and we would love to find out more about it’s history and what year it is.
Good evening…Having had a dad and brother that both worked at Duplex I would be very interested in one of your emblems if they are still available.Dad never brought anything home other than some pictures.Please let me know at your convenience. Best regards, Dick Walker
I think the none on the top is a R700.
Correct! Good eye!
Well, I got the “R700” part right, anyway.
Don’t forget about the ATHS show on Sunday, July 8th, at Longbranch Park in Liverpool, NY.
Oh, I’ll be there!
Cool! See you there.
No, it’s not just you, those front tires do look a little small; but it could also just be the angle of the photo. I really like the LTL9000. Crouse Construction here in Chittenango has a couple of LTL9000 dumps.
I plan on trying to make it out there on Saturday!
Pingback: At The Dealer – Kenworth C500 |
Pingback: At the Dealer – Mack Granite |
Pingback: At the Dealer – Mack Granite |
They’re C500s. I found a few more examples out there on the WWW that have the single piece windshield. I checked the Kenwoth Website for the C500 brochure, but it’s from 2001 so it doesn’t show this cab.
Another mystery solved.
Hi Eric – I’m Sue with R+L Carriers. It’s great to see our trucks made it into your blog! We take pride in our people and in the way our equipment is maintained, with our focus always being on ensuring our customer’s freight is delivered in a safe, timely fashion. Thanks for the post! – Sue
Thanks for the visit!
Thanks for the shout out. Were enjoying the tour, the trucks and the reference to the hair band. I love the last sentence, well done. Stay tuned for more cool features on these awesome trucks.
Big thumbs up from the Kenworth T680 tour.
Thanks! Good Luck on the tour! Wish you were stopping by the Kenworth of Buffalo location in Syracuse, NY!
The young lady going around passing out the cards,and”chatting”was a very nice person.I don’t remember her name,as my memory was dampened by the rain(lol),but thanks for the business card and chatting about “trucks” with me/us.Good luck with your website,and hopefully your father stays on as a member!!I learned at the meeting Friday afternoon that the politics of the ATHS is like any other situation out there,no matter what you do,but,WE do this show,and are a part of these chapters because we”LOVE” old trucks,and LOVE to show what we have!!Each of our trucks are “UNIQUE”in their own way,and the more we see,the more we like the group we are in,as we ALL have the same passion,OLD TRUCKS!!Keep on truckin’,and hopefully your dad stays “on board”as a member,if for nothing more than,”I’d” like to see HIS International,as that’s what I have,a cabover,and an 8600 series,which is not antique,but EVERY International is a COOL one!!
Don Slate
Don, thanks for the visit. My wife Jennifer will be happy to hear that her hard work paid off with at least one visitor to the site! I would love to see your trucks some time, if you have any pictures feel free to send them my way,
Pingback: Truck Racing Returns? |
Hello I like your pics, was woundering if you have a pick of the B-Model that was next to the R Model of Trinio in your first set of pics.
Thanks Jack
Hi Jack, sorry, what you see is what I have. I was overwhelmed with the amount of trucks onsite!
Were do you buy a ticket for the 55 green truck, love it, love it please reply back.
Sorry, John, that contest was from last year. The truck already has a new home.
This is a beautiful story. I am so happy she did not disappear for
Construction fenders and all! Nice find!!
Thanks! Still plenty of Brockways waiting to be found.
That DOT 761 on Pinterest to the right, you or Ryan wouldnt happen to know the serial on that truck would you? Just want to see which one of the 7 it is.
Sorry Jeff, no clue on the serial number.
can someone call me with info on the 2012 Truck Show at Longbranch? 315 945 0544 thanks Alan
Pingback: The Tour Continues! |
Pingback: CNY ATHS Show 2012 |
I was thinking about heading to CNY this weekend, this might just be enough to seal the deal.
I’m planning on being there!
Pingback: On the Job – Ford LTL 9000 |
Pingback: On the Job – Diamond Reo Giant |
Pingback: The Easy Way |
Pingback: Right of the Block |
Pingback: Vintage Words – GM Diesels |
That is a beautiful work truck! Keep posting those Western Stars! Love the 4900’s!
The 4700 series is so disappointing in the looks department. They should have stuck with the 4800 or 4900 style hood. That thing is just plain ugly. Looks like it’s trying to be a Freightliner SD.
It seems that outrageous/ugly grills seem to be the trend for most new trucks, big or small (think Ford Super Duty).
That is a sharp looking International! BTW, I see highway department plows in the background!
Correct! Town of Salina. They have a great fleet of Internationals, old and new. Nothing is ever left outside, ever. They even lock the gate to the empty lot.
As much as I detest the newer chromed up plow trucks, this has to be the sharpest WS I’ve seen rigged for the snow!! It’s quite impressive!
Dan, I was thinking the same thing. Great find of the IH too!! I love it!!
Agree. The Western Stars look good, like they have the stuff to actually plow.
I’m glad to see my 1987 International 9670 Eagle made the “cut” for the pictures you took!!Cabovers”don’t seem to”cut the mustard” in anyones”albums,but I’m glad you took a picture of it and put it here.Everything is “usually” about Macks,but I’m glad to see there was some interest in mine.THANK YOU for the picture,I appreciate the fact you took the time to photograph it!!She’s one of the nicest ones I’ve owned,and hopefully I can continue to add to her and make her even better!!
The pleasure was mine, your truck is absolutely beautiful. If people don’t see get well that is their problem and loss!
Cornfield cadillacs “STILL” live!!
Pingback: Vintage Words – Trucklines are America’s lifelines |
Looks like a J&J PVT (tanker) made right here in Somerset, PA
Nice picture
Spot on Kurt.
I know the engineer very well who is in the design of these…I’ll send you some cool pictures
Pingback: J&J Truck Bodies and Trailers |
Pingback: Mobile Mack Screen Plant |
Your website is very artistic. I enjoyed the writing. Flowers are a true blessing. Everyone to enjoy. I have bookmarked your site for my family and friends.
Thank you
Pingback: On the Job – Peterbilt 379 |
They sure have nice looking equipment. Can’t vouch for their food, but they have nice trucks!
taking photoes is all well and good but who can get out there and actually save these trucks from the jaws vof the fukin scraper
pictures are easy who is going to actually save them talk is cheep
Thank you for posting about our new fleet.
The Patriot Fleet trucks represent those that have served and sacrificed for our freedoms. We are honored to add these five Patriot Fleet trucks to the fleet and proudly represent America’s heroes.
We will continue to find ways to recognize those that have served and hope to keep adding to this fleet in the next few months and years to come.
Thank you!
Andy Brabec
Director of Communications
Crete Carrier Corporation
The pleasure was all mine.
Eric…it is JCB
Pingback: JCB HMEE |
i love centro bus is my number 1
Pingback: ATCA Northeastern PA 2012 |
Pingback: Town of Lenox |
Pingback: The Navistar News Roundup |
really super pgm … and also ver thrillng pgm ……. only talented person only access t prize… i tink derik and stuart … both are t very talented driver”s..
Is it a PC450? If so, I think that was out this way a few years ago. Very cool find!
It’s a PC600LC. I’m still waiting to see it in action.
Pingback: eBay Finds – 1956 Oshkosh Pickup |
Pingback: On the Job – Brockway 359 |
Hmmmm. Town of Lafayette possibly?? I see they are auctioning their AWD 6 wheeler
I will investigate further.
DM690s!! Great looking dirty mixer!
Where about(s) within Johnstown, PA did you come across the 361?
I live in the same area…would love to see it.
I speaka da english
You do?
Pingback: Let’s hear it for the Autocar Trucks! |
Thats a 761 Eric!
Awesome video!!! Hey look theres me!! lol
Thank you for the service to our country Gordon!
I love that truck, my father says if we keep ours for another 20 years, I can have one just like it! lol
Eric, very cool
You need to get one of those GoPro HD HERO2 camera’s with the suction mounts…for some outside pictures while in movement…Kurt
I m being erious.Where do you learn how to get licensed to drive these monsters. I live in a mining area and would like to know how to educate myself with these s a better means of living. Pluss how cool would it be to say I get to drive one every day.
Check with your local mine. These trucks require a special set of skills that you can only learn on the job. Good luck!
We just had the honor of driver Greg Roberts bringing the ride of pride to our POW wow in Cookeville,TN On October 7th 2012 . My grandfather Tommy veal which was a veteran and the founder of indigenous intertribal Corp. Would have really love this. We salute you Greg for your dedication to our country and our company Schneider national.
Eric, I have a 2004 GMC7500, 33000gvw dump truck. After putting a half millon miles on single axle GMC’s in the last 30 years, from a 72 C50 ,a 78 C65, a 85 TopKick, 88 Brigidier to the 7500 I must say it is by far the best one of the bunch. My only complant is the C7 acert cat engine. The $5400 heuy pump repairs at 60
k miles and lack of throttle response stink! Just one more truck for you to drive
when you come up to check out the B collection.
I stand corrected!
Pingback: At the Dealer – The Macks of Roth Steel |
Nice pics, Eric. As a lighting fan, I found your photos while looking up Musco Truck on Google. Walt Disney World hires-in two of these Musco Light truck-units each year to light the huge pre-race staging area at the Disney World Marathon (which I’ve run several times). I think the trailering unit towed by these Freightliners contains a huge diesel generator unit. Each truck/unit holds about 90,000 watts worth of HMI arc lighting, so they need alot of power.
When I saw the night tightrope walk at Niagara on the news, I figured Musco was lighting it. These pics confirm that. Thanks / nice photos. Mike in NC
Thanks Mike!
Pingback: Still Working – Chevy C70 Dump Truck |
I have a 86. 5 star general tow truck
I tow the newer trucks with it. Makes me laugh. It still runs great.
Cool stuff… and I know who owns the yellow one, but I’ll keep the surprise…
This an interesting little can of worms.The tractor changes during the movie anyone notice this.After the fire and its all burnt out it is a rare Freightliner
Interesting, I will have to try to find a copy of this movie now.
Love the new head lights on the Diamond! And the radiator cap.
Pingback: Still Working – Autocar Construcktor |
It is probably a 1967 T-400. The rounded radiator was replaced by 1968, but the angular cab was not introduced until after 1966, at least based on 1966 and 1968 T-600s I have seen.
Pingback: I lift things up. I put things down. |
The Phoenix mixer is from Cranesville Block Co.
Pingback: Continuing Coverage |
Yes, many trucking companies here where I live have gone to a solid colored cab; usually white. The days of seeing multi-colored truck cabs is almost a thing of the past, usually only seen on some fancy owner/operator units; even most of those are only single colored too.
Nice shot Eric.
I thought you might be interested to know that this truck was originally a single axle when new. The conversion to a tandem occurred in early 1994. The tandem rears, frame and dump box were pulled from a 1972 GMC JE9710 gas job that was formally Madison County Highway Department’s unit number 42 out of their Wampsville division. The GMC was taken out of service in the Spring of 1993.
By the way, the International in the background is also a former Madison County truck (old number 6 out of the Wampsville division). It is a 1973 Fleetstar 2110A with a VS-549 mated to 5 + 4 transmissions. This truck was sold to Lenox in the fall of 1998. The Town of Lenox re-powered this truck with a CAT 3208 later I believe. By the way, the hood on this truck was actually from a 1974 Fleestar 2010A Construction model the County parted out in 1991 (old number 70).
Actually now that I look closer the dump box is not from the GMC, but the rears and frame are.
Wow! Another great find Eric. This truck used to belong to Empire Asphalt which used to reside in Solvay up the road from Crucible Steel. Their yard was clearly visible from 690 and is now used by some other contractor. I don’t live in the area anymore so not sure who the new resident is.
I always regret not getting pictures of the Empire fleet. They had a White Compact distributor too along with (2) Brockway 158’s, a Brockway 759, a Ford NT950 and some Mack RD’s if I remember correctly.
This is an early model of these GMC short hoods. Clues are the white steering wheel, cowl-mounted turn signals & model emblem, and the engine badge on the hood. Definitely a 1966 or ’67. I would guess this has a 478 V-6 gas if it is an 8500 of this vintage. Doesn’t look like a Toro-Flow emblem to me.
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The town I grew up in had two FWD’s, one was a RB44, not sure what the other one was. A buddy bought both at an auction, used the RB to plow parking lot’s, blade straight and both wings Dow she’d sail through the nasty drifts of the building on one lot he did, granite curbing and all;-). I’m saving my penny’s to buy an FWD or Oshkosh and restore to it’s original glory, these are real trucks, perhaps real ugly, but I love ’em none the less
Well said!
We have one that came from Watertown, N.Y. If interested give us a call (631) 744-6060
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Excellent video clip…I love seeing the Old GMC 9500 hauling the load of combine heads…smoking on the factory floor…WOW, try that today
Thank you for posting, Kurt
what a BEAUTY…
I love em’ when they are “short n’ neat”… it makes them look bulkier..
I have a 1973 Cargostar 1610a that I have been using since 1993 for my work. I want to keep it running. Looking for parts.
I have a 1972 International Cargostar 1610A with a 12-foot steel dump bed. It has a little over 57,000 miles on it. Truck is sound and runs but needs a good mechanic to go over. I have used it on my farm but no longer need it.
I’m a bit surprised that no one has mentioned this yet. The movie Moonfire was the brainchild of Mike Parkhurst of Overdrive Magazine. Yeah, it was as cheesy as it gets, but like you say, the shots of those old classic rigs is worth it. My wife suffered through it by making lots of snide remarks about the terrible plot, lack of acting ability and that one guys jumpsuit!
Mr. Parkhurst went on to be the main procurer of trucks for the Smoky and the Bandit movie series and has written a screenplay that he’s trying to get made into a movie today. Unfortunately, like Moonfire, it’s long on technical stuff that truckers would get but Joe Public wouldn’t care about or understand.
The name of it is “Semi-Justice”. It’s available to read through Amazon.
Very interesting. We need more trucking movies.
Yes, T-Man, I am “the” Mike Parkhurst, founder and long-time editor/publisher and sole owner of Overdrive magazine. Also published a slick-papered publication called RoadMasters in the 1990s and in 2004 produced a 100-page magazine
called, again, RoadMasters inasmuch as I stupidly transferred my Overdrive to
Randall Publishing of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Speaking of films, I was also in
complete charge of a million-dollar advertising/marketing campaign for the
hit trucking movie “White Line Fever” and was heavily involved in the Stallone
arm-wrestling/trucker movie “Over The Top.” I was also involved in two
TV specials, “Truckin’ in Nashville” (A country/western musical special) and
“Falling For the Stars” a documentary about stunts in Hollywood. I also supplied trucks and some technical advice for 8 trucking movies for the big screen and TV as well as the NBC series “Movin’ On.” I am flattered, frankly,
that someone knows about my Semi Justice film project which, unlike a comment that non-truckers probably wouldn’t be interested, carries a lot of
interest for the general public inasmuch as I bring out how much oil there is in the world. The truckers, naturally, are heroes of the movie as they are in my
E-book, “Semi Justice — Digging OPEC’s Grave.” Just go on the Amazon search bar and you can see the great cover of the book and read, for free, about 15 pages of the book. I was in my late 20s when I created “Moonfire,”
and it was self-financed from the profits of “Overdrive.” While compared to
most of today’s action movies it was bland, with not a lot of action and only two
deaths, my purpose was to make truckers the heroes of the story, which in a
sense is what I have always done when I first thought of starting a magazine for truckers when I became an owner-operator at the age of 19. In any case,
if anyone wants to read my book, he/she doesn’t need to have Kindle but can
read it on ANY computer. It costs, wow, the astronomical sum of $5.99 per copy. If any trucker wants to read a paper and bound copy which I will personally autograph, it costs a lot more, $42 including Priority Mail shipping.
Therefore, if someone wants to fork over that kind of dough, they must
leave a message and phone number and I will call back to verify. That number is (424) 603-6122. And I would appreciate whoever came up with the
Daily Diesel Dose web site to call me as well as anyone who took the time to
read this. Since half of my bloodstream is diesel fuel and the other half is ink,
I feel I will be around to kick some butt for quite a while. And, by the way, although the ENTIRE TRUCKING INDUSTRY is a hero in my screenplay and
book, not a single rich truck fleet owner that I’ve contacted is interested in putting up a penny to get it made even though I have a distribution contract signed by one of the biggest and most famous film distributors. Why? They have no imagination . . . and that process is almost worth a book, believe me!
Take care, and, again, to save you searching for my phone number here it is
again: (424) 603-6122. Happy Trails! Mike Parkhurst
You, sir are a true legend and have fans aged 10-90+, myself included. I have always loved Brockway trucks and the kind press given to them by your magazine was something that I really appreciate as many were quick to dismiss them as some of the “ugliest trucks ever built”. But back to the movie, Moonfire was a really interesting project, and as a trucker / owner-op I have always appreciated all the detail shots of the trucks in the film. Thesteel dash Western RS-700 with the high mount cab, that even then was a pretty special O-O spec truck. It really is a good example that not all R model Mack’s were built as day cabs, dump trucks and garbage trucks. The accurate signage / livery of the trucks was great too, PSC numbers hand painted on the cabs, multiple license plates hanging on a swinging sheet under the bumper….all relics of the days before deregulation and IFTA. I personally do all I can to buck the trend of trucking becoming something the lazy use as a “job to fall back on” in an era of cookie/cutter aero model trucks with automatic transmissions and electronic controls for every system on the truck from the engine to the brakes. These days disgusting fat body pigs wearing flip-flops and elastic waistband shorts are the norm when it comes to truckers, and it makes me sick. My grandfather would kick me hard in the butt if I dressed like that in public, let alone while I’m working. Leather boots, pants, a tucked in shirt and a leather belt used to be the norm. You shaved and showered at least every other day when you were on the road, and took pride in your own and your truck’s appearance. I just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration to those of us who continue to do things the old way in spite of modern trends.
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Truck in foreground is a ’39 or ’40 Chevrolet.
Truck in background is a ’48- ’53 GMC, possibly a Diesel.
Thanks Frank.
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looks like a Manitowoc 555
The crane is NOT a 555, it IS a Manitowoc 16000, on Maple Ridge it is set up with 295′ of main boom plus the “wind tip”, series 3 counter weights. Total operating weight of the crane 882,000 pounds. In heavy lift configuration it can hoist 440 tons (roughly it’s own weight). In this configuration it can hoist approx 195,000 lbs to the tip.
To move the crane over the highway, it takes 5 guys, a 75 or 90 ton RT crane, 2 days and 19 tractor trailers to have it road ready.
you are correct. my bad. did not pay attention to the counter weights and the A frame
Could it be symbols for how many seasons it has seen?
Interesting idea, that would be neat if true.
those scrapers are old! I worked on a lot of euclid ts24 scrapers and still have a trailer with hundreds of new parts if anyone is looking.
What is the name of the demolitioncontractor. And is the PC600LC HRD owned by this company or is it a rental. I know LVI had one but it did not look as bad as this.
I believe the company is Ritter and Paratore out of Utica, NY.
Nice shot Eric. This is one of Onondaga County’s 2012’s.
Thanks Joe. I hope they have good luck with it.
They are safety markings, and are reflective. Its the same material that the road signs are made of. This is one of 2 that we got last year. They both have performed well for us.
Would you be willing to send me an email address?I’ll send you a picture(If I can) of my 1987 International Eagle that was up in W.Springfield, the ATHS National Show in June 2012.
I am glad you enjoyed the video I have posted! It was sent in to me by Ken Harrison, a former Koehring Waterous designer. He put this video together back in ’77. He also put together lots of brochures in his time there.
If you are into this stuff check out the “KOEHRING WATEROUS FORESTRY EQUIPMENT”page on facebook.
I did! Very impressive.
Pingback: Lost and Found – White 3000 Asphalt Tanker |
That would be the day
nothing put truck racing out of bussiness but nascar i raced trucks back then and people loved it at atlanta,rockingham,phoenix,pocono,bristol,dover,ontario,texas world speedway every track we went people loved it but it wasnt nascar so they made the tracks stop running us. the tracks wanted it the people wanted it but the giant nascar wasent making any thing off of it so it had to go. sad but true so we raced on dirt small tracks but it wasnt the same so it died. if you want to thank someone thank nascar old great american truck racer#44 virgil taylor
Hmmmmmmmm……Penn Can Road Materials maybe?
A good guess if you ask me.
Pingback: International 9670 Cabover |
I’ll take the freightliner
Yea, but the Western Star is the better truck. We have Freightliners, Internationals and Western Stars, and the Stars are a far more solid, well-built truck than the other two.
dongfeng was a joint venture between cummins and the chinese government, it’s the best truck in china. However, cummins is now only a partner to dongfeng, just providing engines. I really would like a durastar with cummins ISB or ISC engine.
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Nice machine! Love the Western Stars! But I think it’s a 4900SB, not a 4800.
You are correct Dave. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Eric. Great shots of number 57 which is a 1999 International 2674 4×2. There are a total of eight of these in their fleet. These replaced 1988 International Paystar single axles auctioned in 1999. I have pictures of every one of those Paystars.
Come over to and check out my photos under my user name JMK40. Here is a link:
Just Madison County Highway Department photos right now but I’m getting ready to put up some Onondaga County shots next.
Regards, Joe
I am really perplexed why Onondaga County would run that Freightliner in orange when all their trucks have been painted yellow for as long as I can remember. Could the Freightliner be some other municipalities cancellation? Factory demo? It has a twin, truck number 138.
Interestingly, these are both 2012 models and they also have 2012 Internationals and a Kenworth! Must be trying them all out to see what to spec to use going forward.
Right now Tracey Road Equipment has a near identical SD114 sitting on their lot. It has been there for almost a year so I am going to throw my money behind the factory demo guess. The Onondaga County fleet sure has diversified over the years. Plenty of Volvos and Sterlings running around. Mack seems to be the only nameplate they don’t use.
They ran a few Mack’s of early 1980’s vintage, like 1982 I believe. I know they had three 1982 Mack RM 4×4’s and also a few Mack RD686S tandem dumps. Otherwise, you’re right. There are none now and very few in the past either.
Feb 16 , 2013 Saturday .
They showed this show on the History channel and I found it not right
as a truck driver cause they dont tell you all the truth on this show .
I am a long hauler truck driver and what this show is showing is not all current okay
and I feel as a driver that they showed not air something they dont know anything about as well okay on driving truck all right .
If your going to air a show on driving truck well you better do it right then with a some real drivers as well okay . There’s law’s out there and there’s real truck drivers who dont care for this kind of act on a show of truck drivers as well .
This show is giving real truck drivers a bad name okay and its not right
as your air a show like this , dont air something thats going to give truck drivers a bad name who really drivers truck . Us out here who drive long or shot hual we work hard and this kind of stuff thats on tv. is not right or true okay !
I watch your new show and I didnt care for it and your putting something thats giving us truck drivers a bad name from your show as well okay . We work hard out here and we all know how it works out here driving truck okay .
Dont put a show on here or tv with saying something thats not all true okay
its not to us drivers on the road okay .
I hope your fix your show before your air it okay .
Thanks from Cowgirl / truck driver.
The Mack Superliner has long been rumored to be a Brockway design that was taken when Mack closed Broackway in 1976. A Huskie instead of a Bulldog, sounds good to me.
Cowgirl, did you really pay attention to the show??? I haven’t seen them put any of the drivers down that’s doing his/her job. Their after the thieves and the drivers who drop their units on the side of the road for any particular reason. But I guess stay turned and lets see what happens…
BTW I’m also a driver for over 20 years…….
I love how the one fella says he cant push the ford truck out of the way because he will cave in the radiator. The “ford truck” has a huge brush guard on it!
Nice looking International. Longroadpro has some really interesting videos of old trucks on YouTube.
Hey Virgil, if you read this, get in touch with me. We are starting a new big rig series and it would be good to know some GATR guys to help flesh out the history.
hi mike glad to here that someone is thinking of starting up another truck racing series that would be awesome if I can help just let me know. if anybody needs a driver I have a helmet
Hey did anything come from this ?
These were videos that used to be sold through the Antique Truck Historical Society. There were six volumes in all. They were great and visited some very interesting trucks and collectors. Best of all, you got to ride along. I still go back and watch them regularly.
The auto chains work great BUT when the tire isn’t turning the chains aren’t working. No problem on going but in a panic stop they can get you in trouble! We use them on our fire trucks and ambulances and some school busses.
The chains are great for black ice and a few inches of snow. Usually see them on single axles.This is the first I seen on a tandem.
I just watched the show for the first time and it’s complete b.s. every crew they followed obviously was a set up story, especially the cattle on the tracks.. I think history channel has lowered itself down to the level of TRUTV with this show….
I am a 32 year vet driving the highways of this beautiful country in a 18 wheel big truck. I have seen and heard everything from the deepest “bs” to doctors, lawyers and politicians who for some reason or another become steering wheel holders.driving big trucks. This tv show is the biggest pile of “bs” that I have ever seen. The trucking industry has a hard enough time with respect and reputation to have some group of jack-legged piss-ants trying to act like bounty hunters looling for stolen or abandoned big rigs. It doesn’t work like that and never has. To see some que ball so called retired pro wrestler as a big rig bounty hunter says alot about the validity of this show. Pretty sad that some people can’t find anything better to do than disrepect the very heartbeat of this country’s economy.
Want to hire Big Rig Bounty Hunter to look for some stolen tractor-trailers and
Pingback: Chasing Snow – Oshkosh Snow Blower |
is it for sale? any contact info? someone needs to save it..
Phillip Gordon and Sons, 89 E 12th St, Oswego, NY 13126
Phone:(315) 343-2120. Not sure how far anyone will get but that is what I know.
I have one and its in good condition
Thanks for the replies. There is another new Western Star on the lot and it also has auto-chains, must be a growing trend.
Nice blog. I think that Mack Titan is the powerful truck that can be used in a heavy hauling industry. I want to try to drive that kind of truck because I think that will be the easy steering wheel of those trucks that I used.
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I just found this site today… going backwards I’m not sure if you have photos of them. There is that fella that has a small fleet of these in East Syracuse call Autocar Construction.
You have a nice little page here!
I do have some photos of their fleet but I have yet to post them. Really nice looking trucks. They seem to run they later model Autocars now instead of the older DC models.
Pingback: Town of Harford – Western Star 4700SF |
Did you ever see this truck again when it was completed? I’d like to see some pictures of the finished product.
Sorry Dave, I never caught up with the truck again.
Would like to be a big rig bounty hunter if there is such a thing. I am an over the road driver and would like to find out how a person can get into this profession. How do I go about checking into this?
I’m not that sure but I would guess making contact with local trucking companies could help. As you can see from the show much of the time just having a dependable driver on call for those “oh crap” moments is worth its weight in gold.
There are tons of unique trucks here! I only love around 10 minutes away from Manhattan.
The promised land!
This unit arrived in Fulton at the end of January. January 24th to be exact. I remember passing this on the Thruway that day on the back of a lowboy. You dont miss giant dayglow green machines like that.
Thanks for the tip, I will check it out.
I can tell you for sure, they were scrapped. I know the son of the fella that owned these. He was having problems with folks (meth scrappers) stealing his stuff and the town coming down on him for having that stuff there.
But wait there’s more. If you drive down to Callahan’s Marina on Rt 31 on the south shore of Oneida Lake near Rt 13, you will find some old trucks that he didn’t scrap, and some nice vintage equipment.
I was looking at Alex Lyons & Sons Auction site, and saw a photo of the GMC tow truck pictured here… must be this guy is all done and is selling everything off…
You are correct. He has quite the collection of old trucks and cars. Almost everything is going to the auction or the scrap man this May. I have heard he is keeping his Brockway wrecker.
All the Autocars over in the midler park are owned by the guy in E. Syracuse…
I think the town of DeWitt still uses one of these, or the village of E. Syracuse… I remember seeing it drive down West Manlius Street not that long ago….
It must be the town of Dewitt. I believe they had more than one at some point. Just two years ago a former TofD Cargostar was at the ATHS Long Branch show.
My dad, Ervin Carpenter, used to race on the G.A.T.R series. I’ve seen numerous races from Atlanta to Pocano to Toledo Ohio. Virgil, I’m sure you know my dad and fought in the same battles as he did. The racing was awesome…sure hate those days are gone.
sure did know your dad he and I go way back before truck racing he and I go back to the days of Carolina and metrolinaand then we drove trucks for some of the same companys magnum and Carolina western I also worked for him twice sorry to hear about his passing I will miss him but I got some good memorys he and I used to have some good battles both on and off the track good to here from you sorry it took so long to respond but I don’t use this computer very much if you talk to Brenda tell her I said hi hope she is doing ok well I better go for now take care talkto you later
I remember these fondly. Those Detroit 6-71’s mated to the Allison automatics sure did scream!
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I wish they would stop working so early on Saturdays. I’m tired of getting woke up by giant jackhammers… ha ha ha
Love your show and one day would like to get up there.i own and opp a small towing company in SYD Australia
Does anyone have a fleet list of the disney buses & magical express? A fantastic way to get around the parks x
Thanks for the kind words Eric. Glad you and others are enjoying them. All these years sitting in the closet in boxes, it is good to be able to share them. And I have a lot more! All those years of being a “detail nerd” finally paid off I guess.
I loved my 9670 cabover a 93 had 400 cat best truck I ever owned
I remember when the Louisvilles became rare, so sad to see the great S series become the next to get the NYSDOT gravestone.
Pingback: Onondaga County – North Area Maintenance Facility |
Nice catch. The 114’s are starting to grow on me a bit, although I’m not much on those breather units on the side of the hood. Looks like a cheap stick on accessory. See if you can catch some more of their Western Stars. They seem to be the favorite of the Onondaga fleet, and the sharpest looking trucks out there for a plow.
I believe the Alberici’s that own the apartment complex next door own this truck. The truck, runs, drives and moves, and is currently for sale.
Nice shots Andy and Eric! The first Brockway model would be a E361LL if it has a Detroit 6-71.
Strange front fenders on the blue one also. And yes to New York truck, the door stickers and winch.
Pingback: The Trucks of National Grid |
Great series Eric. You know how I love Onondaga County’s fleet! By the way, there is a Mack in the fleet there although I have never seen it. It is No. 134, a 2009 Granite GU713 tandem dump with double wings and a 2-way reversible front plow. Since I live in NJ now, I’ll leave it up to you CNY residents to track this elusive truck down!
For the detail guys out there, here is the rundown on the trucks in your slide show:
No. 191 = 2001 International 2674 6×4
No. 139 = 2012 Freightliner 114SD (No. 138 is the twin to this truck.)
No. 184 = 2006 Sterling 8501
No. 130 = 2008 Volvo VHD64F
No. 162 = 2009 Volvo VHD64F
No. 147 = 2012 Kenworth T-800
The last photo is another Sterling but I can’t see the truck number.
Pingback: Saunders Concrete – Autocar 39196 |
Clarence that brown one I’ve looked at in boonville, saw them both on facebook.
you should see the new trucks we get to make into log trucks, and crane trucks. every one of them are that long. ive seen tons of them since i was old enough to know what a truck was. just got one 3 days ago we built brand new in 2000, took the body off, and the loader is next.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
The brown one was in Boonville, it now sits down near Oriskany Falls.
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Pingback: On the Job – Syracuse DPW International WorkStar |
Pingback: On the Job – Syracuse DPW International WorkStar |
Pingback: On the Job – Syracuse DPW International WorkStar |
wow..quite the collection…there is a similar bunch of this type of early heavy equipment in Utica N.Y. just off the side of route 5S …property falls between taft ave and East Broad st near the Utica/Frankfort N.Y. border
not sure who exactly owns it as there are a few repair shops in that immediate area and also a crane company that also deals with some other heavy equipment jobs
The GMC designation for this truck was the DF-Series. The one shown is probably a DF7000. A DLR is a diesel (D), set-back-front-axle COE (L) with an air-ride suspension (R). The DLR7000 had a 6-71 engine in it while the DFR7000 (diesel (D), set-forward-front-axle COE (F) with an air-ride suspension (R)) had a 6V71 in it. Eventually the “R” was dropped and the single axle became the DF7000 and the tandem axle was the DFW7000. These both had spring suspnesions. If the truck had an 8V71, then the designations were DF7100 & DFW7100.
I don’t thing this was a Yellow Freight truck because of the black fenders. Maybe an Interstate Motor Freight Sysyems, but who really knows.
Great shot Eric. I remember Saunders well from growing up in CNY. This old Autocar gas job was before my time though!
Appears to be an old Boeing C-141 Starlifter. The predecessor to the current Boeing C-17.
Actually, after looking closely at the info on this pic I noticed the 54995 in the
lower right corner. That is the VIN on my truck. I then called the previous owner who told me my truck had a sleeper cab when it was new! So the truck
in this pic is my truck!!!! Now I need to find a sleeper cab to restore it to its original configuration.
Awesome! I can provide a higher resolution scan of this photo if you would like. Just let me know.
I was down on Fayette St. last week, and watched a Syracuse Haulers truck with a roll-off backing into the old NYNEX building. With the roll-off halfway off the truck, the driver had at least four attempts going back and forth, back and forth. I watched as I waited for the light so that I could turn down Montgomery… He must not have been able to see into the building, it was sunny for a change…
Pingback: One More Round |
Virgil, it would be great to hear from you again……there’s a GATR page on Facebook, your old narrow nosed Pete is in the pics somewhere as well as the #21 which I recall you driving from time to time…..drop on in, a few of the old crowd is there too.
LOVE that Unimog! Good stuff!
Thank you for the video and compliments . I was driving Vitales Heavy Hauling Truck 207 Trailer 2921 with the crane track on it.
My pleasure!
It’s a West Coast thing…
The first transfer dumps were built by Knight Trailers of Vancouver BC back in the 60’s. They are still extremely popular here, and the Californians just took off with a good idea… 😉
And the backing up trick? You leave the truck in reverse, brakes off, and push a button that goes to the starter, thus backing up the truck. You want to be doing this on level ground!
Oh yeah, that’s a sweet old 359!
Thanks for the info!
Pingback: Off Road Autocar |
Yeah, the description says “At the rear is a switch or a button that is used to engage the starter on the engine without starting truck. Since the truck is in reverse, the driveline backs the truck up.”
Crouse Construction here in Chittenango has two of these LTL9000 dumps; a red one & a blue one.
This would be an early 80s vintage, the hoods are a giveaway for the 80s trucks, but these early ones had the headlights setback in the fenders.
Thanks for posting Eric! The Autocar is a 1973, DC9964 with a PT270 with a jake. The transmission is a TO955ALL riding on SUDD rears on Hendrickson rubber block suspention. 11:00/24’s all the way around with only 83,000 on it. When new it was owned by the Town of Adams MA. treatment plant and I bought it from a local slate company saving it from the blue wrench!
eric..thanks for posting these..
For the record these pics were submitted by myself Dave .T but i put a bogus name when i set up my email acct several years ago and couldnt figure how to change it until the other day
.i have a lot more from around the utica/rome area that i recently found for the first time…i will have to get them together and shoot them to your email
Pingback: Dump Truck Week – GMC General |
they shared the same grille for a while too! looks to be a nice untouched truck!
I hope the current owner takes care of it.
Is it easy to find parts for these loaders anymore?
Why did they become discontinued anyway?
I’m not sure on finding the parts but Trojan was a victim of the global economy. I believe the company was purchased by a O&K (German Firm) who eventually closed the company.
I would guess it hauls firewood, the square headlights are just cheap replacements because you cant get the brockway ones easy
Pingback: Lost and Found – The Brockway Truck Duo! |
they are both in a secret location, and the “huskidrive” doesnt exist, its just an F361
Pingback: General Sand and Stone Corp – Autocar DC10364S-OH |
Pingback: Oshkosh M-ATV |
When the job is done, they go surfing….
Beautiful machine, but it needs the dual external breathers.
Pingback: Tow Trucks of Utica |
Pingback: Bristol Myers Squibb Demolition – One Month Later |
Pingback: Bristol Myers Squibb Demolition – One Month Later |
Pingback: Bristol Myers Squibb Demolition – One Month Later |
Looks like it could be for a large Liebherr dredge? That’s an awful big boom for a normal sized excavator. Here is a shot I took of a Liebherr 994 for an example –
Good guess if you ask me.
Pingback: CSX Kenworth |
Cool shot. I love that the transmission is the old Spicer 16 speed, possibly the single stick air-shift version.
Pingback: Truck Spotting – Hiawatha Blvd |
I saw the “gussied” upped Kenworths and at least one more drive through Fayetteville on Friday or Thursday of last week…
They were heading into Roth Steel with scrap (I guess). Must be some sort of demo project out that way?
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Pingback: Cleveland Wrecking Co. – See ya! |
Nothing that I know of, but sometime in November, ’12, I saw in Manlius rumbling down Rt. 92 a truck with the name “Wilkinson Salvage” on the door of a Mack R model with a roll-off dumpster on it. I really didn’t think anything of it, thinking that it was from a yard in Perryville. While on a “Sunday drive” we drove through Lathams Corners, southeast of Norwich by about 10 miles, I spotted a junk yard. I went to check it out and the name on the sign was “Wilkinson Salvage.” So that was quite the haul, heading to Syracuse to drop off a load of scrap…
Pingback: Walter Snow Fighters – Dobbins Auto Parts |
You are legend!!! I hope these Walter(s) go to a good place that doesn’t have hydraulic rams and torches!!
I got roughly 200 shots from the auction yesterday. We got up there at 9 am, we walked the yard. We left for lunch for a hour, came back and tried to last until they got to the back of the yard where we were waiting on some model A doodlebugs. We gave up and left. I know there were a lot of pissed off guys because Dobbins kept pulling things out of the auction. What he kept was really beyond belief, he also had been selling to folks weeks before the auction, one guy I talked to said that he was in during the past week with a 30 yard roll off picking up structural steel. I was surprised to see a couple of Oneida built buses (built in Canastota). Anywho, I’ll give you a link to the Google album once I finish setting it up….
Yes! Yes! Yes! I was hoping someone would make it to this auction and even better, take pictures. Great work Eric!
This is even better than I expected. The advertisement for the auction only listed one Walter actually for sale. I never thought there may have been more. More lost Onondaga County trucks found! Fantastic and right up my alley as you know.
The ad also listed an International A-160 4×4 snow blower. Did you happen to shoot that one?
Ooops. I meant to post this reply under the Walter section. Sorry about that.
Yes I did Joe. Stay tuned! Please feel free to use any of the photos you want for your Flickr Stream.
Thanks Eric. I appreciate it. It will be good to add the Walter’s to my Onondaga County set over there. I wonder what year the No. 104 was? Was that the only Onondaga County truck there?
Back in 1992, they auctioned what may have been the last two Walter’s in the fleet. Both were 1959 ACRS models, double wings and had the 4-wheel steering option. Unfortunately, none of the pictures I took that day came out.
Wow. These are a rare sight today in any condition. There is one that makes the ATHS show circuit that has been stretched and has some sort of flatbed on it now I think. It was for sale in the back pages of Wheels of Time a few years back.
I remember seeing these on the roads of NY fondly back in the 1970’s & ’80’s. While most were dump trucks, many were used as lowboy tractors as well. The Town of Sullivan (where I worked for a time before going to Madison County) had one of these they bought new off of State bid specs. They converted theirs to a tandem around 1981 and it has now sadly been junked as of 2005 or 2006.
I can help with the specs on these for you. I believe these were all built with Cummins NTC-230 diesels, Jake brakes and Fuller 9 speed transmissions. They were all 1976 models, hence the Bicentennial “776” model designation of what was essentially a re-badged 761 model.
Thanks! I will update the story.
Interesting about the SUNY Morrisville connection. The last time I saw one of these on the road was in the late ’80’s/early ’90’s in Morrisville and now I know why! Nice narration by the way. Really good.
The Town of Henderson Walter is a beast. Cummins V-903 and an Allison automatic!
For future reference, the Walter serial number gives you the model year with the first 2 digits so always make note of it when you see one. Sometimes trucks would be registered a year later, for example I have seen Walter’s with “58” as the first two digits of the serial number registered as 1959 models. But, as a rule it works.
By the way, that block of wood in the Watertown truck is the clutch! The pedals in these were so close together it seems unnatural and easy to mistake. The larger pedal to the right is the brake and the little, table spoon shaped pedal to the right of that is the throttle.
Looks like a pretty cool old shovel. Why is the video private?
Glitch in the matrix. You should be able to view it now.
Having sampled a version of that engine (in a 2007 ML320 CDI – 210 hp & 400 lb ft torque), I can’t wait till these trucks debut. I’m thinking that I may have to give my late father’s 2000 F150 XLT a sibling (a RAM 1500 4×4 Ecodiesel) some time late this year or early next year. That engine is dependable, fuel efficient (27+ mpg on the highway, 17 – 19 around town with a/c blowing in traffic), and incredibly powerful. 80 mph is too easy to reach in the ML (5100 lbs wet). My ex regularly shows other cars her tail-lights without much trouble. Keep in mind that hers in pre urea injection. Last year without it was 2008, if I’m not mistaken.
Who bought the town of Henderson Walter? I hope it went to a good home.
Thank you a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually know what you’re speaking approximately! Bookmarked. Kindly additionally visit my website =). We can have a hyperlink alternate agreement between us
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Hi Eric. Nice shots! Would you believe I have pictures of this very Brockway that I took way back in 1994? Even then, it was out of service but was a little more intact than seen here. Good to know not all of the trucks I took pictures of have went to scrap. I shot it at the old Owl Equipment in Cicero. I’ll post them on my Flickr page soon and feel free to share them here too.
The engine is a Continental R6602. The 602 is the cubic inch displacement. Any time you see “Chrome Moly” on the engine, you’re looking at a Continental gas job. The Brockway is a 1962 by the way, and even when I took pictures of it 20 years ago the 50th anniversary Huskie mascot was missing.
The orange paint on the back indicate this truck must have been a municipal at one point in its life. By the way, love the A-160 IH blower.
Great info Joe. I had a feeling it was a gas engine. Simply massive chunk of iron.
You can see the remnants of a plow frame on the front too!!
How can you go wrong!
Love your web site!! Just found it !! awesome I’m finding out I’m not the only truck nut out there–found you-tube and now your site I’m slowly becoming a high-tech redneck and there is a lot of info out there—a lot of us think alike I’m 58 and I like the old school trucks prefere CUMMINGS buut I like em all I guess it goes back to childhood when I drove trucks for my dad starting at age 14 then legally at 18 so its in my blood I broke out on 60 international 220 cummins 10 sp road ranger drove a bunch of all of em—petes 5×4 -6×6-13sp diamond reo etc I think the 9 sp is like drivin a pick up w 6 sp — gimmie some GEARS this walkin beef wont get to market with that!!!!! enjoyed it we’ll be checkin in from time to time Keep up the good work
Thanks for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoy the site.
great job keep up good work I’ll try not to talk so much –I used to like to sit around our small town and listen to the old timers talk about how it used to be –now I’m one of the old timers tellin how it used to be
Nice looking old Autocar here. Thanks for sharing.
This is a very interesting looking shift knob for a Fuller 18 speed. I wonder if it is really a 5 speed main and 4 speed auxiliary with the Dana air-shift tower on the auxiliary rather than the 2 sticks one thinks of with 5+4 transmissions. It sure looks like it to me.
I can’t say I’ve ever seen one like it before. Your guess is probably more on the money.
The Brockway I drove at the Town of Sullivan had the 5+4 air-shift auxiliary, but I don’t recall if there were restrictions on using the lo-lo (or 1 position) on the auxiliary. Perhaps that might give 18 speeds instead of 20? This was the case with the Mack Quad box which is really an 18 speed transmission.
What a beauty! Really nice shots and walk around too.
Those who are all about the details? Mmm…could that be me?
It’s all about the details! I usually get too carried away and forget to look.
How much
Another cool series. Well done. I wonder if the blue & yellow White was an ex-Sunoco tractor? Sometimes these old timers get repainted so many times it is impossible to tell.
Did you happen to shoot any of the old school buses there?
Loved to watch the trucks race at Ontario Motor Speedway in Fontana ,Ca.
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I cant imagine the sound this thing is making, and there is a fella sitting there, eating his gelato filled crepe like nothing is going on 10 feet away…
Very loud but I guess when you need a gelato fix you figure it out.
The term “ATV” was originally coined to refer to non-straddle ridden six-wheeled amphibious ATVs such as the Jiger produced by the Jiger Corporation, the Amphicat produced by Mobility Unlimited Inc, and the Terra Tiger produced by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company in the mid 1960s and early 1970s. ^:*.
Please do inspect this useful blog page
Let’s get racing back into Ohio
I wonder if that old C-70 came from LaBarge Bros.? The use to have quite the fleet of them. Here are a few that I found for sale a few years back…
I forget about that company. You’re right, they sure did lover their GMC trucks.
Estoy interesado en comprar Dumpers Caterpilar de 2008 en adelante, dumper 325 o mayor,, preferiblemente en Colombia pero podria importarla si elcontacto es directo en EE UU.
Now that is a serious dose of daily diesel.
with today’s technology and lightweight materials trucks can become much lighter and use less tires. this would keep reading surfaces in tact with much less damage. American truck companies need to research and make prototypes. Let’s get big truck racing back on tv
Totally agree. How do we do it?
Looks like a great show. There were trucks of all shapes, sizes, & variety. Thanks for posting.
Love seeing/reading your posts, I look forward to them everyday. Thanks for sharing all your photos
Hi Eric,
found your H60 Payloader pictures in the net.
Is it possible, to let me have your permission, to publish those 2 pics on my website ?
with best regards from Neuss on Rhine / Germany
Great shots! Love those zero tail machines, especially the Volvo ones!
Wow. I am trying to place exactly where this place is in East Syracuse. It almost looks like that claw operator is actually moving stuff around during the fire!
This place is right near the corner of James St and Thompson Rd. The current story is a bunch of car seats, plastic and other non metal items removed from scrap cars caught on fire.
Ahh…okay. Now I know where it is. Head up the street for an over-sized omelette at Mother’s Cupboard.
It is an interesting move at a time when natural gas (CNG or LNG) is becoming the new topic of curiosity in the industry. With the Marcellus Shale find, natural gas has become plentiful and cheap. However, the big road block is fueling locations, a situation which is changing as facilities pop up more & more. Second to that is the high cost of the Cummins-Westport engines and the fuel tanks.
I imagine this will be the challenge with the DME fuel as well – where can I fuel up if I don’t invest in my own system? It will be very interesting to see how the system prices up.
Ive worked with alternate fuels most of my career..fleet conversions to Naural gas, even porposals for LNG truck fueling well as 10kw Fuel Cell project for the Army.
Natural gas as a vehicle fuel (CNG) has been around since the early 90’s. It may have some applications for limited miles fleet vehicles that return to a filling hose, has natural ga pipes there, and can refuel overnight. I do not belive it has any legs. It requires not ony a filling station but few people would be comfortable with a steel tank, wrapped in fiberglass tape, with a regulator siting a couple of inces from the kids in the back seat. It’s going nowhere ad I don;t know why people are still dicussing it. a cryogenic -260 degree fluid? way to volatile and the supply is limited to Natural Gas Utilities that are mostly up north and liquifythe gas to use for winter peak shaving capacity.
DME will be the fuel of choice. Look at Oberon or Alternative Fuel Technology, or the International DME Associations webbsite for mor info. Now that a common rail pump has been ugraded to resolve the wear isses caused by the low lubricity (DME is like JP-8) its ready to go.
As far as infratructure…Oberon has a skid mounted DME facility that can be put about anywhere.. it is stred like propane – low pressure – so it has an infratructure that many are familiar with and comfortable with. It produces zero soot, it is largely nn-toxic (its in your aerosol cans) no no train wrecks polluting like oil.
It’s at the point of critical mass this year. There is an article I read recently “DME the best fuel you never heard of” Interesting read.
Best to all
Thanks for stopping by. Higher fuel prices and global tensions have certainly pushed the development of new energy sources. Like they say, necessity is the mother of all invention.
It looks a Roadway Express tractor. Orange with black fenders. Numbers look to be the style Roadway used.
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Give 5 or 6 years and go take a shot of that Western, it will look pretty much the same. I don’t think there is a better looking and well maintained fleet of trucks in the area.
Thanks so much for the great comments and beautiful pictures. The General was built in the last month of GMC production and has one of the first Detroit Diesel Series 60 engines serial number 06R0002128. The Titan/90 is a V-12 and sold new by our original dealership, Lewis Chevrolet.
The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for the details!
I have learned you have one of the few generals with a 60series Detroit in it . I have recently bought a general from a farm in Nebraska and hauled it to my shop in Canada my plan is to put a 60 series ddec2 from an 88 white gmc with a 06r number 8886
Was wondering if you could send me some pics so I can make it look correct . Hope you can help me thank you
I just purchased a 1975 Titan 90. Could you tell me where the fuse panel is located?
you guy have a lot of gut & i love that lisa hugh needs to get off her ass or she may kick his u guys take care.
Here is the link to a picture of the Titan/90 in it’s first year of operation. It was owned by Henry B. Person of Norfolk, VA. He had a fleet of four Titan/90s and he hauled steel from Sparrows Point, MD. Russell MacNeil took this picture in Springfield, MA. Henry personally drove this truck. One of his favorite stories was, a trucker pulled up beside him and said you got a 6-71 in that thing? Henry said YES on your side!
If you have trouble with the link go to Hanks Truck Pictures and the Russell MacNeil collection page 21 of his ’70s vintage pictures.
Awesome pic and story! So the V-12 was original to the truck?
Yes to the V-12 being original and the only reason we restored it. It is the only one we sold as they were intended to be used to pull turnpike doubles or Michigan trains. They were considered very extravagant and tough to make money with hauling 45,000 pound payload. The VIN is CDP930V192575. C means Chevrolet and D is for aluminum tilt 6×4. P says it all 12V-71 engine. H for 8V-71 and C for NTC Cummins. There are other engine designations but H and C were the big sellers. This truck costs $12K more than one with NTC350 which was a 20% bump. Now you know why very few built. The 8V-92T with similar power much lighter and a whole lot less money obsoleted the V12. This engine is normally aspirated thus the reason for being so large for the power output of 434HP. The largest transmission was a RTO 12513 which had a 1250 lb-ft torque limit so they were sold with 60MM injectors instead of 65MM which produced 475HP and 1300 lb-ft of torque. We restored the truck with a new Detroit Diesel reman engine clone of the original serial number 12VA30516. In 1986 the third owner of the truck re powered it with a new 8V-92T silver engine to save fuel and increase is payload. I was impressed with Detroit Diesel having the original build record of the engine. I did get them to put 65MM injectors in it since we are not too worried about the transmission failing in truck show mode.
Just read my post above and need to correct the price bump of a V12 Detroit over a NTC 350 Cummins in 1973 was $6,000. 20 % bump is correct. Besides P in the VIN the left side air cleaner and intake pipe tell you it is a 12V-71. Please also notice on he front of the cab though hard to read, Henry had Dirty Dozen lettered by a sign painter along with a V12 insignia.
Once again, thank you again for the information. It’s one thing to see the truck but the stories bring it to life.
Ashton, We bought a old 1977 gmc astro day cab with only 82,000 miles/2,400hrs. with a 8v71 Detroit .Do you know where we can get some interior cab parts? Thanks C. Vail
I don’t suppose you’d ever consider selling the 12v71 Titan
Cool shots Eric. About 20 years earlier, I also took some pictures at Action Topsoil! Back then it was two ex-municipal trucks- a Brockway and an Oshkosh. I’ll post them over at Flickr one of these days and you can share them here if you like.
I wonder if that Diamond Reo is an ex-T.H. Kinsella unit? Check out my recent post of the Town of Georgetown White-GMC with the Kinsella truck in the background and you’ll see what I mean.
Take care, Joe
Great idea. Thanks for sharing these with us!
Cool find! Were these 4x4s or single-axles (or 6x6s like the wrecker?) ?
4×4 from what I could see.
Pingback: Chevy Titan – Built to Stay Tough |
I remember having this brochure when I was a kid. My grandfather took me to the dealership to look at trucks. Thanks for the memory!
Cool, thanks- that’s what I would have guessed. Pretty much the predecessors of the Paystar 4x4s then.
the town of East Hampton NY(last town on Long Island still has 4 Walter Snowfighters in active service and very good condition.
If it still works, run with it. Would love to see pictures some day!
I knew that truck when it was new it belonged to Sam and Jim Lacastro in Syracuse they had there shop on state street and they had 2 Autocars several Macks and 1 Ford Louisville I did a lot of hauling along with them.
Interesting. Thank you!
I drive this thing everyday, I’ve been told it’s got the big cam 400 in her, with a thirteen speed, she’s a good old girl just rides rougher than shit, and I love the Jake on it, she turns some heads
Cool! I hope it has many more years left!
Are you in the Southern Tier of NY? I’ve noticed trucks from Beam Mack in your pictures. Have you ever seen Lopke’s fleet in Apalachin? I haven’t been by there in a while because I no longer live in that area but I remember that they had quite a few old Autocar DCs just a few years ago. I don’t know if they still have them or not but I used to love seeing them on the road.
CNY for me. I’ve never crossed paths with any Lopke trucks but it sounds like I should swing down that way for a look!
They have a lot of trucks at that facility between Elmira and Binghamton. It’s visible from I-86 but it’s actually on S-R 434. You can’t miss them. All of their trucks are bright green.I hope you can get some pictures there sometime. Thanks for all the other great pictures.
How do those old time clocks workin those?
Worked at both Yellow and Interstate in the ’70s. Not the correct color for either company, and don’t recall any Crackerboxes. In hazy memory, both ran mainly Ford tractors, also recall some Kenworth, GMC Astro, IH and White Freightliner.
The newest pictures look very squeezed together and distorted. Is there something on my end I can do about this?
I don’t know how common this combination was,
but back in the early-and-mid-1990’s, I owned and drove an 1987 FLC120 Freightliner that had come from from the factory with 24.5 aluminum Alcoa “Budds” on the steer axle and 24.5 cast-iron Dayton spokes on the drives. Being a Canadian truck, it also had a 60-inch “Canadian spread” on the tandems as well.
Awesome Photos!
I see that you are around Syracuse,N.Y. area and I am wondering if you might have any pictures of the Fays Drugs, Wheels Auto Stores, or Paper Cutter Office Supply Store fleets. I work for the company for 13 years and never got a picture of a truck. How uncool is that. I left the fine state of N.Y. in 94 and never looked back, moving to Phx., Az.
Are Clark Concrete and Santaro Constuction still in business?
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Douglass Taylor Phoenix, Az.
Hi Douglass, Sadly I don’t have any photos of Fays or their other business ventures. I search google all the time but not much comes up. Maybe some day that will change. Clark Concrete is still around today but in name only. They are now part of the Cransville Block Empire. Santaro is pretty much dead after closing the construction side of the business to focus on trash hauling which was later sold to Mr. Bults. You can find some photos of Clark Concrete on this site.
Nice looking AutoCar! What’s under the hood? Sounds like a Detroit Diesel.
It was. I only crossed paths with the wife of the owner. She said she didn’t keep track of such details.
It is, what a great day we had!
Dear Eric,surfing on the internet I found this article about ETF,let me assure you we are talking here about a realtime Truck ready for the future,which will be ready in a few months,after 10 years of very hard work by eddy de Jongh and his friends,I have seen it ,and I am impressed by all the technically clever idea’s in this truck.
With kind regards,bert schenk
Pretty good video, considering I was in one of those Brockways going up the hill. If you go to the Ballston Spa Show, there is also a pretty good hill leading up to the fairgrounds, which you could shoot video from.
That has crossed my mind. I was wondering what side of the fair grounds the majority of the trucks enter from.
Well unless you were a part of the action in the yard it was kind of hard to know this was going on. These tower sections would roll in either in the early morning & be waiting outside the gate, or late in the afternoon.
Great shots Eric. If the spring shop you refer to is Allied Spring, you are right on about it being a great resource for truck pictures. I used to frequent there myself years ago. Do they still have that old Fleetstar 2000D yard tractor?
Thanks for posting those Onondaga Co. trucks. That Western Star 6×6 is a beast! It must be a new one, either a 2013 or 2014. At the end of last year, they only had one of those, truck No. 192. That old International No. 89 is one of the 2001 models still in service. Ryan has a couple of shots of this truck up on his Flickr page.
I remember that old Manlius Autocar too. They took delivery of it around the time we got our new ones at the Town of Sullivan, 1991-1992. It seems Amboy picks up quite a few second hand units. They just auctioned an old, ex-Oswego County Paystar tandem a few months back. When I worked at Sullivan, we picked up some used equipment from Manlius as well and Cazenovia got some stuff from us, etc. Not sure how much that still goes on but with municipalities turning equipment sooner now, it seems it would be a good resource for the smaller towns & villages with limited budgets.
The Fleetstar is gone. It has been replaced with a single axle Ford still wearing P&C logos.
Correction. The ex-Amboy/ex-Manlius Autocar is a 1989 model and was auctioned just this past June, 2013. It has a Cummins NTC-290 with a Fuller 8LL transmission.
Great to see Suit-Kote is still running the old Brockway’s. As a kid, when they were called Cortland Asphalt, I remember those 361 tractors pulling the Etnyre distributor tankers everywhere.
Years later when I worked for Madison County, they would do our spreading for us during oil & stone operations. By then, the tractors were White Road Boss & Ford LT-9000’s, and sometimes these newer WIA White-GMC’s.
A really great catch Eric. I love it when cool trucks survive the ages and very ironic to find it in virtually the same spot as my old picture. You also shot an old Brockway up at the Dobbins auction that I took a picture of years before in Cicero, NY. I was amazed to see it still in one piece, well more or less anyway.
My “one that got away” was the Town of Sullivan’s 1976 Brockway 776, truck number 12. I loved that truck when I worked there and never got to drive it or ride wing plow in it. I only washed it and parked it after plow runs. Even worse, I never took a picture of it! They blew the engine sometime in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s. It sat for years in their gravel bed but I never got back in there again to take pictures. The superintendent told me in July, 2011 that all the old hulks back there were cleared out a few years before my visit. Number 12 was sold to a “collector/junk man” in the Syracuse area he told me. Where is it?
By the way, although number 12 was a single axle new (like the NYS DOT trucks since it was a state bid spec), the town converted it to a tandem in the early ’80’s which might be a clue. Orange cab/fenders/grill surround, black fenders & a yellow plastic bug shield for clues.
Those are some nice looking rigs. Here’s a good site for CNY:
Sorry I missed the show, thanks for the pictures
Thank you for the article on my Walter Snow Fighter, it is nice that people appreciate the hard work that goes in to restoring and moving such a large piece of equipment.
Grant Roberts
As the president of the Hudson Mohawk Chapter I would like to thank Eric and all the others out there that have taken the time to take great photos and post them to the web and thank Grant and all the others out there who have taken the time to bring all these great pieces to the show. Next year is our 25th anniversary and we hope to do it even bigger and better.
Great pics Eric and nice job restoring & sharing your Walter with the world of truck nuts Grant. Having driven, wing plowed in and admired Walter’s for many years, I often reflected on the sad reality of how difficult they are to transport to truck shows especially in full plow dress. The fact that you and a few brave others are doing it is wonderful.
By the way, is this an ACUS model?
Ooops. I just realized there is a 903 under the hood so it must be a QCUS.
It is a QCUL. It has the longer wheelbase.
Where in Binghamton are these trucks ? I would like to look at them up close
I have never been there in a person so I don’t know how accessible they really are but from Google Maps take exit 6 from 81 South. Continue to head south on RT 11, keep an eye out for Fuller Rd then follow to Grant. You should be in the area by that point.
Bur-Trans trucks are some of the cleanest & best maintained private fleet in CNY. Long history of running all Mack fleets. Every truck gets the pin stripping & add on details to suit each drivers own likes.
Great shots!
would like to find some one who has pics of gatr in the 80 s we had trk #80 larry wickersham dont have any picks any one who has some i will buy thanks jim
Had nothing better to do, but do a lil’ searching. All this bringing back some great memories. And of coarse had to watch the videos posted above. And guess what…. I found your dad, and his truck. Not sure how to post links in these forums. But if you go onto YouTube, and look for poster VooDooRocketry, and look for video….GATR 1986 Big Rig Racing year in review. For a few short seconds, starting at 6.25, there she is, in all her glory…. nearly 8ft of hood and all. So far that is all I have found. But its cool to see it again. Hope that helps a little. Will let you know of any I may find.
That’s what I get for losing touch with important people in my life… Jim, I’m sorry (4 years too late). I just found out about his passing. I regret not knowing. Through my father I was lucky enough to know him and your mom. Forgive me for not knowing, before asking stupid questions. He and my father went back a long time, when they were first building Interstate 80. And was lucky enough to have him around for me, after my parents passed back in 97. Will keep digging for anything I can find. Really wish those pics I had would turn up….
Shon, glad you enjoyed the post. You can find many more photos and videos at the GATR Facebook page. If you don’t have a facebook account it’s worth signing up for one. You may find info on the people you once knew and the trucks you loved.
Pingback: White 3000 – Game Over |
You should have grabbed the front wheel hub caps!
who had the autocars?
What a waste. Not too many White 3000 tandems left and it still had its original body too. Lucky you got the shots you did when you did.
Penn Can was the name! I think I had guessed Empire as the name originally, but now that I read Penn Can Road Materials I am convinced that’s it. You could see this truck in the line-up from 690 going towards the fairgrounds for many years. They had a White Compact distributor too. Man I wish I had shot their fleet. The ’60’s Ford NT-950 was my favorite.
Now that should be the next Hess toy truck if they continue them. Too bad this generation of Hess trucks seem nothing like trucks. The helicopters, race cars, and off road vehicles just don’t do it for me. Kudos on finding this rarity!!
Is it just me, or does that Oshkosh look a little bit like a Freightliner?
The split windshield does give it a Freightliner look.
The ring around the front hub is probably a step for checking under the hood. We have a similar thing on some of our Public Works vehicles.
Love the yellow 4×4 REO! Any more details or photos?
I know it was a snow plow for an Airport in MA but that is the extent of my info. Next time I head up that way I will bring my notebook!
I have a photo of this truck in Wilton NH when owned by Sheldons winching a 1939 ford onto a gooseneck trailer of mine being pulled by my 1936 ford 1-1/2 ton . how do i attach the photo ????
Right below the comment field is a button that is labeled choose file. Click it and then select your photo. It’s a new feature to the site that wasn’t available until you asked. Thanks!
I was down on that stretch of Hiawatha years ago and stopped to watch them do some switching. One of the breakmen yelled out “go find something better to do”
They have switched the small chem. co. back behind the loco for years… They haven’t crossed 7th North in some time though.
One place “you” always cross and “never” see any activity is the crossing out front of Tracey’s Equipment. 84 Lumber still gets regular rail deliveries.
I saw them switching it last year on a Saturday morning. They had traffic backed up all the way back to 690. The switch is just north of the street. The crew stopped traffic 4 times for various lengths of times. Each time the loco never actually going completely through the crossing…
Hahaha, railmen. The Kirkville Road crossing used to also see a fair amount of activity but that may have changed with the passing of NPG. Maybe if the intermodal factory opens there will be a greater need for that stretch of rail.
I love it! Give me more. I hope Mr. Sheldon is happy, cause I am! CR
Wow. That truck is a beast. Nice pic too. Even though I live in CT, I’ve never seen it in person but I’m sure it looks and sounds awesome.
I was wondering if you had seen this truck in person. Def a rig worth seeking out.
Maybe eventually.
Ruston has obviously been a very loyal International user over the years. Funny that you mention not getting pictures of their fleet as I never did either. When I was active in the area they still had a few of those Fleetstars but mostly ran S-series 2574 tandems.
I remember when they moved into the old Oneida Motor Freight terminal at the corner of Thompson Rd. & Kirkville Rd./Exeter St. Looks like from that excellent collection on their website that they used reside up by the Jamesville quarry. Interesting.
Anyone have any photos of Oneida Motor Freight’s fleet? They ran some monster tractors in the 1970’s- day cab Ford & GMC cabovers with 3408 CAT’s, 12V-71 Detroit’s and KT Cummins power. Unreal.
Sadly no, most likely before my times. It looks like their old location might be the current spot of Ruston’s Diner.
These guys did the night paving at Wegmans in DeWitt over the summer. This truck was there. I thought about getting a shot for you… Wegmans had a site map up while paving, it was roughly 30 phases…
Way to leave me hanging.
It was night… I also figured seeing it more than once…
I believe this would be a Lorain MotoCrane, something like a MC550 circa 1965 or so… that is my best guest but I’m curious to see what the experts on this site have to say.
They do call these “Serious Trucks”. Handbuilt to perfection! Let it snow, let it snow!!!!
Wasn’t that corny? We watched it in my BOCES heavy equipment class. My dad watched it when he went to BOCES. lol
It so was! I can’t believe they still show it. Still fun to watch.
Nice truck!! You should post these on Flicker in the Oshkosh Snow removal group. Looks like a Oshkosh WT-2206.
NICE OSHKOSH !!!! Looks like a WT-2206 you should post these beauties in the Flickr group Oshkosh Snow Removal Vehicles.
I have one of these trucks with a sicard blower and a 700 hp. Engine on the back, it’s a beast, any one interested in it e mail me @ or call 519 389 7212 or 519 396 8116
Nice looking Astro. “Appears” to be in decent shape.
Beautiful Looking Truck.Nice Job Restoring .Learned to drive on a Titan/90 with a 8V71,13 sp., no jake. I keep looking for One that someday would like to Own,when I win the Hope to catch a personal look at Your truck next year at Mucungie.Missed it this year,had to work to make the Funds. Darn Nice Truck though!
Great shots Eric. I especially like the one from my Alma Mater! I tried to identify who was driving, but a lot of the guys I worked with have retired now so…
Just fabulous. There is no better sounding vintage truck diesel than the 8V-71 Detroit. Always my favorite. I remember Syracuse Riggers had a similar crane to this one with the same power plant in the carrier chassis.
Really nice video work. I wonder if the poor guy trying manage the idle had ear plugs!
Might be a hatch in the roof to get out of (I have seen that on other narrow cab trucks) but the drill arm might get in the way.
Yes, the ring is a step. It would also help protect the hubcap as well. They are usually mounted with the hubcap bolts.
The blade on the dozer interestingly enough is from the Pullman-Standard Company… the same company that made railroad cars.
Very interesting, a unique machine!
Those were some nice videos. Thanks for posting them. Man, if those trucks could talk! Could you imagine the stories they could tell?
Nice shots Eric. I’ve seen No. 124 before which is a 2002 model.
We’ve had some snow this year in South Jersey as well! Here is a brand new 2013 Pete we just delivered to Camden County, NJ a couple of weeks ago. V-box spreader in the box. The 2-way reversible plow isn’t mounted yet in this picture.
Ooops. Sorry about that. I forgot to resize and now I don’t know how to delete it.
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VP Express stand for Vlad Pleskot, not Vlad Polar! VP Express has been in business longer then Polar industries. Season 7, was a fairy tale story.
Nice videos Eric. That old American LaFrance Pioneer brought back memories. When I was kid living in Skaneateles, the Mottville FD had two of those as their front line units, along with a 1960 Chevy & 1939 Ford COE. I believe the Pioneer’s were Waukesha powered and they were marketed to poorer departments as a low cost option to the bigger and fancier American LaFrance siblings.
Did you happen to get any of the school buses there on film? I would be very interested in them believe it or not.
I think I may have one, I’ll take a look. Sooo many buses!
Pingback: On the Job – Oshkosh Mixer |
Great pictures Eric. I don’t remember this one at all and I have a lot of pictures of Clay’s equipment, granted much of it from auctions of years past. They recently auctioned their 1978 Autocar Construcktor dump this past summer.
It is a Tamper. The paddles or fingers in the center go down and pack the ballast(stone) under the ties when they are replaced.
That looks like a nice set up, I’ve seen a bunch of towns here in Maine that run wings on F-550’s, which are a nice truck, had a few at a place a worked but there really just overgrown 1 ton’s. They had a Terrastar 4X4 C&C at the Fryeburg Fair this fall I gave a real good once over, everything on that truck was massive, the front drive axle makes an F-550’s look like a tooth pick:-), hell, at least the one I looked at had double frame from under the cab some where to the front spring hanger’s on the rear axle. If I had the money & need(well probably just the money and I’ll find a need;-) I’d buy one in a heartbeat over any other 19,500GVW truck
I happen to enjoy shipping wars!
Also, as far as tuxedo wearing trash men…it’s close…
Fantastic! I remember visiting Pacific’s factory many years ago and meeting the CEO. He had a picture of one of the South African RR “land locomotives” on his wall and the caption read, “They are so big that it’s said that the earth revolves beneath them!”
Thanks eh…
Learn more about the truck graphics from the artist that created them here:
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There is an interesting story about truck racing on the oval tracks. Ask Burt Reynolds if he can remember. There really was a “Bandit” before the movies “Smokey and the Bandit” came out. It came from and idea they got from everyday over the roads trucks racing on the big speedway. If you ever heard of “Southern Shaker and “Bandit” you would remember the days of truck racing. These guy’s had road trucks with KT650’s cranking out over a 1000hp. Oh yes, they weren’t worried about fuel mileage back then. These guy’s would up and down the road at over 120MPH, they were the Outlaws of those days. I know of one driver that was clocked at over 130 on I-10 in Arizona.
You guys remember the Kenworth “Special K”? owned by Kenneth Farmer, near Section Alabama. I remember in the late 70’s that it was the fastest street legal big rig in the world back then. I am just curious. I tried researching that truck on line, but came up with nothing.
I have the truck now … I bought it from a very good friend. Still has that big K in it and right now it is painted some random brown color but will be restored back to its glory!
That looks like the tracked dump that has been “working” in the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge near Seneca Falls.
I’m still not sure what they are doing. How long has been now? Two years?
Easily two years, and the equipment never seems to move.
Jim are you the Oshkosh guy, I have an old WT2206 and am looking for info and specs?
Sorry, Bob. I’m not the Oshkosh guy.
You know Eric, sometimes I wonder if we aren’t related. I too used seek out the Big Truck Trader issue of the Auto Trader. I too used to mark trucks I liked. I have two issues saved somewhere along with a bunch of old TNT magazines including one of the first issues from 1967. I even used to cut out ads from the smaller issues of the Auto or Truck Trader and kept them all in an old photo album. I was thinking about scanning these but wasn’t sure there would be much interest. But now you’ve got me thinking as usual!
Take care, Joe
Hahaha. You should browse through those old traders. Who knows what gems they contain. I plan on sharing a few more pages from this edition in the coming weeks.
Some of these trucks look familiar so I wonder if one of my copies isn’t this same issue or at least around the same time. Not surprising that you could only find one Brockway as most of these ads seemed to have been from the Southeast- Georgia, Alabama and Florida in particular.
Yes, the southeast was represented well in this edition. Also, I found numerous pages that were repeated four of five times throughout the book.
You know I always love the Onondaga County shots. For reference, 191 is definitely a 2001 as you mentioned. The single axle No. 57 is a 1999, Nos. 124 & 136 are both 2002’s and No. 187 Workstar is a 2012.
Thanks for sharing!
Nice recap Eric. Yes, that ’39 Pete is real and resides in the Denton, TX factory along with the very truck built at that plant in 1980, a 359 day cab.
The vacuum truck makes the hole for the new pole. No more digging needed and they make perfect holes.
I really wish there was more of these around!
I would agree Western Stars are becoming more popular for plow trucks. While I am not a fan of the look of the 4700 (mainly due to Western Star’s departure from the classic round fenders, to those ugly, squarish, cardboard cut outs they stuck over the front wheels), I do love the rugged good looks and quality workmanship that goes into them. You have posted some beautiful 4800 and 4900 plows over the past few years, that would clearly be the pride of any government fleet. Hopefully, we will see more of them and less of the 4700’s in the future.
Proud owner of a 1979 Titan. NTC 400. Soon to be replaced by a 1000hp Buzzin Dozen. Nuff Said. Bye Bye.
Let the truck do the talking!
I wot for the NYSDOT and having an identical one like this. It didn’t have the arrow on the side, instead it had an indicator light in the cab and I believe on the front controls. Nice truck with an eaton 10 speed
And that is the same truck. They both have the 115248 serial number seen here on the door and on the license plate of the other photo.
Ah, I thought so. Thanks! Feel free to send in more pics if you have them.
I am looking for a bucket for an old 2000 similar to the one featured in the lost and found. let me know if something is availible. Thanks Terry
LCnJ coach staten island new york its avi. For charters 718 285 5008 ..she has been everywhere for cal to nyc and south to florida .Even served as a power sheltter during Sandy. She is a good bus .Had her for 13yrs.
Who was first? I think it was technically GM, but International would special-order a diesel in their pickups back in the ’60s.
I agree we need to bring back the sport as a new Diesel Technician I have been looking into semi truck racing teams and cant find them. however if I was a car guy or light truck series guy no problem. So let’s bring this sport back so guy’s like me who love the Big Rig’s could have a chance to work with the teams.
I saw lisa the other day very pretty
But hugh why are you doing the loads for so cheap it affects everybody that is involved in the ice road
Hey Eric. Check out the Oneida bodied White there. I bet that is the same bus I took pictures of at an auction in Canastota back in 1994!
I can’t believe it is still around. What a rare bird and I hope someone didn’t scrap it after this auction at Dobbins. Amazing!
I would be lying if I said I didn’t have the same thought.
Did Andy post any more of his bus photos somewhere? I would love to see them.
Try this link..he did a much better job at bus coverage!
Dobbins by Andy
Looks like a Ryan development.
Sure is.
Are you planning on coming to the Spring Thaw Show? If so, hope to see you there.
So cool and industrial.
That grill is truly a grill with little thought to design.
Of course we must save them. The crusher is no longer an option. Way too many have gone by the way side, only evidenced by our photo collections.
That IHC is definitely an R-model. The clue is the outline of the “man on a tractor” IH logo which didn’t appear until 1953, which was also the first year of the R series (both light and heavy). All heavy R-models had the three vertical bar top section of the grills. Most of the L-models used the seven, thinner vertical bars in this grill section with the exception of the 1952 models which used the three bar design but had the earlier grill emblem.
We had a Reo like that over at the Town of Sullivan, a single axle 1967 602E. P&S Concrete in Chittenango had 3 of them (might have been Diamond Reo’s, but the same sheet metal design) they used as transit mixers. One of my big “misses” in not getting them on film before they disappeared.
Now, THAT is a sun roof!
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Big Bud 747 sure is an impressive piecs of machinery. As for that “racing tractor”, I guess the old adage applies: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”.
I have followed ice road truckers since it started .Please can you tell me how Eric is. Having just watched another of the shows we are not sure if he is going to be ok. I live in London with my husband.
I am a firetruck lover and these square boxes all look them same. I think you need some classic firetrucks if you are going to make this a fireday occurance.
In my mind one of the best engines every made. Not the most powerful, but what other engine has lastest the test of time like this one.
Love those Rocky Mountain Hummingbirds!
Hard to argue that. No other engine sounds the same. Music to my ears.
Nothing better than the sound of an in-line 6-71! Have you covered the electromotive divisions 567 yet? Or the 645? for those who don’t know already, there’s actually a very interesting paper written by Eugene kettering, about the history and development of the EMd 567 series general motors locomotive engine.
Damn straight best reliable ive had pleasure of owing 2 boats with 8v71 ieasy peasy to work on!! Looking to buy an old yacht with 2 8v71s ive been waiting for this opportunity i would gave no other
I find it funny that they call themselves New England Motor Freight, when they are based out of NJ and don’t usually run freight in New England. I remember their old yard in Norwalk CT before some shipping conglomerate bought them out
You may also find it interesting that one of the owner’s of NEMF is also the wife of one Sir Paul McCartney! And yes, the main terminal and head quarters is in Elizabeth, NJ right by the port entrance, a VERY busy place for trucks.
my question,I have a 6v71 lh rotation eng I am a mechanic too and want to change it to rh I know how to do this but am wondering if the cam shafts are the same
The cams are different between the lh aha rh versions. If you ever tried to stop one of these engines by stalling it you know they will run in reverse, but the power isn’t right, you have to change the camshaft.
When you run them in reverse smoke comes out the air cleaner.. I saw my buddy stall his dump truck then it rolled forward in reverse He pulled in the clutch and it was still running but the dump box would not go up .. If I can recall I put my hand over the exhaust pipe and and it was sucking air in through the exhaust pipe ..
I was told by a mechanic that the same camshaft was used for either rotation; it had to be removed and turned end for end. Not the same for the starter, you will need one with the correct rotation.
I had a Detroit in a loader and had to swap engines because the engine went bad. I ordered a military engine from boats and harbors with an opposite rotation. All I had to do was in bolt everything from the block and rebolt it on the other side of the block and reinstall the engine. In other words just turn the block around. The engine is symetical, so it all bolts back up when the block is turned around.
No they are not the same there are RH and LH camshafts
The block of a Detroit is exactly alike on both sides and ends. To reverse rotation, just unbolt everything, turn the block end for end, and bolt everything back onto the block. I did it, and I know that it works! No changing cams or anything else internally! End of story!
Yes they are but if.the engine timing you need to change that,no bigdeal.just change it by one tooth in opposite direction
Question for the experts, is this one a 1989? The Volvo diagonal stripe and blue WhiteGMC badge.
wow that is quite a setup, no duals on this beast
The lime green truck, at Wilcox Farm, is from the Sylvan Beach FD. I will send some close ups to you.
My dad Jim Doyle had a 2 race trucks in the 80’s. #39 and #69. I would attend every race with him, my brother Jimmy and my mom. It was some of my best memories with my family.
not sure if you remember me,,,,,,i drove the 39 for your dad. you re right,
they were some really good memories. your dad was the greatest, always
enjoyed hanging with him. hope you and Jimmy are doing great.
Charlie, How many people can say that they went THROUGH the turn one retaining wall at Poccono?
after someone (Bill Metzger ?) blew a left front and went sideways directly in front the #39, causing a T-bone, they both went THROUGH the wall. My parents still have the polaroids.
GATR – Simply awesome !!!
If this is the Charlie that drove for the Carolina raceing team I would like to say hello .I use to build the truck with buck horne and I miss those days I hope you are doing well . My name is Brett minges
Hey Charlie my dad was your crew cheif in cup, Larry Measamer he’s wanting to get up with you
Are these Loadstar’s located on Fyler Rd. by chance? I used to live on Fyler Rd. about a mile from them if they are.
Andy is spot on about the lime green one. I remember it had a water tank on it when it was employed by Sylvan Beach FD. It was a loud little sucker! That V-8 gas engine really roared.
Yes, it’s a real hot bed for Loadstars.
I have an 1890 loadstar 18′ ramp truck excellent shape looking for a home as I don’t use it so much anymore! You interested?
Y’all know the hall of fame site you posted is from a place in my hometown!
Cool. I’ve been to the museum once. It was fun.
That “crackerbox” single drive axle looks like a Preston tractor to me. I have one built in 1967 which had a sleeper when I bought it. We have removed the sleeper and made a day cab out of it like those operated by IRC&D Motor Freight, Inc. of Richmond, IN. Both my Dad and I drove day cab tandem drive axle GMC “crackerbox” tractors for them back in the 1970’s. Mont Switzer
That is a beauty Eric. Penfield always had some cool trucks.
Funny to read about this posting about this auction as I was just wondering to myself today if you went and took pictures!
Really nice job Eric. Oh to have a better camera 20-25 years ago when I was hitting these auctions. When I look at your photos, I am embarrassed by my grainy, often off-center photos taken with the old 110.
Don’t be so hard on yourself! The cameras of today are very forgiving when it comes to shadows and bad light. I’m glad you took the shots you did. They are the only record of many a cool truck.
One of these days I am going to get a picture of an Autocar tanker truck from the Glastonbury Fire Dept. that I’ve heard is a beast, or at least looks like one from the pictures that I’ve seen.
I hope so, sound cool.
You should be a part of a contest for one of the most useful blogs on the internet.
I am going to recommend this blog!
Pingback: Autocar Mondays – Macungie Edition |
Thank you very kindly! I still have many photos of this truck, maybe I’ll give it another shot! 🙂
It’s great to hear someone else is intersted in getting this started again. I’m young enough to get involved but been around these trucks my entire life and would love to build a truck for this event.
It looks like we are not the only one!
MY first time Driving a Big Truck was a 9670. Loved it. Thanks for The Memory.
I’m really hoping to get to the show this year.
I have got to send you a picture of Glastonbury’s tanker truck. 😀
This truck belongs to Joseph M Sanzari Construction in Hackensack. I remember they also had a fair number of steel butterfly hood GMC 8500’s from the late ’70’s and early ’80’s around. They used them as single axle dumps and may still run a few.
I’ve got some more Jersey iron coming up on Flickr soon and possibly something for Autocar Monday’s too!
Thanks Joe!
Great stuff Eric. Saunders was and is a Syracuse area staple for truck watchers, just like Clark Concrete used to be. I am glad you got a shot of that Cortland Redi-Mix GMC too. It was always on my list but I never stopped to snap a picture. I do have some pictures of two of their old Brockway mixers though. I will dig them out one of these days.
That ex-Town of Union Brockway is very interesting with the tank body and front plow frame. And of course, the 6-71 & two stick 5+4 transmissions don’t hurt either.
That would be a treat.
Thank you for the 1000 posts. I like the trucks and decay you capture.
Carry on!
Hey guys my grandfather is restoring a 1985 gmc general 5 star and I was wondering were you guys know any place to get some parts for his truck if you get this please reply to me and get back ASAP thanks
Austin Putnam
I think your battery life was perfect!
Hahaha, I kept saying to myself “Where is Clarence?! Where is Clarence?”
The Town of Clay was always a hot bed of old trucks and has a pretty large fleet too. I have some pictures of their long gone stuff stashed away that I’ll scan one of these days- an old Diamond Reo tandem and an Oshkosh come to mind.
I am amazed this Autocar survives too. Wonder if it is another ’78? Really nice find for “Autocar Monday’s”.
Keep the vintage equipment coming! Here is a link to the 1987 Autocar tank truck from the Town of Glastonbury Fire Department Website.
That’s a mean looking rig!
So thats what that was. When I reviewed several of my clips from the show, I remembered seeing it and kicked myself for not going down to look at it.
Thanks for all the Great work you do,, and the Pictures you Post…. awesome Job
Thanks! I hope to see you at Ballston Spa in September.
That was on display in the Tracey Equipment yard in Rochester until at least last April. I wonder if one of them is the same one.
As Charlie said, awesome job with your website. Thanks for stopping by our little show and keep up the great work. Really enjoy the interesting pictures you post!
The pleasure is all mine.
Real credit goes to TimT at DHS diecast for finding and hosting it
LOSX reporting marks belong to Locomotive Specialists of Morris , Ill. They deal in industrial locomotives and their repair.
Cool, thank you!
I wonder if you knew that the U.S. Navy has been using 6-71 to power their small boats and landing craft since before WWII? I spent four years in the Navy as an Engineman (diesel mechanic). I’ve overhauled a number of 6-71s or 238 Detroits in trucker parlance. 238 is the horse power of a two valve non-turbo 6-71. I used to drive a White single axle tractor with a 6-71 and a 10sp RR. It was a blast to drive. The video of you driving the Brockway wrecker really brought back some fond memories of that for me. I am currently driving a bobbed 1984 AM General deuce and a half named “Brutus”. He has a White Continental Multi-Fuel diesel with a whistler turbo. Even though I love him, I am thinking about trying to sell him for a single axle cabover or conventional tractor with a 6-71 and a 10 or 13sp R.R. or a Mack B-61. Love your wrecker by the way.
Nice! The Deuce tanker with the 10,000 lb. pto driven Garwood winch! Some Steel Soldiers member would love to have that.
Where in P.A.? I like the Dodge a lot.
I’m still trying to find that out after all these years.
Years ago I used to drive an R-190 all wheel drive fire truck. It had a huge 6cyl gasoline engine and a 5 speed crash box. Even though it was all wheel drive it had manual steering! It was the toughest truck to steer that I’ve ever driven. They are classics though.
Thats a handsome driver too. Thanks for the flowers. That driver was me. Great pic. Would love to have a print.
Interesting mounting location for the remote Go Light.
very nice info, thanks for informing people like me
That is definitely a viking-cives head gear
Those are some really nice looking Brockways. I like that 361. Did I spot a Transtar & an Emeryville in the background on the video when is was backing up?
Yes you did. Saxby Impalement usually tag team shows with these two fine trucks.
what can you tell me about the trojan road tool tractor loader la40 need wheel cylinders for brakes 1 3/8 bore any help
Snowplow mount on front without bumper, yellow surrounding front fender side marker light, yellow on back of severely rusted rear view mirror, maybe rear tires with studs.
Yep, that was an ex municipal vehicle. Give it a used front bumper, a used left door, some bondo, a quick bed sand blast and a respray and it would have probably another 15 years life in it if the engine is still half right.
One can hope! At least it is now spared the horrors of winter road salt….except for the damage already caused.
Such an old beauty. Hopefully she gets sold to someone who will keep her working on the road and and away from the scrapyard for many more decades to come
I agree!
D=This is a damn impressive page. I’ve really enjoyed looking around. Just one question though. where are the ATCA events? I lived in NE PA for about 35 years and never heard of it before.
Thank You
The show takes place at the fairgrounds in Harford, PA. If you like trucks it is not to be missed!
I am a Trustee for Spring Valley WI. We are looking for a used snowplow. I see some nice one above how do I find out the price
If I remember correctly, International had the same problems when they introduced the V800 engine back in the 1970s. By all accounts that I’ve heard, the V800 was a real boat anchor!
What replaced the Maxxforce 13
I actually own the daycab brother of this same truck. I heard it was a foam unit from lockheed. Im currently restoring the truck to it’s original look. Today the truck only has 6358 miles on it! I would love to find some pics of the daycab.
Awesome, I would love to see more. The ATHS is in the process of uploading their Autocar archive to the web. They may have photos of your truck.
I would like to see more shots of that Otisco truck!
The Western Star or International?
The WS it’s awesome!
Great shots as always Eric!
The three Onondaga County 2674 4×2’s pictured above are numbered as follows: (2) 1996’s = A100 & A101; 1999 = 38
I took a picture of A100 when it was a year old! And I also captured this ’99 number 38’s predecessor which was a 1988 Paystar single axle back when it was auctioned. Time sure does fly by!
Between the two of us we were able to close the circle. Hopefully they find good homes.
These macks are set-up for NYC DEP (Dept. of Environmental Protection), they currently run a bunch of these. most of the other catch basin trucks are Sterling’s right now. the DEP has the best warning light set-ups.
Thanks for the info MJ.
Awesome! Anybody know how those log trailers worked?
I believe the crane at the landing site used to load the logs helped to unload the trailer.
Just loved the video snippets. Looks like a great site! How do I join? Also, I have a wonderful 9+ minute YouTube of me driving my straight exhaust 6-71 10 speed Crown Coach bus with high volume and sweet sounds. You’re welcome to use it if you like. Let’s get me signed up for more! Thanks! Al Jennings
Hi Al, joining is as simple as coming back at 930AM EST to see what it is new. Comment on anything you like just like you did today. Nice and simple! Sweet bus BTW.
Cool picture and a cool truck! Nice find.
This truck could be as late as a 1986 or ’87, with the “International” in block letters at the top of the grill. The S-2275 model was built through the 1988 model year (maybe some as 1989’s) and I have personally driven three different 1987 & ’88 model F-2275’s (former Edhart Leasing tractors). I know the reference in the Crimson book you cite and it is most definitely an error (a fabulous book by the way). Perhaps he was referring to the S-2100 model? Not sure.
I went back to the book and a caption on pg 531 states 84 it was the final year of the 2200. Now, if we consider the 2200 to be a model and not a series than I think it makes more sense as the 2275 is mentioned as a production model for the next 3 or 4 years. Reading through the early years of the S-Series is truly a headache inducing activity as International produced so many models in that series. Some lasted only a year or two. Next time I’ll avoid the confusion and take a picture of the emblem. lol.
I noticed this truck when I was up over Labor Day. I thought the one you posted from the auction was this one but was surprised to see it still at the Cortland yard. Thanks for taking these and sharing! I have to dig out my pictures of Cortland Redi-mix’s old Brockways soon.
You are right about the S-series having a lot of models, but then again International was always good at that. You can get dizzy trying to keep track of all the model offerings between 1950-1980, many of which could be had with the same power trains and GVW ratings. How about the Loadstars in the 1970’s with the big VS-478 or 549 engines? Why not just order the Fleetstar? Or the now very rare S-2524 or 2624 with the 537 V-8 gas engine!
Loving it!
That green and white mack looks like it might be an old Mirabito fuel truck.
Probably a good guess. This truck was down the street from their location on Bear St.
The second one is cool, no rust
Good to see something from my home state. You still interested in any fire truck pictures?
Sure! Send over a few of your best shots.